Friday, July 15, 2011


It's Not Only The Money, Honey!

I don't mean to infer that all Jews were involved in this 'experiment' or even that many Jews were aware of the said 'experiment.' Not at all. Had that been the case the 'experiment' would have probably come to an abrupt end, at least in the beginning. The 'students' knew that. Hence, they used a secret Jewish tribal invention: 'Anti (faint thump) Semite.' A person so-identified within the Jewish community was almost automatically under a dark suspicion. Any Jew who received such a communication concerning another person (even another Jew) was inclined to believe that allegation (after The Holocaust), and would have been inclined to 'cooperate' with the 'accuser,' at least to some limited extent. Even Jews themselves suffered occasionally from such accusations. I was therefore described on those occasions when other Jewish 'cooperation' was needed, as 'anti-semitic.' The 'charge' often worked, especially when the 'favor' involved something relatively 'minor.' Thus, if a Jewish dentist was told that I was 'an anti-semite' and that he could make a small (tap) contribution to the Jewish community by drilling out much more of my tooth than was actually necessary, that dentist was inclined to do the requested deed. Money helped on those occasions where tribalism failed.
And don't forget that ubiquitous tribal curse, 'phantom foreskin pain.' Many Jewish dentists must experience pleasure as they drill deeply into non-Jewish teeth! It's not only the money honey!
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