Friday, July 29, 2011
The Nows Have it...
Working on beer #11 at 2224. Slurp. I need to figure out a way to include the Jewish God WHTZSNM in this 'conversation.' Hmm...
And there is always the possibility of including Jesus 'The Savior' too. Hmm...
Oh, and don't forget Lucifer, 'The Designer.' I dialed 666 on The Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Now!
gd: And so?
me: When?
gd: Never.
me: Therefore?
gd: Nothing.
me: (click)
I dialed Jesus' number next. He answered immediately.
js: Hello?
me: Now!
js: Right! (click)
I then dialed Lucifer's number.
lu: Hello?
me: Now!
lu: Congratulations! (click)
At that point I realized that I was totally drunk, and hung up.
Working on beer #11 at 2224. Slurp. I need to figure out a way to include the Jewish God WHTZSNM in this 'conversation.' Hmm...
And there is always the possibility of including Jesus 'The Savior' too. Hmm...
Oh, and don't forget Lucifer, 'The Designer.' I dialed 666 on The Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Now!
gd: And so?
me: When?
gd: Never.
me: Therefore?
gd: Nothing.
me: (click)
I dialed Jesus' number next. He answered immediately.
js: Hello?
me: Now!
js: Right! (click)
I then dialed Lucifer's number.
lu: Hello?
me: Now!
lu: Congratulations! (click)
At that point I realized that I was totally drunk, and hung up.
Enjoy Now.
The general idea is that NOW IS FOREVER! Enjoy! Sip.
And don't forget: 'Forever' would be extremely boring if you actually had to 'live through it all.' Indeed, 'Forever' would be pure torture and would last forever! Enjoy NOW. Be thankful that it only lasts one lifetime!
Sipping on beer #9. Enjoying NOW at 2117.
As I stated previously, Acid introduced me to THE NOW. My Acidified brain couldn't manage 'past' or 'future.' Only a beautiful NOW existed. I would later learn of a method of being 'herenow' while totally sober: Buddhist Meditation. I eventually came to the conclusion that certain 'natural drugs' nurtured the concepts of certain 'sophisticated religions.' I tried 'meditation' for at least a minute or two on several occasions, but never really 'took to it' because of my Panty Fetish. The feeling of my underpants was all the 'meditation' I needed. Who cares about 'breathing?' I was always here, now!
I still enjoy 'now' of course (sip).
The general idea is that NOW IS FOREVER! Enjoy! Sip.
And don't forget: 'Forever' would be extremely boring if you actually had to 'live through it all.' Indeed, 'Forever' would be pure torture and would last forever! Enjoy NOW. Be thankful that it only lasts one lifetime!
Sipping on beer #9. Enjoying NOW at 2117.
As I stated previously, Acid introduced me to THE NOW. My Acidified brain couldn't manage 'past' or 'future.' Only a beautiful NOW existed. I would later learn of a method of being 'herenow' while totally sober: Buddhist Meditation. I eventually came to the conclusion that certain 'natural drugs' nurtured the concepts of certain 'sophisticated religions.' I tried 'meditation' for at least a minute or two on several occasions, but never really 'took to it' because of my Panty Fetish. The feeling of my underpants was all the 'meditation' I needed. Who cares about 'breathing?' I was always here, now!
I still enjoy 'now' of course (sip).
The Eternal NOW.
Your daughter accepts your explanation but hears other possible outcomes from her friends.
hr: Lisa says we go to heaven.
yu: Lisa is wrong. There is no 'heaven.'
hr: How can 'nothing' exist? I can't imagine 'nothing.'
yu: The Universe is billions of years old, yet you remember nothing. You weren't there.
hr: Then why bother?
yu: Enjoy NOW. It is always NOW. Enjoy it! There is no other time. This NOW is forever!
hr: Ok, mama. If you say so...
My oldest daughter and I had a similar (tap) conversation many years ago, but it was not anywhere near as elegant. Kathy never needed to be told that she would also eventually die. The Jewish stalker Gerash pretends to remember it... with a tap.
Your daughter accepts your explanation but hears other possible outcomes from her friends.
hr: Lisa says we go to heaven.
yu: Lisa is wrong. There is no 'heaven.'
hr: How can 'nothing' exist? I can't imagine 'nothing.'
yu: The Universe is billions of years old, yet you remember nothing. You weren't there.
hr: Then why bother?
yu: Enjoy NOW. It is always NOW. Enjoy it! There is no other time. This NOW is forever!
hr: Ok, mama. If you say so...
My oldest daughter and I had a similar (tap) conversation many years ago, but it was not anywhere near as elegant. Kathy never needed to be told that she would also eventually die. The Jewish stalker Gerash pretends to remember it... with a tap.
1925 and I'm halfway through beer #7. Sip. Now what?
I just re-read chapter one and chapter two of Smegma Man. Unbelievably lame!
Unfortunately I can't think of a next subject. Hmm. I need more beer... Ok, back from the fridge with beer #8. Buzz has picked up considerably. Alright! This is where I wanna be... Sip.
Yes! Moving logically from the subject of 'not physically (sexually) mutilating your children' to the subject of 'not mentally mutilating your children,' I would advise the following: Do not tell them 'The Jewish Story.' Tell them the truth instead. Suppose, for example, that your 10 year old daughter is grieving the death of her pet Girbil. She is very troubled. 'Why?'
yu: Everything alive eventually dies.
hr: Will you die?
yu: Yes.
hr: Why?
yu: Nature works that way. We are part of Nature.
hr: Will I die?
yu: Of course.
hr: I don't want to die.
yu: Tough. You will eventually die. We all eventually die.
hr: What happens after we die?
yu: Nothing.
1925 and I'm halfway through beer #7. Sip. Now what?
I just re-read chapter one and chapter two of Smegma Man. Unbelievably lame!
Unfortunately I can't think of a next subject. Hmm. I need more beer... Ok, back from the fridge with beer #8. Buzz has picked up considerably. Alright! This is where I wanna be... Sip.
Yes! Moving logically from the subject of 'not physically (sexually) mutilating your children' to the subject of 'not mentally mutilating your children,' I would advise the following: Do not tell them 'The Jewish Story.' Tell them the truth instead. Suppose, for example, that your 10 year old daughter is grieving the death of her pet Girbil. She is very troubled. 'Why?'
yu: Everything alive eventually dies.
hr: Will you die?
yu: Yes.
hr: Why?
yu: Nature works that way. We are part of Nature.
hr: Will I die?
yu: Of course.
hr: I don't want to die.
yu: Tough. You will eventually die. We all eventually die.
hr: What happens after we die?
yu: Nothing.
Do Not Fuck With Mother Nature!
Whew. Sipping on beer #5 at 1808. That was work, folks! And at my age I'm allergic. But the rest is gravy...
First sip of beer #6 at 1817. Sip. Smegma! It's been a while...
I remember seeing smegma on my dick back when I was about 12 years old and was masturbating. I noticed no particular odor. It was easy to wash off. I could even pee it off: I would grab the tip of my foreskin and pee; as the pee inflated the foreskin I would relax my fingertip 'clamp' and allow excess pee to escape. When I was finished peeing into my foreskin I would let it go and most of the rest of the pee would escape. Then a quick 'skinback/forward' motion would remove any excess pee. Simple. Soap and water also worked. What is smegma? A natural body secretion. Why do Jews fear it so much? Phantom Foreskin Syndrome. (I just peed out some used beer and for the first time in at least 40 years I peed into my foreskin. At max inflation I relaxed my hold somewhat so that the pressure was tolerable. Unfortunately the new stream missed the toilet at first, but I quickly got it under control and finished the job accurately.) I also later discovered that you can 'cleanse your penis' after coitis with that method. Who needs soap and water?! Indeed, it seems to me that a quick 'pee job' would be an excellent way to remove unwanted germs after sex with another person! I'll bet you won't find this procedure at! Jews in Africa are circumcising literally thousands of ignorant Africans while all concerned are totally ignorant of the prophilactic nature - not to mention the sensual nature - of the foreskin!
Whew. Sipping on beer #5 at 1808. That was work, folks! And at my age I'm allergic. But the rest is gravy...
First sip of beer #6 at 1817. Sip. Smegma! It's been a while...
I remember seeing smegma on my dick back when I was about 12 years old and was masturbating. I noticed no particular odor. It was easy to wash off. I could even pee it off: I would grab the tip of my foreskin and pee; as the pee inflated the foreskin I would relax my fingertip 'clamp' and allow excess pee to escape. When I was finished peeing into my foreskin I would let it go and most of the rest of the pee would escape. Then a quick 'skinback/forward' motion would remove any excess pee. Simple. Soap and water also worked. What is smegma? A natural body secretion. Why do Jews fear it so much? Phantom Foreskin Syndrome. (I just peed out some used beer and for the first time in at least 40 years I peed into my foreskin. At max inflation I relaxed my hold somewhat so that the pressure was tolerable. Unfortunately the new stream missed the toilet at first, but I quickly got it under control and finished the job accurately.) I also later discovered that you can 'cleanse your penis' after coitis with that method. Who needs soap and water?! Indeed, it seems to me that a quick 'pee job' would be an excellent way to remove unwanted germs after sex with another person! I'll bet you won't find this procedure at! Jews in Africa are circumcising literally thousands of ignorant Africans while all concerned are totally ignorant of the prophilactic nature - not to mention the sensual nature - of the foreskin!
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Halfway through beer #1 at 1512 as I finished rereading last week. Experiencing TCR as I write this. Very unusual. They usually do TCR only when I am in bed or sitting on the couch in the LR.
Better do the link dump. Looney Toonies first:
Foreskin Man no.3 (NSFJ) Foreskin Man meets Vulva Woman!
Smegma Man gets Circumcised. (VSFJ) The Circumcate answer to Foreskin Man. Lame...
Anti-Semitic Cat Photo. Looks like Hitler. Named 'Kitler.'
S.F. Judge removes circumcision ban from ballot. Cities can't ban the 'procedure.' Only states.
Murdoch is a Knight?! Catholics pissed. He ain't even Catholic!
Fox News Confused, Baffled by the Moon. Nothing new for those Fox News 'students.'
Now for some more serious stuff:
Don't Ask the Poorest to Pay off our Debt. I agree. Tax the rich. They can afford it.
Famine in Somalia: How to Help. (NSFRF) Photo #5 is unforgetable. These people are the ultimate losers in the Zero Sum Game.
Behaving Badly? Blame Your Brain. Apparently, many people don't know this...
And finally we turn to 'money matters.' The 'best government money can buy' is currently working on the deficit problem. The TEA Party seems to have temporarily destroyed the Republican Party's ability to negotiate a reasonable solution to the 'debt crisis.' Power corrupts! I don't worry my pretty little brain about such matters, of course. I simply watch TV and giggle. Today I was thinking about this source of ultimate wealth which is currently out of reach to us Earthlings. (I must confess that I've posted this link before.) Astronomers have named this object, 'Lucy' after the Beatles' song, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (apparently a reference to LSD which The Beatles enjoyed from time to time). You can probably find the song somewhere in the link above, but I also like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Halfway through beer #1 at 1512 as I finished rereading last week. Experiencing TCR as I write this. Very unusual. They usually do TCR only when I am in bed or sitting on the couch in the LR.
Better do the link dump. Looney Toonies first:
Foreskin Man no.3 (NSFJ) Foreskin Man meets Vulva Woman!
Smegma Man gets Circumcised. (VSFJ) The Circumcate answer to Foreskin Man. Lame...
Anti-Semitic Cat Photo. Looks like Hitler. Named 'Kitler.'
S.F. Judge removes circumcision ban from ballot. Cities can't ban the 'procedure.' Only states.
Murdoch is a Knight?! Catholics pissed. He ain't even Catholic!
Fox News Confused, Baffled by the Moon. Nothing new for those Fox News 'students.'
Now for some more serious stuff:
Don't Ask the Poorest to Pay off our Debt. I agree. Tax the rich. They can afford it.
Famine in Somalia: How to Help. (NSFRF) Photo #5 is unforgetable. These people are the ultimate losers in the Zero Sum Game.
Behaving Badly? Blame Your Brain. Apparently, many people don't know this...
And finally we turn to 'money matters.' The 'best government money can buy' is currently working on the deficit problem. The TEA Party seems to have temporarily destroyed the Republican Party's ability to negotiate a reasonable solution to the 'debt crisis.' Power corrupts! I don't worry my pretty little brain about such matters, of course. I simply watch TV and giggle. Today I was thinking about this source of ultimate wealth which is currently out of reach to us Earthlings. (I must confess that I've posted this link before.) Astronomers have named this object, 'Lucy' after the Beatles' song, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (apparently a reference to LSD which The Beatles enjoyed from time to time). You can probably find the song somewhere in the link above, but I also like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Friday, July 22, 2011
A Very Ducky Situation.
Whoa! I just found two undrunk beers in the 'fridge' at 2150.
Aflac! Whataduck!
Sip. Cheers!
I'm thinking about how 'Aflac' might make a little money in the current circumcision environment. Hmm. Ok, hows about this: A couple discovers that 'they are preggers.' The newborn is due in about 7 months. They have not yet 'tested for sex,' but they want to buy some Foreskin Insurance just in case of some sort of 'mixup' in the hospital pediatrician department. They want to insure their (possible) future son's foreskin against unwanted 'severance' at the local hospital. They therefore buy 'foreskin insurance' from Aflack for a flat fee of 50 dollars per male child.
Aflac, in turn, issues a 'certificate of guaranteed penile intactness' to the parents involved, and furtheremore issues a 'letter of instruction' to the said hospital to the effect that, no matter what, no cutting of the infants' genitalia will be allowed without further parental consultation. Period!
The various lawyers involved analyze the situation and find that the parental demand is totally rational, AND binding. The hospital therefore flags that continuing relationship as, 'NOCUT! No matter what!'
Huge numbers of Jewish pediatricians are affected. Many Jewish Mohels (pronounced, 'mo-yell') fall into poverty as Jews turn to more reliable and experienced 'cutters.' Most of those 'Mo-yells' become 'butcher's assistants' at local supermarket supply outlets specializing in 'pork cuts.' The Mohel market suffers immensely.
Whoa! I just found two undrunk beers in the 'fridge' at 2150.
Aflac! Whataduck!
Sip. Cheers!
I'm thinking about how 'Aflac' might make a little money in the current circumcision environment. Hmm. Ok, hows about this: A couple discovers that 'they are preggers.' The newborn is due in about 7 months. They have not yet 'tested for sex,' but they want to buy some Foreskin Insurance just in case of some sort of 'mixup' in the hospital pediatrician department. They want to insure their (possible) future son's foreskin against unwanted 'severance' at the local hospital. They therefore buy 'foreskin insurance' from Aflack for a flat fee of 50 dollars per male child.
Aflac, in turn, issues a 'certificate of guaranteed penile intactness' to the parents involved, and furtheremore issues a 'letter of instruction' to the said hospital to the effect that, no matter what, no cutting of the infants' genitalia will be allowed without further parental consultation. Period!
The various lawyers involved analyze the situation and find that the parental demand is totally rational, AND binding. The hospital therefore flags that continuing relationship as, 'NOCUT! No matter what!'
Huge numbers of Jewish pediatricians are affected. Many Jewish Mohels (pronounced, 'mo-yell') fall into poverty as Jews turn to more reliable and experienced 'cutters.' Most of those 'Mo-yells' become 'butcher's assistants' at local supermarket supply outlets specializing in 'pork cuts.' The Mohel market suffers immensely.
'Acid is Wasted on the Young.'
Time to wrap this up. But I want to suggest a definition of the expression, 'Be Here Now.'
My take is that we often exist in either 'The Past' or 'The Future.' That is to say that we tend to miss 'the present' during those times. Our 'present' becomes hijacked. We remember. We speculate. We fail to experience 'the moment:' 'Now.'
Acid forced me to 'live in the moment' because that was the only time available to my impaired cortex. My acidified brain couldn't handle 'the past' or 'the future;' Only The Moment. And 'the moment' was so spectacular! So beautiful! I was 'literally a god!' All those around me were also gods! Kootch was a goddess! Our girls were also 'tripping' with me and as a result we did not interact much. I layed on the LR couch and listened to Beethoven while they played together with Mark in the family room, closely supervised by Kootch.
My impression is that their 'trips' produced no real 'insight' in the sense they produced in me. The kids enjoyed the acid experience, but learned nothing fundamental from it.
I, on the other hand, was aware of the neurological processes involved in perception, not to mention the historical philosophical ideas involved. I was able to formulate personal 'theories' as a result. And I eventually concluded that 'Acid is Wasted on the Young.'
Time to wrap this up. But I want to suggest a definition of the expression, 'Be Here Now.'
My take is that we often exist in either 'The Past' or 'The Future.' That is to say that we tend to miss 'the present' during those times. Our 'present' becomes hijacked. We remember. We speculate. We fail to experience 'the moment:' 'Now.'
Acid forced me to 'live in the moment' because that was the only time available to my impaired cortex. My acidified brain couldn't handle 'the past' or 'the future;' Only The Moment. And 'the moment' was so spectacular! So beautiful! I was 'literally a god!' All those around me were also gods! Kootch was a goddess! Our girls were also 'tripping' with me and as a result we did not interact much. I layed on the LR couch and listened to Beethoven while they played together with Mark in the family room, closely supervised by Kootch.
My impression is that their 'trips' produced no real 'insight' in the sense they produced in me. The kids enjoyed the acid experience, but learned nothing fundamental from it.
I, on the other hand, was aware of the neurological processes involved in perception, not to mention the historical philosophical ideas involved. I was able to formulate personal 'theories' as a result. And I eventually concluded that 'Acid is Wasted on the Young.'
Be Here Now.
Working on beer #9. Be Here Now.
I became acquanted with this 'new age slogan' back in the '80s. I had done Acid in the late '70s. The Acid 'woke me up.' I was 'astonished.' I had 'graduated' from 'biological machine' to 'awakened biological machine' but did not yet realize it. I lived through turbulent times back then. But something was very different. I saw everything with 'more awareness.' I began reading books about the 'Acid Experience.' I gradually learned about the Acid Experience and found nothing to contradict my personal experiences. I had not yet formulated the concept of 'being stalked.' That would have to wait until the 'early-mid '90s' after I had been writing my 'DROG' for years.
I was aware that somebody was somehow reading my DROG. I even deduced that a close neighbor (203-303?) was doing the dirty deed. But why? Was I really that interesting? I thought not. It didn't make sense. (My eyelids are literally fluttering due to face rad as I write this. Just donned my aluminum foil cap. Better now!)
(To be continued next week.)
Working on beer #9. Be Here Now.
I became acquanted with this 'new age slogan' back in the '80s. I had done Acid in the late '70s. The Acid 'woke me up.' I was 'astonished.' I had 'graduated' from 'biological machine' to 'awakened biological machine' but did not yet realize it. I lived through turbulent times back then. But something was very different. I saw everything with 'more awareness.' I began reading books about the 'Acid Experience.' I gradually learned about the Acid Experience and found nothing to contradict my personal experiences. I had not yet formulated the concept of 'being stalked.' That would have to wait until the 'early-mid '90s' after I had been writing my 'DROG' for years.
I was aware that somebody was somehow reading my DROG. I even deduced that a close neighbor (203-303?) was doing the dirty deed. But why? Was I really that interesting? I thought not. It didn't make sense. (My eyelids are literally fluttering due to face rad as I write this. Just donned my aluminum foil cap. Better now!)
(To be continued next week.)
Foreskin Insurance? Sock it to The Jews!
The other 'social interaction' involved a visit to KSW the other day. I met an older woman (old like me) as I was shopping. We exchanged 'voicemail' over some (now forgotten) 'extremely recent' (same visit) common experience. We laughed together. We later met unexpectedly in another aisle. We smiled. I whispered to her as I touched her sholder gently, 'We've got to stop meeting like this!' She smiled and said, 'Ok.'
Both girls were - in my advanced-age-opinion, at least 'snuggleupable.' (Don't tell Kootch.) Oh by the way: I bought Kootch some new flowers on that visit.
And what about 'Foreskin Insurance!' I love the idea!
Here is how it might work: Couples who are 'expecting' could buy 'foreskin insurance' as soon as the pregnancy was confirmed and before any ultrasound revealed whether the child was male or female. The insurance company would have a 50/50 chance of making a profit in the case of a female, and at least another good chance of making a profit in the case of a male MGM botch job!
I predict that once all those Jewish lawyers out there in Las Vegas become involved in the proceedings, Infant sexual mutilation will disappear from America!
The other 'social interaction' involved a visit to KSW the other day. I met an older woman (old like me) as I was shopping. We exchanged 'voicemail' over some (now forgotten) 'extremely recent' (same visit) common experience. We laughed together. We later met unexpectedly in another aisle. We smiled. I whispered to her as I touched her sholder gently, 'We've got to stop meeting like this!' She smiled and said, 'Ok.'
Both girls were - in my advanced-age-opinion, at least 'snuggleupable.' (Don't tell Kootch.) Oh by the way: I bought Kootch some new flowers on that visit.
And what about 'Foreskin Insurance!' I love the idea!
Here is how it might work: Couples who are 'expecting' could buy 'foreskin insurance' as soon as the pregnancy was confirmed and before any ultrasound revealed whether the child was male or female. The insurance company would have a 50/50 chance of making a profit in the case of a female, and at least another good chance of making a profit in the case of a male MGM botch job!
I predict that once all those Jewish lawyers out there in Las Vegas become involved in the proceedings, Infant sexual mutilation will disappear from America!
Saturated With Jews?!
Beer #7 at 1725. Gotta watch The News... sip... (foreskin insurance?)
I rarely interact with my fellow biological machines, for obvious reasons. But I did so recently on two occasions:
The first occasion happened when I noticed our 'new postperson' (the dude I wrote about last week disappeared (Boom. Indeed, there seemed to be a new PP every day since I've been looking recently, both females.) I decided to go down there and 'test the social atmosphere' with the new postperson. As I walked up, she said, 'I'm not finished yet (tap). I said, 'Ok I'll wait until you finish.' I was curious about whether 304 had a name on it yet. I moved close enough to see that it had no name, although there were clearly two new 'tenants' up there. She must have been at least 8-10 (thump) feet away, but she objected that I was 'in her way.' I backed off, listening to the alarm bells in my head. A bit later, when I judged that I was outside her 'discomfort zone' I moved a bit closer to read one or two of the other names. She objected again that I was 'in her way' although she was still 8-10 feet away. I moved again. The alarms were ringing and the red lights were blinking furiously. She appeared to be 'floundering' as she fiddled with the bag of mail she was holding. I said, 'I can see that my presense here bothers you. I will leave you to finish your job in private.' She said, Thank you.' I went back to our apartment. Some minutes later I checked the mailbox scene. She was gone. I requested Kootch to do a mail check. (There was other conversation during which I called her, 'sweetie.' But it was clear she was totally 'spooked.'
Wierd, folks! As I thought about it later The thought occurred to me that she (tap) was recording the conversation (boom) while at the same time verbally misrepresenting what was actually going on. Hmm!)
Even later as I cogitated (tap) on that bizarre event I wondered (to myself) whether she was a Jew. I also wondered whether she had been 'enlisted' by the previous (Jewish?) postperson. Even later I wondered what was the percentage of Jews working in government jobs. Jews tend to be extremely 'tribal' and I would not be surprised to learn that our government is literally 'saturated with Jews.'
Beer #7 at 1725. Gotta watch The News... sip... (foreskin insurance?)
I rarely interact with my fellow biological machines, for obvious reasons. But I did so recently on two occasions:
The first occasion happened when I noticed our 'new postperson' (the dude I wrote about last week disappeared (Boom. Indeed, there seemed to be a new PP every day since I've been looking recently, both females.) I decided to go down there and 'test the social atmosphere' with the new postperson. As I walked up, she said, 'I'm not finished yet (tap). I said, 'Ok I'll wait until you finish.' I was curious about whether 304 had a name on it yet. I moved close enough to see that it had no name, although there were clearly two new 'tenants' up there. She must have been at least 8-10 (thump) feet away, but she objected that I was 'in her way.' I backed off, listening to the alarm bells in my head. A bit later, when I judged that I was outside her 'discomfort zone' I moved a bit closer to read one or two of the other names. She objected again that I was 'in her way' although she was still 8-10 feet away. I moved again. The alarms were ringing and the red lights were blinking furiously. She appeared to be 'floundering' as she fiddled with the bag of mail she was holding. I said, 'I can see that my presense here bothers you. I will leave you to finish your job in private.' She said, Thank you.' I went back to our apartment. Some minutes later I checked the mailbox scene. She was gone. I requested Kootch to do a mail check. (There was other conversation during which I called her, 'sweetie.' But it was clear she was totally 'spooked.'
Wierd, folks! As I thought about it later The thought occurred to me that she (tap) was recording the conversation (boom) while at the same time verbally misrepresenting what was actually going on. Hmm!)
Even later as I cogitated (tap) on that bizarre event I wondered (to myself) whether she was a Jew. I also wondered whether she had been 'enlisted' by the previous (Jewish?) postperson. Even later I wondered what was the percentage of Jews working in government jobs. Jews tend to be extremely 'tribal' and I would not be surprised to learn that our government is literally 'saturated with Jews.'
Electricosity 101
The next category, 'Electricity problems,' refers to the fact that 'microwave cannons' consume lots of energy. Indeed, four such Mcs (say, two above and two below) might consume 2000 watts of power (tap) when used continuously in continuous wave mode. And given that our common power provider, EXCEL Energy, keeps records, It might be possible to trace such power usage to 104, 203, and 304, especially at times when those apartments are 'empty.' Solution: tap power from the victim, 204! So sweet! We zap him and he pays for it! Genius us! I'm pretty sure that is and has been the case. Anecdotal evidence which supports that conjecture is that there have been unexplained circuit breaker problems in our apartment. Several years ago we needed to reset certain circuit breakers (bathroom, bedroom) unusually often. That problem disappeared several months after it began. The current indicator that 'they' are tapping power is the bathroom fan: I always turn it on before I pee. Here is why. (Oops, I deleted the CNN link which describes a kind of 'bashful pee-er syndrome.' The idea is that certain men find it difficult to pee when they suspect that someone is watching or listening. I have that 'syndrome.') My conjecture is that over the years 'they' have therefore tapped the building power. But that would 'show up' in the usage as a statistical anomally. (bonk) Solution: do not replace the building floodlight (on the roof) when it dies. ('Yeah, yeah, the parking lot is therefore dark, but we need to get into some of those cars from time to time.') Indeed, for years I would often look out the window to see a dark parking lot. But not recently (last several years).
Anyway, when the circuit is near maximum load (boom), the PT fan starts out very slowly. It even dips occasionally when I turn on the (being gassed with RL gas) bathroom light. I usually leave the PT fan on because it seems to irritate the queer Jew above me (Gerash).
The next category, 'Electricity problems,' refers to the fact that 'microwave cannons' consume lots of energy. Indeed, four such Mcs (say, two above and two below) might consume 2000 watts of power (tap) when used continuously in continuous wave mode. And given that our common power provider, EXCEL Energy, keeps records, It might be possible to trace such power usage to 104, 203, and 304, especially at times when those apartments are 'empty.' Solution: tap power from the victim, 204! So sweet! We zap him and he pays for it! Genius us! I'm pretty sure that is and has been the case. Anecdotal evidence which supports that conjecture is that there have been unexplained circuit breaker problems in our apartment. Several years ago we needed to reset certain circuit breakers (bathroom, bedroom) unusually often. That problem disappeared several months after it began. The current indicator that 'they' are tapping power is the bathroom fan: I always turn it on before I pee. Here is why. (Oops, I deleted the CNN link which describes a kind of 'bashful pee-er syndrome.' The idea is that certain men find it difficult to pee when they suspect that someone is watching or listening. I have that 'syndrome.') My conjecture is that over the years 'they' have therefore tapped the building power. But that would 'show up' in the usage as a statistical anomally. (bonk) Solution: do not replace the building floodlight (on the roof) when it dies. ('Yeah, yeah, the parking lot is therefore dark, but we need to get into some of those cars from time to time.') Indeed, for years I would often look out the window to see a dark parking lot. But not recently (last several years).
Anyway, when the circuit is near maximum load (boom), the PT fan starts out very slowly. It even dips occasionally when I turn on the (being gassed with RL gas) bathroom light. I usually leave the PT fan on because it seems to irritate the queer Jew above me (Gerash).
Baaaaad Vibes!
That's what I call 'work,' folks. The rest is 'gravy.' You may have noticed that I changed my concept, 'phantom foreskin pain' to the more appropiate 'phantom foreskin syndrome.' Buzzing along on beer #3 at 1515. Sip. Now what? Aha! I just consulted tonight's 'list:'
ZC-185 Readings.
TCR Couch.
Electricity problems.
Be Here Now.
I've been fascinated recently by the synchronicity between my ZC-185 readings and my twitching surface musculature (first sip of beer #4 at 1530). Not only have I been able to discern that the pulse rate is relatively fixed, but also that the pulse width is fairly variable. Between me and my ZC-185 we can detect different pulse widths not only on the couch but also in bed. 'They' can vary the pulse width from approximately 10 ms (miliseconds) to 100 ms (continuous wave at 10 pps). I have also been able to correlate my internal sense of body temperature with the perceived pulse width while in bed in the early morning when the fans are blowing cool air over me as I lay next to those intake fans. Thus I can wake up vibrating at 10 pps with a pw (pulse width) of 10 ms, feeling a bit cold in the 60 degree airflow, then observe a correlation between increased pw and rising body temp.
Concerning the next category, 'TCR Couch' I have been able to accertain that 'they' have at least one 'microwave cannon' aimed at 'my spot on the couch.' Thus I can move to the other side of the couch and the vibrations will disappear. Apparently 'they' make no attempt to 'follow me' by re-aiming the MCs. The 'bad vibes' will reappear as soon as I move back to my usual spot.
Working on beer #5 at 1604, beer #4 having been consumed during the above. (CNN is now showing The Prez regarding the 'debt ceiling' problem. Apparently Boener has terminated negotiations with The Prez in favor of negotiations with The Senate.)
That's what I call 'work,' folks. The rest is 'gravy.' You may have noticed that I changed my concept, 'phantom foreskin pain' to the more appropiate 'phantom foreskin syndrome.' Buzzing along on beer #3 at 1515. Sip. Now what? Aha! I just consulted tonight's 'list:'
ZC-185 Readings.
TCR Couch.
Electricity problems.
Be Here Now.
I've been fascinated recently by the synchronicity between my ZC-185 readings and my twitching surface musculature (first sip of beer #4 at 1530). Not only have I been able to discern that the pulse rate is relatively fixed, but also that the pulse width is fairly variable. Between me and my ZC-185 we can detect different pulse widths not only on the couch but also in bed. 'They' can vary the pulse width from approximately 10 ms (miliseconds) to 100 ms (continuous wave at 10 pps). I have also been able to correlate my internal sense of body temperature with the perceived pulse width while in bed in the early morning when the fans are blowing cool air over me as I lay next to those intake fans. Thus I can wake up vibrating at 10 pps with a pw (pulse width) of 10 ms, feeling a bit cold in the 60 degree airflow, then observe a correlation between increased pw and rising body temp.
Concerning the next category, 'TCR Couch' I have been able to accertain that 'they' have at least one 'microwave cannon' aimed at 'my spot on the couch.' Thus I can move to the other side of the couch and the vibrations will disappear. Apparently 'they' make no attempt to 'follow me' by re-aiming the MCs. The 'bad vibes' will reappear as soon as I move back to my usual spot.
Working on beer #5 at 1604, beer #4 having been consumed during the above. (CNN is now showing The Prez regarding the 'debt ceiling' problem. Apparently Boener has terminated negotiations with The Prez in favor of negotiations with The Senate.)
Tonight's Rink Dump.
First sip at 1350. Since I've already done the 're-read' I'll get right to the technical stuff, tonight's link dump.
First things, first, as they say. Last week's 'economics lesson' was not exactly 'macro-economics 101,' of course. More like 001. I did indeed take a college course in Macro-economics and found it very interesting. The following two links concerning our current national economics problem are from CNN:
No Way to Run a Country, by David Gergen.
Who Owns America? Hint: It's not China.
Both links are relatively short and very interesting.
How did Mozart Die? Now We Know the Score.
(Back from the 'fridge with beer #2. Buzzing appropriately. 'Face Rad' is causing nasal mucus flows.)
Moving in a general way from 'high' to 'low' I found this APOD time-lapse video quite worthwhile. Its a series of wide-angle shots of the recent lunar eclipse. At first, the full moon dominates. But as the earth blocks out more and more sunlight the moon fades, allowing the sky to darken to the point where we can see our galaxy 'rotate' as the earth rotates. Well worth watching.
Russell's Teapot. Bertrand Russell in a humerous mood, I presume. Naughty!
Jewish Foes of Circumcision Sit Out Attempts to Ban it. Not all Jews are emotionally crippled by Phantom Foreskin Syndrome!
Short CNN Video of Bill Maher being interviewed by Piers Morgan.
Rupert Murdoch: Bible Mogul (?) Whowouldathought! I think 'Geez' is to be pronounced, 'Jeez.' Many links in this one...
The Defense of Circumcision (with box-cutters) Act. The list of 'devotees' is interesting...
Foreskin Man #2. Note: NSFJ.
And finally, JUDAEOPEDIA. Eric Cantor.
First sip at 1350. Since I've already done the 're-read' I'll get right to the technical stuff, tonight's link dump.
First things, first, as they say. Last week's 'economics lesson' was not exactly 'macro-economics 101,' of course. More like 001. I did indeed take a college course in Macro-economics and found it very interesting. The following two links concerning our current national economics problem are from CNN:
No Way to Run a Country, by David Gergen.
Who Owns America? Hint: It's not China.
Both links are relatively short and very interesting.
How did Mozart Die? Now We Know the Score.
(Back from the 'fridge with beer #2. Buzzing appropriately. 'Face Rad' is causing nasal mucus flows.)
Moving in a general way from 'high' to 'low' I found this APOD time-lapse video quite worthwhile. Its a series of wide-angle shots of the recent lunar eclipse. At first, the full moon dominates. But as the earth blocks out more and more sunlight the moon fades, allowing the sky to darken to the point where we can see our galaxy 'rotate' as the earth rotates. Well worth watching.
Russell's Teapot. Bertrand Russell in a humerous mood, I presume. Naughty!
Jewish Foes of Circumcision Sit Out Attempts to Ban it. Not all Jews are emotionally crippled by Phantom Foreskin Syndrome!
Short CNN Video of Bill Maher being interviewed by Piers Morgan.
Rupert Murdoch: Bible Mogul (?) Whowouldathought! I think 'Geez' is to be pronounced, 'Jeez.' Many links in this one...
The Defense of Circumcision (with box-cutters) Act. The list of 'devotees' is interesting...
Foreskin Man #2. Note: NSFJ.
And finally, JUDAEOPEDIA. Eric Cantor.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I'm Not Lisa. My name is Julie. Lisa Left You Years Ago...
Last beer gone. Barf. I am still relatively sober. No whiskey. It 'disappeared' last week. Now what!?
I just returned to the BR after watching the NBC Evening News in the LR. Excellent stuff. Only 'Music" and 'Pussy' remain to be 'examined' tonight. The 'Music' (thump) is easy, but also 'inexplicable:' So I'll begin with 'The Music:'
'I'm Not Lisa.'
I first heard this glorious song back in the mid '70s. I was driving alone through our northern neighbor state, Wyoming. I was working for Honeywell Information Systems at the time. I was either on my way to Billings, Montana or on my way back to denver. I don't remember which...
I was listening to my car radio. And then I heard the initial notes of a glorious song! It began with the piano. I had never heard more beautiful piano music! Never! The notes from the piano literally dripped with beauty. I could not believe my ears! The song was apparently being sung by a woman who was making it her mission to rescue her new man from the jaws of depression. My eyes literally dripped tears as I listened to that song. Even today I cannot hear that verson of the song without crying softly, wetting my face with those tears.
I hope you like it: I'm Not Lisa...
Last beer gone. Barf. I am still relatively sober. No whiskey. It 'disappeared' last week. Now what!?
I just returned to the BR after watching the NBC Evening News in the LR. Excellent stuff. Only 'Music" and 'Pussy' remain to be 'examined' tonight. The 'Music' (thump) is easy, but also 'inexplicable:' So I'll begin with 'The Music:'
'I'm Not Lisa.'
I first heard this glorious song back in the mid '70s. I was driving alone through our northern neighbor state, Wyoming. I was working for Honeywell Information Systems at the time. I was either on my way to Billings, Montana or on my way back to denver. I don't remember which...
I was listening to my car radio. And then I heard the initial notes of a glorious song! It began with the piano. I had never heard more beautiful piano music! Never! The notes from the piano literally dripped with beauty. I could not believe my ears! The song was apparently being sung by a woman who was making it her mission to rescue her new man from the jaws of depression. My eyes literally dripped tears as I listened to that song. Even today I cannot hear that verson of the song without crying softly, wetting my face with those tears.
I hope you like it: I'm Not Lisa...
Friday, July 15, 2011
The Zero-Sum Game.
My list includes the titles, 'Zero-sum Games,' and, 'Boehner, Cantor, O'bama.' I'm already waaay too drunk to address 'the debt ceiling,' an esoteric economic issue, but I still feel capable - even in my inebriated condition - of addressing the concept of the zero-sum game, because it is so very simple. That essay follows:
The term, 'zero-sum game' implies a situation where 'one person's gain' can only be achieved in the presence of 'another person's loss;' hence the description, 'zero-sum.' The gain and the loss are 'added together' and the sum (the result) always equals zero in a 'zero-sum game.' 'Zero' is always the result of any 'zero-sum game.'
'Money' is an example of a 'zero-sum game' to a certain extent but not to an absolute extent: Every dollar I have is also a dollar you don't have: Zero sum! However, the number of players in that game varies significantly from year to year due to population pertubation. The population inevitably increases year-to-year, therefore the 'zero-sum' fails to apply as time goes by.
(I just visited the fridge for another beer and discovered the unwelcome fact that I was 'on my last beer.' On the return trip I met Kootch, who was exiting the bathroom headed to her room across the hallway. She slapped me gently on the arm, smiled, and said. 'You still drinking?' I slapped her gently on the butt and headed for my chair in front of the computer. She entered her bedroom and closed the door.) The result of that is that 'The Fed' needs to create enough money every year to accomodate the population increase. Otherwise, money would increase in value as the 'zero-sum' law takes its toll. The Fed's job is to maintain the 'zero-sum' objective in the presence of population increases and decreases. It is The Fed's job to maintain a stable national currency in the presense of population variation, among other variables. Jews control The Fed. Furthermore, Jews tend to profit from their tribal domination of our national money supply.
To what extent does The Jewish Tribe profit in that regard? Good question. I cannot answer that question.
My list includes the titles, 'Zero-sum Games,' and, 'Boehner, Cantor, O'bama.' I'm already waaay too drunk to address 'the debt ceiling,' an esoteric economic issue, but I still feel capable - even in my inebriated condition - of addressing the concept of the zero-sum game, because it is so very simple. That essay follows:
The term, 'zero-sum game' implies a situation where 'one person's gain' can only be achieved in the presence of 'another person's loss;' hence the description, 'zero-sum.' The gain and the loss are 'added together' and the sum (the result) always equals zero in a 'zero-sum game.' 'Zero' is always the result of any 'zero-sum game.'
'Money' is an example of a 'zero-sum game' to a certain extent but not to an absolute extent: Every dollar I have is also a dollar you don't have: Zero sum! However, the number of players in that game varies significantly from year to year due to population pertubation. The population inevitably increases year-to-year, therefore the 'zero-sum' fails to apply as time goes by.
(I just visited the fridge for another beer and discovered the unwelcome fact that I was 'on my last beer.' On the return trip I met Kootch, who was exiting the bathroom headed to her room across the hallway. She slapped me gently on the arm, smiled, and said. 'You still drinking?' I slapped her gently on the butt and headed for my chair in front of the computer. She entered her bedroom and closed the door.) The result of that is that 'The Fed' needs to create enough money every year to accomodate the population increase. Otherwise, money would increase in value as the 'zero-sum' law takes its toll. The Fed's job is to maintain the 'zero-sum' objective in the presence of population increases and decreases. It is The Fed's job to maintain a stable national currency in the presense of population variation, among other variables. Jews control The Fed. Furthermore, Jews tend to profit from their tribal domination of our national money supply.
To what extent does The Jewish Tribe profit in that regard? Good question. I cannot answer that question.
We Don't Need it...
The murder of 8 year old Lieby Kletzsky was all over the news recently. CNN, NBC, ABC... but not CBS. Strange! CBS is one of the very best evening news broadcasts and I TiVo it every weekday. But CBS seems to have ignored it yesterday. I'm sure they 'got it' today but I can't verify that because I have not watched my TiVo news for today. What happened? I can only speculate, of course (tap). So standby while I watch tonight's CBS NEWS... Whoa! No mention at all on CBS NEWS of Leiby Kletsky, an 8-year old Jewish male child who was kidnapped and murdered by another insane Jew. Such 'Jewish behavior' is embarrassing to Jews who think that Jews are 'victims' never 'perpetrators' and can do no evil! I am shocked, shocked(!) that CBS - which I secretly call, 'the Jewish channel' did not report that story two days in a row! Did they not want to offend their viewers?!
That is not 'journalism,' folks. That is 'tribalism.' We don't need it.
The murder of 8 year old Lieby Kletzsky was all over the news recently. CNN, NBC, ABC... but not CBS. Strange! CBS is one of the very best evening news broadcasts and I TiVo it every weekday. But CBS seems to have ignored it yesterday. I'm sure they 'got it' today but I can't verify that because I have not watched my TiVo news for today. What happened? I can only speculate, of course (tap). So standby while I watch tonight's CBS NEWS... Whoa! No mention at all on CBS NEWS of Leiby Kletsky, an 8-year old Jewish male child who was kidnapped and murdered by another insane Jew. Such 'Jewish behavior' is embarrassing to Jews who think that Jews are 'victims' never 'perpetrators' and can do no evil! I am shocked, shocked(!) that CBS - which I secretly call, 'the Jewish channel' did not report that story two days in a row! Did they not want to offend their viewers?!
That is not 'journalism,' folks. That is 'tribalism.' We don't need it.
'The Mail Was Out of Order.'
I saw him working, all POBs open. (The POBs are all in 4 larger structures. No names on the outside. 'Privacy.' Eheh. I remember being verbally rebuffed by one postwoman several years ago when I stood there reading the names in the open doors. She closed the doors! 'Privacy!') (tap)
I stood there while he installed the mail. He ignored me. It was if I wasn't there! (boom! Thunder at 1941! Gotta call the Jewish god WHTZSNM. Later.) Another boom. It's raining. BR fans on. We don't use our A/C. More on that in the future. I waited until he was almost finished. He seemed oblivious. Then I said something like, 'I have not received an expected bill brom my credit card company. What do you suggest I do about that?' He replied, 'Call your credit card company?' 'Sounds good.' I said, coldly. I stood there reading the names in my building. He had no objection to that. I said, 'Why doesn't 304 have a (tap) name? He replied that 'Nobody lived there.' I said that I could hear them up there all the time. He mumbled something, eventually finished, then left. I opened my box and retrieved some junk mail.
About 30 minutes or so later there was a knock on the door. The peephole revealed a tall portly man who looked like the postman. I opened the door. It was him. (I have a photo from a recent visit. (tap)) He had 4 pieces of mail, two from my credit card company, and two from my bank. He said, 'The mail was out of order' and handed me the envelopes. Then he left.
I saw him working, all POBs open. (The POBs are all in 4 larger structures. No names on the outside. 'Privacy.' Eheh. I remember being verbally rebuffed by one postwoman several years ago when I stood there reading the names in the open doors. She closed the doors! 'Privacy!') (tap)
I stood there while he installed the mail. He ignored me. It was if I wasn't there! (boom! Thunder at 1941! Gotta call the Jewish god WHTZSNM. Later.) Another boom. It's raining. BR fans on. We don't use our A/C. More on that in the future. I waited until he was almost finished. He seemed oblivious. Then I said something like, 'I have not received an expected bill brom my credit card company. What do you suggest I do about that?' He replied, 'Call your credit card company?' 'Sounds good.' I said, coldly. I stood there reading the names in my building. He had no objection to that. I said, 'Why doesn't 304 have a (tap) name? He replied that 'Nobody lived there.' I said that I could hear them up there all the time. He mumbled something, eventually finished, then left. I opened my box and retrieved some junk mail.
About 30 minutes or so later there was a knock on the door. The peephole revealed a tall portly man who looked like the postman. I opened the door. It was him. (I have a photo from a recent visit. (tap)) He had 4 pieces of mail, two from my credit card company, and two from my bank. He said, 'The mail was out of order' and handed me the envelopes. Then he left.
The Postman 'Rings Twice.'
His 'sin' of course, was that The Jews had left him sexually unmolested. 'He needs to pay for that.'
Whew! That took six fucking beers! Enough! (boom) I will continue with this depressing subject in the weeks to come, but don't hold your breath. Time for tonight's notes:
The Postman Always Rings Twice.
Leiby Kletsky versus CBS NEWS.
Tonight's Music.
Tonight's Pussy.
1847 and Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone. And concerning 'the postman' I have long suspected that (tap) Gerash et. al. (to be henceforth known as 'The Jewish Stalkers' (TJS for short) had 'access' to our mail and kept a close eye on all mail addressed to us, even 'commandeering' occasional such mail. I was able to 'virtually confirm' this conjecture recently. The occasion presented itself last month: My credit card bill had not arrived on time. I worried. Were TJS attempting to 'steal my ID?' I waited at least a week, then called my credit card company. I said, 'My monthly bill is very late.' I'm worried.' (thump) 'Did you mail it?' (Or something like that (tap)). The 'operator' replied that 'when there is no credit balance we do not mail a statement.'
'Oh.' said I. Oops! Apparently I rarely go through a month without charging something to my credit card!
(I just returned from the fridge with a frozen (tap) NL. Kootch had done the shopping today and had returned with a 12-pack which was 'not up to spec' temp-wise. I've been putting 'the next beer' in the freezer. Apparently I waited too long. And apparently (tap) TJS took advantage of my absense to change the font size.)
And so, when the credit card bill failed to arrive on time recently I became concerned. Were 'they' trying to attack me emotionally? (There is a very long history of this.) I suspected so. I waited a decent period of time. Still no bill. I then decided to confront The Postman.
His 'sin' of course, was that The Jews had left him sexually unmolested. 'He needs to pay for that.'
Whew! That took six fucking beers! Enough! (boom) I will continue with this depressing subject in the weeks to come, but don't hold your breath. Time for tonight's notes:
The Postman Always Rings Twice.
Leiby Kletsky versus CBS NEWS.
Tonight's Music.
Tonight's Pussy.
1847 and Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone. And concerning 'the postman' I have long suspected that (tap) Gerash et. al. (to be henceforth known as 'The Jewish Stalkers' (TJS for short) had 'access' to our mail and kept a close eye on all mail addressed to us, even 'commandeering' occasional such mail. I was able to 'virtually confirm' this conjecture recently. The occasion presented itself last month: My credit card bill had not arrived on time. I worried. Were TJS attempting to 'steal my ID?' I waited at least a week, then called my credit card company. I said, 'My monthly bill is very late.' I'm worried.' (thump) 'Did you mail it?' (Or something like that (tap)). The 'operator' replied that 'when there is no credit balance we do not mail a statement.'
'Oh.' said I. Oops! Apparently I rarely go through a month without charging something to my credit card!
(I just returned from the fridge with a frozen (tap) NL. Kootch had done the shopping today and had returned with a 12-pack which was 'not up to spec' temp-wise. I've been putting 'the next beer' in the freezer. Apparently I waited too long. And apparently (tap) TJS took advantage of my absense to change the font size.)
And so, when the credit card bill failed to arrive on time recently I became concerned. Were 'they' trying to attack me emotionally? (There is a very long history of this.) I suspected so. I waited a decent period of time. Still no bill. I then decided to confront The Postman.
All Things Are Allowed.
'The Experiment' eventually became 'The Stalking.' I don't know when that happened but I suspect 'the metamorphasis' happened soon after we left the USAF and took up residence in Denver, Colorado. That is only a suspicion. I don't really know. But what is very clear to me is that 'The Theory of my Life' accounts for every memorable 'bizarre' event in my life so far. And our lives in Denver changed, of course. We became civilians! (tap) More importantly, Walter Gerash entered our lives. (tap) Surrepticiously, of course.
We didn't have a clue. The truth of the matter (tap) is that my (now, our) relationship with 'the Jews' was not a 'study' after all. Neither was it 'an experiment.' (tap) It was, all along, 'A Stalking.' A 'Tribal Stalking.' Let me be very clear about this: I claim that 'the Jewish Tribe' began to stalk me and my family back in the post-war years when Jews were history's 'ultimate victims.' The Jews 'reasoned' that 'all things were allowed' in view of that 'Holocaust.' They felt no guilt at all as they began to stalk an innocent child who was only 12 years old.
'The Experiment' eventually became 'The Stalking.' I don't know when that happened but I suspect 'the metamorphasis' happened soon after we left the USAF and took up residence in Denver, Colorado. That is only a suspicion. I don't really know. But what is very clear to me is that 'The Theory of my Life' accounts for every memorable 'bizarre' event in my life so far. And our lives in Denver changed, of course. We became civilians! (tap) More importantly, Walter Gerash entered our lives. (tap) Surrepticiously, of course.
We didn't have a clue. The truth of the matter (tap) is that my (now, our) relationship with 'the Jews' was not a 'study' after all. Neither was it 'an experiment.' (tap) It was, all along, 'A Stalking.' A 'Tribal Stalking.' Let me be very clear about this: I claim that 'the Jewish Tribe' began to stalk me and my family back in the post-war years when Jews were history's 'ultimate victims.' The Jews 'reasoned' that 'all things were allowed' in view of that 'Holocaust.' They felt no guilt at all as they began to stalk an innocent child who was only 12 years old.
It's Not Only The Money, Honey!
I don't mean to infer that all Jews were involved in this 'experiment' or even that many Jews were aware of the said 'experiment.' Not at all. Had that been the case the 'experiment' would have probably come to an abrupt end, at least in the beginning. The 'students' knew that. Hence, they used a secret Jewish tribal invention: 'Anti (faint thump) Semite.' A person so-identified within the Jewish community was almost automatically under a dark suspicion. Any Jew who received such a communication concerning another person (even another Jew) was inclined to believe that allegation (after The Holocaust), and would have been inclined to 'cooperate' with the 'accuser,' at least to some limited extent. Even Jews themselves suffered occasionally from such accusations. I was therefore described on those occasions when other Jewish 'cooperation' was needed, as 'anti-semitic.' The 'charge' often worked, especially when the 'favor' involved something relatively 'minor.' Thus, if a Jewish dentist was told that I was 'an anti-semite' and that he could make a small (tap) contribution to the Jewish community by drilling out much more of my tooth than was actually necessary, that dentist was inclined to do the requested deed. Money helped on those occasions where tribalism failed.
And don't forget that ubiquitous tribal curse, 'phantom foreskin pain.' Many Jewish dentists must experience pleasure as they drill deeply into non-Jewish teeth! It's not only the money honey!
I don't mean to infer that all Jews were involved in this 'experiment' or even that many Jews were aware of the said 'experiment.' Not at all. Had that been the case the 'experiment' would have probably come to an abrupt end, at least in the beginning. The 'students' knew that. Hence, they used a secret Jewish tribal invention: 'Anti (faint thump) Semite.' A person so-identified within the Jewish community was almost automatically under a dark suspicion. Any Jew who received such a communication concerning another person (even another Jew) was inclined to believe that allegation (after The Holocaust), and would have been inclined to 'cooperate' with the 'accuser,' at least to some limited extent. Even Jews themselves suffered occasionally from such accusations. I was therefore described on those occasions when other Jewish 'cooperation' was needed, as 'anti-semitic.' The 'charge' often worked, especially when the 'favor' involved something relatively 'minor.' Thus, if a Jewish dentist was told that I was 'an anti-semite' and that he could make a small (tap) contribution to the Jewish community by drilling out much more of my tooth than was actually necessary, that dentist was inclined to do the requested deed. Money helped on those occasions where tribalism failed.
And don't forget that ubiquitous tribal curse, 'phantom foreskin pain.' Many Jewish dentists must experience pleasure as they drill deeply into non-Jewish teeth! It's not only the money honey!
'Study' evolves into 'Experiment.'
Which brings us back to 'The Theory of My Life.' (boom) Where was I? Ah. 'A Long Term Jewish Study' (below). (Buzzing my brains out on beer #3 at 1550. Being gassed w/RLG. Three coughs and one thump above me.) What to call 'the study?' Hmmm... thinking... Actually it was not a 'study' in the accepted sense of that word. It was not simply 'observation.' A 'study' would only have observed both our lives (two thumps above me) for a certain period of time. A 'report' describing the 'results' would have been written. The 'study' would eventually have ended. My brother David and I would eventually have been 'released' from Jewish scrutiny. No, this was much more than a simple 'study.' Much more. The 'study' became an 'experiment' as the Jewish 'students' began to systematically involve themselves in our lives as parts of 'the experiment.' Those 'students' understood the nature of 'the experiment:' 'What are the Benifits of Circumcision?' And given that the 'students' were all either circumcised (in the case of males), or sexually involved with Jewish circumcates (in the case of females), the results desired of that 'study' were obvious: show only benefits. Indeed, contribute to the study by enhancing the life of the circumcate (David) while at the same time 'inhibiting' the life of the (hated) intactate (me).
Which brings us back to 'The Theory of My Life.' (boom) Where was I? Ah. 'A Long Term Jewish Study' (below). (Buzzing my brains out on beer #3 at 1550. Being gassed w/RLG. Three coughs and one thump above me.) What to call 'the study?' Hmmm... thinking... Actually it was not a 'study' in the accepted sense of that word. It was not simply 'observation.' A 'study' would only have observed both our lives (two thumps above me) for a certain period of time. A 'report' describing the 'results' would have been written. The 'study' would eventually have ended. My brother David and I would eventually have been 'released' from Jewish scrutiny. No, this was much more than a simple 'study.' Much more. The 'study' became an 'experiment' as the Jewish 'students' began to systematically involve themselves in our lives as parts of 'the experiment.' Those 'students' understood the nature of 'the experiment:' 'What are the Benifits of Circumcision?' And given that the 'students' were all either circumcised (in the case of males), or sexually involved with Jewish circumcates (in the case of females), the results desired of that 'study' were obvious: show only benefits. Indeed, contribute to the study by enhancing the life of the circumcate (David) while at the same time 'inhibiting' the life of the (hated) intactate (me).
Silent Approval.
First sip of 3.2 Natural Light at 1430. I'll re-read last week (thump above) while I sip through it... Ok! (faint boom) Back with beer #2 at 1449. (Gerash is pissed!) The resulting 'game' between The Chosen People and The Master (stomp) Race ended tragically for both sides, of course. Could there be a lesson there? Somewhere?
And speaking of 'The Chosen People,' there appear to be sub-categories: 'more chosen' and 'less chosen.' The 'Jewish People' are a fairly diverse group, and That's a good thing. And that is also a whole series of books and I don't have enough beer for that. Nor do I have the interest. Really. Jews do not interest me at all. Were it not for Gerash and his 'employees' I would rarely if ever think about all you Jews out there. I couldn't care less about you people.
But I am forced to think about Gerash (tap) every day and every night as I endure gas and radiation attacks and a constant invasion of my privacy. Gerash is a Jew. Do you Jews approve of what Gerash is doing in your name? Apparently you do.
First sip of 3.2 Natural Light at 1430. I'll re-read last week (thump above) while I sip through it... Ok! (faint boom) Back with beer #2 at 1449. (Gerash is pissed!) The resulting 'game' between The Chosen People and The Master (stomp) Race ended tragically for both sides, of course. Could there be a lesson there? Somewhere?
And speaking of 'The Chosen People,' there appear to be sub-categories: 'more chosen' and 'less chosen.' The 'Jewish People' are a fairly diverse group, and That's a good thing. And that is also a whole series of books and I don't have enough beer for that. Nor do I have the interest. Really. Jews do not interest me at all. Were it not for Gerash and his 'employees' I would rarely if ever think about all you Jews out there. I couldn't care less about you people.
But I am forced to think about Gerash (tap) every day and every night as I endure gas and radiation attacks and a constant invasion of my privacy. Gerash is a Jew. Do you Jews approve of what Gerash is doing in your name? Apparently you do.
Saturday, July 09, 2011
The Chosen People vs The Master Race
Ok. Enough 'philosophy.' I need to wrap this up. I need music and pussy. Lessee... Blue Danube! You will love this unless you are Jewish. Now for some pussy. Hmm. Standby... Oh! I just remembered something I was thinking about yesterday: The Chosen People. Jews are... 'The Chosen People!' Everybody knows that! But what does it really mean?
What it 'really means' is this: Ancient Jews invented the Jewish god (whom I call WHTZSNM) thousands of years ago. The god returned that compliment by naming that Jewish tribe, 'His Chosen People.' Tit for tat! Muthafuck!
Many Jews 'took it seriously.' Others did not. Those Jews who took the legend seriously actually thought that they were a special (tap) people favored by 'The Creator of the world.' They acted that way. They were soon rebuffed by other tribes and eventually displaced from 'the promised land.' The Jewish tribe was forced to disperse. Barf.
Hundreds and hundreds of years passed, but that egocentric tribal notion of 'special' was not forgotten by the other tribes. 'Chosen People? Sheeeeit!'
Eventually a slightly modifided term surfaced in the nations: The Master Race. Whoa! The Chosen People versus The Master Race?! Alright! Game on!
Ok. Enough 'philosophy.' I need to wrap this up. I need music and pussy. Lessee... Blue Danube! You will love this unless you are Jewish. Now for some pussy. Hmm. Standby... Oh! I just remembered something I was thinking about yesterday: The Chosen People. Jews are... 'The Chosen People!' Everybody knows that! But what does it really mean?
What it 'really means' is this: Ancient Jews invented the Jewish god (whom I call WHTZSNM) thousands of years ago. The god returned that compliment by naming that Jewish tribe, 'His Chosen People.' Tit for tat! Muthafuck!
Many Jews 'took it seriously.' Others did not. Those Jews who took the legend seriously actually thought that they were a special (tap) people favored by 'The Creator of the world.' They acted that way. They were soon rebuffed by other tribes and eventually displaced from 'the promised land.' The Jewish tribe was forced to disperse. Barf.
Hundreds and hundreds of years passed, but that egocentric tribal notion of 'special' was not forgotten by the other tribes. 'Chosen People? Sheeeeit!'
Eventually a slightly modifided term surfaced in the nations: The Master Race. Whoa! The Chosen People versus The Master Race?! Alright! Game on!
Friday, July 08, 2011
Holy in, Holy Out
me: And the answer is?
lu: God is extremely sensitive to crap. Even the word irritates Him. Your use of the word, 'crap' (tap) is probably what turned him off.
me: Interesting. Please continue.
lu: He developed that psychological quirk soon after ancient Jews began to jokingly refer to 'poop' as 'holy crap.'
me: Holy? Why 'holy?'
lu: It was a reaction to the idea of 'Kosher.'
me: Aha!
lu: Holy in, holy out. It's an ancient idea.
me: 'Holy Communion' seems to fit in with that idea.
lu: Quite right.
me: Thank you very much! Give my regards to Jesus!
lu: Done.
me: And the answer is?
lu: God is extremely sensitive to crap. Even the word irritates Him. Your use of the word, 'crap' (tap) is probably what turned him off.
me: Interesting. Please continue.
lu: He developed that psychological quirk soon after ancient Jews began to jokingly refer to 'poop' as 'holy crap.'
me: Holy? Why 'holy?'
lu: It was a reaction to the idea of 'Kosher.'
me: Aha!
lu: Holy in, holy out. It's an ancient idea.
me: 'Holy Communion' seems to fit in with that idea.
lu: Quite right.
me: Thank you very much! Give my regards to Jesus!
lu: Done.
Holy Crap!
Huge thunder just now at 1813. Close! I checked on Kootch. I whispered, 'Did it wake you up?' No response. I quietly closed her door. The fans are blowing cool air into our bedrooms! 65 degrees outside, 78 degrees inside (tap). The cooling air is obviously coming from above, way up there. I wondered about that 'near miss.' Another example of WHTZSNM's ineptitude? I decided to investigate. I dialed 666 (tap) on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Holy crap! That was close!
gd: Just a warning. Mend your ways. I'm very busy right now (click).
Hmm. Since I already had TBT out I decided to call Lucifer.
lu: Hello?
me: I just got off the phone with god. He was 'very busy' and hung up on me.
lu: And so?
me: I'm wondering why he was suddenly so 'busy.'
lu: There are many possibilities. I cannot answer your question given the provided information. What was your response to his initial 'Hello'?
me: I was taunting him about a near miss lightening strike.
lu: Thunderstorms in your area now?
me: Right.
lu: What happened to PPW in Colorado?
me: The 'Monsoon' has arrived.
lu: And right on time.
me: Agreed.
lu: What was your response to his initial, 'Hello.' I need the exact words.
me: 'Holy crap! That was close!' I intended it as a compliment, but he was obviously 'put off.'
lu: That explains it.
Huge thunder just now at 1813. Close! I checked on Kootch. I whispered, 'Did it wake you up?' No response. I quietly closed her door. The fans are blowing cool air into our bedrooms! 65 degrees outside, 78 degrees inside (tap). The cooling air is obviously coming from above, way up there. I wondered about that 'near miss.' Another example of WHTZSNM's ineptitude? I decided to investigate. I dialed 666 (tap) on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Holy crap! That was close!
gd: Just a warning. Mend your ways. I'm very busy right now (click).
Hmm. Since I already had TBT out I decided to call Lucifer.
lu: Hello?
me: I just got off the phone with god. He was 'very busy' and hung up on me.
lu: And so?
me: I'm wondering why he was suddenly so 'busy.'
lu: There are many possibilities. I cannot answer your question given the provided information. What was your response to his initial 'Hello'?
me: I was taunting him about a near miss lightening strike.
lu: Thunderstorms in your area now?
me: Right.
lu: What happened to PPW in Colorado?
me: The 'Monsoon' has arrived.
lu: And right on time.
me: Agreed.
lu: What was your response to his initial, 'Hello.' I need the exact words.
me: 'Holy crap! That was close!' I intended it as a compliment, but he was obviously 'put off.'
lu: That explains it.
Improving the Good Earth
But clearly Jews are not the only group which suffers in that regard. All 'circumcates' have those 'issues.' Even boys who are circumcised later in life against their will (Huge blast of 'face rad' as I wrote that - the usual violent sneezing reaction accompanied by copious mucus flows and watering eyes -> LR.) might allow (even insist on) circumcision of their sons. My brother David is apparently an example of that.
Reverse results obviously occur, especially in the post-pubescent years when circumcates understand how seriously they were damaged by infant sexual mutilation. This is happening all over the world nowadays as a result of The Internet. Circumcision will soon become extinct except for the usual isolated groups of religious 'looney tunes.' As Jesus once said: 'The Looney Tunes you will always have with you.'
A related link:
Why so many animals evolved to masturbate. My conjecture in that regard is that our 'ancestors' inherited the practice because it mitigated the incessant 'fight for pussy,' thus allowing dominants to 'improve the species' while at the same time allowing for the emergence of powerful new genes in the large pool of 'second class males.' Those rare new genes occasionally 'proved the pudding' so to say. In recent man the practice of masturbation - a powerful 'self nurturing' procedure - allowed powerful leaders to retain large numbers of warrior class males while simultaneously avoiding 'pussy fights' which might destroy that dominant leader. The (beer #7 at 1940) eventual realization by certain powerful leaders that infant circumcision 'crippled the competion' led to its widespread cultural use thousands of years ago. Unfortunate! But the most compelling argument states that 'old sperm is spoiled sperm,' and that frequent male masturbation insures that the lucky female will have optimal male DNA when conceiving, and therefore optimal chances to produce a healthy, functional child. This was the winning argument. Male sexual mutilation will soon disappear from The Good Earth as a result of the current worldwide ability to communicate.
But clearly Jews are not the only group which suffers in that regard. All 'circumcates' have those 'issues.' Even boys who are circumcised later in life against their will (Huge blast of 'face rad' as I wrote that - the usual violent sneezing reaction accompanied by copious mucus flows and watering eyes -> LR.) might allow (even insist on) circumcision of their sons. My brother David is apparently an example of that.
Reverse results obviously occur, especially in the post-pubescent years when circumcates understand how seriously they were damaged by infant sexual mutilation. This is happening all over the world nowadays as a result of The Internet. Circumcision will soon become extinct except for the usual isolated groups of religious 'looney tunes.' As Jesus once said: 'The Looney Tunes you will always have with you.'
A related link:
Why so many animals evolved to masturbate. My conjecture in that regard is that our 'ancestors' inherited the practice because it mitigated the incessant 'fight for pussy,' thus allowing dominants to 'improve the species' while at the same time allowing for the emergence of powerful new genes in the large pool of 'second class males.' Those rare new genes occasionally 'proved the pudding' so to say. In recent man the practice of masturbation - a powerful 'self nurturing' procedure - allowed powerful leaders to retain large numbers of warrior class males while simultaneously avoiding 'pussy fights' which might destroy that dominant leader. The (beer #7 at 1940) eventual realization by certain powerful leaders that infant circumcision 'crippled the competion' led to its widespread cultural use thousands of years ago. Unfortunate! But the most compelling argument states that 'old sperm is spoiled sperm,' and that frequent male masturbation insures that the lucky female will have optimal male DNA when conceiving, and therefore optimal chances to produce a healthy, functional child. This was the winning argument. Male sexual mutilation will soon disappear from The Good Earth as a result of the current worldwide ability to communicate.
Jewish Penis Envy: Definition.
Readers who are unfamiliar with 'phantom limb pain' can find the explanation in the link. But can the concept really be applied to infant foreskins? Isn't the previous post only a joke? After all, infants don't feel much pain, right? (Wrong!) And even if they do feel the pain of amputation they soon forget, right? (Wrong!) And in any case, by the time they can talk, they never describe penile pain (tap) in the absense of obvious trauma. Right? Right, but by then the pain has been psychologically 'internalized.' My conjecture is that the internalized pain (tap) memories surface later in life and take various forms, all loosely related. Examples could be as varied as, 'father insists that sons look like father 'down there.' (Probably the most common.) Others might become Mohels. Others might become 'pediatricians from hell' making tons of money from routine infant mutilation (circumcision). Others might only have 'negative feelings' in the presence of 'known Intacts.' I have called this kind of emotional response, 'Jewish Penis Envy.'
Readers who are unfamiliar with 'phantom limb pain' can find the explanation in the link. But can the concept really be applied to infant foreskins? Isn't the previous post only a joke? After all, infants don't feel much pain, right? (Wrong!) And even if they do feel the pain of amputation they soon forget, right? (Wrong!) And in any case, by the time they can talk, they never describe penile pain (tap) in the absense of obvious trauma. Right? Right, but by then the pain has been psychologically 'internalized.' My conjecture is that the internalized pain (tap) memories surface later in life and take various forms, all loosely related. Examples could be as varied as, 'father insists that sons look like father 'down there.' (Probably the most common.) Others might become Mohels. Others might become 'pediatricians from hell' making tons of money from routine infant mutilation (circumcision). Others might only have 'negative feelings' in the presence of 'known Intacts.' I have called this kind of emotional response, 'Jewish Penis Envy.'
Phantom Foreskin Pain? The Cure Has Been Found!
Buzzing nicely on beer #1 at 1635. I'm a bit late due to a two hour nap which I really needed following a restless, radiation-intense night. You folks who might be interested in zapping your neighbors with similar equipment should investigate the following links:
Microwave cannon pics. This series of photos was apparently taken by the young man depicted therein. It seems to be a common microwave oven which has been 'taken out of the box,' then fitted with a wave guide which 'opens up' (to match impedence with air?) and directs an intense beam of microwave energy in a single direction. Fry your neighbor's eyeballs with this sexy little weapon, folks! That'll teach his dumb ass! The '88 flag' in the photos suggests that the darling young man is a Nazi (tap). ('88' = 'HH' = 'Hiel Hitler') But this could be a case of 'mis (tap) direction' by a 'savy Jew.' You never know... The beauty of this weapon is that, used properly, it will take the 'mark' many years to figure out what is really going on, and by then it will be too late to save (tap) his corneas. And even then he will be unable to get local 'law enforcement' (heh) to do anything about it because of the fourth amendment! Soooo sweet! Are you a Jew who has been suffering from 'phantom foreskin pain' your entire life? Is your upstairs (or downstairs) neighbor an uncircumcised Irishman? Zap the bastard! This is guaranteed to totally eliminate all traces of PFP. Really.
Multiple Microwave Cannons is basically a discussion between M.C. afficionados concerning microwave theory. Interestngly, both links are circa 2004, but I suspect that Gerash has been using microwave weapons against me since at least the mid-'90s.
Buzzing nicely on beer #1 at 1635. I'm a bit late due to a two hour nap which I really needed following a restless, radiation-intense night. You folks who might be interested in zapping your neighbors with similar equipment should investigate the following links:
Microwave cannon pics. This series of photos was apparently taken by the young man depicted therein. It seems to be a common microwave oven which has been 'taken out of the box,' then fitted with a wave guide which 'opens up' (to match impedence with air?) and directs an intense beam of microwave energy in a single direction. Fry your neighbor's eyeballs with this sexy little weapon, folks! That'll teach his dumb ass! The '88 flag' in the photos suggests that the darling young man is a Nazi (tap). ('88' = 'HH' = 'Hiel Hitler') But this could be a case of 'mis (tap) direction' by a 'savy Jew.' You never know... The beauty of this weapon is that, used properly, it will take the 'mark' many years to figure out what is really going on, and by then it will be too late to save (tap) his corneas. And even then he will be unable to get local 'law enforcement' (heh) to do anything about it because of the fourth amendment! Soooo sweet! Are you a Jew who has been suffering from 'phantom foreskin pain' your entire life? Is your upstairs (or downstairs) neighbor an uncircumcised Irishman? Zap the bastard! This is guaranteed to totally eliminate all traces of PFP. Really.
Multiple Microwave Cannons is basically a discussion between M.C. afficionados concerning microwave theory. Interestngly, both links are circa 2004, but I suspect that Gerash has been using microwave weapons against me since at least the mid-'90s.
Friday, July 01, 2011
2100L. Time to wrap this up. I need Pussy. Hmm.

2100L. Time to wrap this up. I need Pussy. Hmm.

Point, Moving.
Kootch has long-since hit the sack. We are alone (buzzing nicely on beer #10). Hmm. I need to contact the Jewish god WHTZSNM regarding 'current events.' Q: 'What events?' A: 'Ha! Life's Little Mysteries.' I dialed 666 on The Brown Telephone and then 'extended the antenna:' God answered immediately:
Gd: Hello?
me: Hi.
Gd: Yez?
me: I'm wondering about the first few microseconds.
Gd: Of what?
me: The Universe.
Gd: You expect ME to answer that question?!
me: Um... no, actually.
Gd: Is this a crank call?
me: (click)
I then dialed Lucifer, who answered immediately:
lu: Hello?
me: I have a Science Question.
lu: Shoot.
me: I'm wondering about the first few microseconds.
lu: Standby while I check my records... Ok. Can you repeat the question?
me: I'm wondering about the first few microseconds.
lu: First few microseconds of...?
me: The Universe.
lu: I thought so, knowing you.
me: And?
lu: Words and concepts cannot describe that period. I cannot answer your question. Anything else?
me: What is the closest you can come, wordwise?
lu: 'Point.'
me: I thought so!
lu: Jesus sends His felicitations. He likes you.
me: Please reciprocate. Now please tell me the very next word which comes to mind regarding 'the beginning.'
lu: 'moving.'
me: Aha!
Kootch has long-since hit the sack. We are alone (buzzing nicely on beer #10). Hmm. I need to contact the Jewish god WHTZSNM regarding 'current events.' Q: 'What events?' A: 'Ha! Life's Little Mysteries.' I dialed 666 on The Brown Telephone and then 'extended the antenna:' God answered immediately:
Gd: Hello?
me: Hi.
Gd: Yez?
me: I'm wondering about the first few microseconds.
Gd: Of what?
me: The Universe.
Gd: You expect ME to answer that question?!
me: Um... no, actually.
Gd: Is this a crank call?
me: (click)
I then dialed Lucifer, who answered immediately:
lu: Hello?
me: I have a Science Question.
lu: Shoot.
me: I'm wondering about the first few microseconds.
lu: Standby while I check my records... Ok. Can you repeat the question?
me: I'm wondering about the first few microseconds.
lu: First few microseconds of...?
me: The Universe.
lu: I thought so, knowing you.
me: And?
lu: Words and concepts cannot describe that period. I cannot answer your question. Anything else?
me: What is the closest you can come, wordwise?
lu: 'Point.'
me: I thought so!
lu: Jesus sends His felicitations. He likes you.
me: Please reciprocate. Now please tell me the very next word which comes to mind regarding 'the beginning.'
lu: 'moving.'
me: Aha!
Pants Peeing Weather in Colorado
Today is July one, of course. No wonder it has been so hot lately! But us Colorado inhabitants find Summertime easier than most folks do because of our low humidity. I love Colorado! Indeed, July weather is what I have called, 'pants peeing weather.' Really. So is August. So is September. The Colorado humidity is generally so low in the summertime that if you pee in your pants they will be dry again in about one hour. We love that about Colorado! (But don't spread it around; we already have plenty of citizens.) Are you 'the tourist type?' Want to test my claims? Have a little money to spend? Then by all means check out Colorado! (Being gassed with RLG.) We have plenty of parks. Unfortunately you will probably miss our yearly Cherry Creek Art Festival, happening now, but there's always next year. Parkwise, I would recommend DeCovend Park in Littleton for you pants peers. Been there, done that. Fun! I have not investigated any other local parks, however. Be discrete. The ACSD has an 'underwear division.'
Today is July one, of course. No wonder it has been so hot lately! But us Colorado inhabitants find Summertime easier than most folks do because of our low humidity. I love Colorado! Indeed, July weather is what I have called, 'pants peeing weather.' Really. So is August. So is September. The Colorado humidity is generally so low in the summertime that if you pee in your pants they will be dry again in about one hour. We love that about Colorado! (But don't spread it around; we already have plenty of citizens.) Are you 'the tourist type?' Want to test my claims? Have a little money to spend? Then by all means check out Colorado! (Being gassed with RLG.) We have plenty of parks. Unfortunately you will probably miss our yearly Cherry Creek Art Festival, happening now, but there's always next year. Parkwise, I would recommend DeCovend Park in Littleton for you pants peers. Been there, done that. Fun! I have not investigated any other local parks, however. Be discrete. The ACSD has an 'underwear division.'
Movements, Shmovements.
So now what? Ahh. Yes! As I was returning from a visit to Kaiser Permanente (my HMO) this week I heard this glorious music (below) playing on our local classical music channel, KVOD. I had planned to head over to KSE and do some shopping, but the music forced a change in plans. I loved that music so much that I simply had to find out more about it so that I could make it 'Tonight's Music.' I had heard the music before, of course, but I needed to identify it exactly. So I headed west in the general direction of our apartment. So beautiful! I soon identified the music as a 'piano concerto by Mozart.' It was obviously either the first movement or the last (3rd) movement. I didn't know which. Hopefully it was the last movement. I drove on, listening. The movement ended. There was no 'DJ summary' identifying the music, so it was obviously the first movement of one of Mozart's Piano Concertos. OK. I'll drive around until I hear the DJ identify that music. I drove well into the second movement. Pretty good but not quite up to the 'standard' set by the first movement. I drove. I listened. I passed by our apartment complex and headed to KSW. In the KSW parking lot the second movement ended and the 3rd (last) movement began. Very good! I exited the parking lot and headed home. At the end of the 3rd movement the DJ identified that piano concerto as Mozart's Piano Concerto #18, K-456. I had it in my Mozart playlist! I was ecstatic! I hope you like it. You-Tube 'rules' apparently limit individual performances, timewise, so there are actually 5 (instead of 3) links to that concerto, below:
1st Movement.
1st Movement cont.
2nd Movement (part 1?)
2nd Movement (part 2?)
3rd Movement.
Did I get that right?
So now what? Ahh. Yes! As I was returning from a visit to Kaiser Permanente (my HMO) this week I heard this glorious music (below) playing on our local classical music channel, KVOD. I had planned to head over to KSE and do some shopping, but the music forced a change in plans. I loved that music so much that I simply had to find out more about it so that I could make it 'Tonight's Music.' I had heard the music before, of course, but I needed to identify it exactly. So I headed west in the general direction of our apartment. So beautiful! I soon identified the music as a 'piano concerto by Mozart.' It was obviously either the first movement or the last (3rd) movement. I didn't know which. Hopefully it was the last movement. I drove on, listening. The movement ended. There was no 'DJ summary' identifying the music, so it was obviously the first movement of one of Mozart's Piano Concertos. OK. I'll drive around until I hear the DJ identify that music. I drove well into the second movement. Pretty good but not quite up to the 'standard' set by the first movement. I drove. I listened. I passed by our apartment complex and headed to KSW. In the KSW parking lot the second movement ended and the 3rd (last) movement began. Very good! I exited the parking lot and headed home. At the end of the 3rd movement the DJ identified that piano concerto as Mozart's Piano Concerto #18, K-456. I had it in my Mozart playlist! I was ecstatic! I hope you like it. You-Tube 'rules' apparently limit individual performances, timewise, so there are actually 5 (instead of 3) links to that concerto, below:
1st Movement.
1st Movement cont.
2nd Movement (part 1?)
2nd Movement (part 2?)
3rd Movement.
Did I get that right?
Tonight's Penis Links
Buzzing sluggishly at 1534 as I finish beer #3. Back in a minute... As I returned with beer#4 I opened Kootch's door and said, 'How we doin', Kootch. You cool?' She turned abound, smiled, and said something like 'I'm not moving.' (She was playing one of her video games. Also, today is relatively cool. We cool!)
Any more penis links...? Yup:
You Tube - Puppetry of the Penis. (Safe for work)
Foreskin Activist performs penis stunts. (SFW) (SF Weekly)
Foreskin Man #1 Front Cover. (NSFJ)
(Gassed with RLG just after I wrote that last. About 4-5 coughs. R nostril dripping slightly. Hmm! But only one drip, making its way slowly to the muco-cutaneous junction... Nope... won't make it out... Nose blow clears it.)
Ok, that wraps up all 'penis links' for tonight. Whew. Sip.
Buzzing sluggishly at 1534 as I finish beer #3. Back in a minute... As I returned with beer#4 I opened Kootch's door and said, 'How we doin', Kootch. You cool?' She turned abound, smiled, and said something like 'I'm not moving.' (She was playing one of her video games. Also, today is relatively cool. We cool!)
Any more penis links...? Yup:
You Tube - Puppetry of the Penis. (Safe for work)
Foreskin Activist performs penis stunts. (SFW) (SF Weekly)
Foreskin Man #1 Front Cover. (NSFJ)
(Gassed with RLG just after I wrote that last. About 4-5 coughs. R nostril dripping slightly. Hmm! But only one drip, making its way slowly to the muco-cutaneous junction... Nope... won't make it out... Nose blow clears it.)
Ok, that wraps up all 'penis links' for tonight. Whew. Sip.
National Dick Week
Working on beer #1 at 1430. Sip. I just corrected #4 below. Apparently my technique with Circumstition News links leaves something to be desired. Oh well.
And what a week for 'dicks,' eh? Apparently Mark Halpirin began the festivities with his critical evaluation of The Prez's recent speech/press conference. On a recent MSNBC morning show he summarized The Prez's demeanor as 'being a dick.' Oops! (Working on beer #2 at 1450.) (Whatever happened to 'putz?' Did he perhaps think that 'putz' would be too offensive? My guess is that 'putz' is too Jewish and most people would not have 'got it.' Just a guess.) Some were outraged; some, not so much. Two representative links, in that order:
Who Would Have Thought That 'Dick' Would Put Mark Halpirin In The Box? (Huffington Post)
The Real Dickishness Problem. (The Atlantic)
This event is well worth remembering, folks. Really. So I hereby propose that the last week of June be henceforth known unofficially as, National Dick Week. Celebratory activites during that week could include all and any funny or comical (but not obscene) penis-related performances, public and private.
Working on beer #1 at 1430. Sip. I just corrected #4 below. Apparently my technique with Circumstition News links leaves something to be desired. Oh well.
And what a week for 'dicks,' eh? Apparently Mark Halpirin began the festivities with his critical evaluation of The Prez's recent speech/press conference. On a recent MSNBC morning show he summarized The Prez's demeanor as 'being a dick.' Oops! (Working on beer #2 at 1450.) (Whatever happened to 'putz?' Did he perhaps think that 'putz' would be too offensive? My guess is that 'putz' is too Jewish and most people would not have 'got it.' Just a guess.) Some were outraged; some, not so much. Two representative links, in that order:
Who Would Have Thought That 'Dick' Would Put Mark Halpirin In The Box? (Huffington Post)
The Real Dickishness Problem. (The Atlantic)
This event is well worth remembering, folks. Really. So I hereby propose that the last week of June be henceforth known unofficially as, National Dick Week. Celebratory activites during that week could include all and any funny or comical (but not obscene) penis-related performances, public and private.