Friday, November 30, 2012



'Mysticism is the experience that life is not logic, that life is poetry; that life is not syllogism, that life is a song. Mysticism is the declaration that life can never really be known; it is essentially unknowable.'
Nighty-night! Sip.

Don Juan Again.

You obviously liked last week's quotations from some of my favorite books, so it seems to me that now is the time to drink some beer and copy some stuff. Hmm. Lemmee check... Ok. This quote is from Journey to Ixtland:
Don Juan watched my movements with apparent fascination.
'Well... are we equals?' he asked?
'Of course we're equals,' I said.
I was, naturally, being condescending. I felt very warm towards him even though at times I didn't know what to do with him...
'No,' he said calmly. 'We are not.'
'Why certainly we are,' I protested.
'No,' he said in a soft voice. We are not equals. I am a hunter and a warrior and you are a pimp.'
I've done that one before. I need to do something new...

The Elephant in the American Room.

Now that we have more or less established an analogy between the Human Body and the National Body, I think it would be interesting to collectively notice 'The Elephant in the American Room:' RISM (Routine Infant Sexual Mutilation, aka Circumcision). RISM could be classified as yet another Cultural Auto-Immune Disorder, dating back thousands of years: RISM has the effect of 'Desensitization.' Nothing good can come from that. Mother Nature is the ultimate Democrat, and the human foreskin is one of Her finest sensory creations. I am suggesting, of course, that a 'criminal religion' which has endured for thousands of years, is still infecting our American Culture. (Kootch just waved, 'Goodnight.') Our national immune system has been unable to rid itself of the sexually adverse effects of that ancient religion because of  tactical reasons, but I think that '21st century modernity' has now provided us with the means to do so. And we will do it.   

The War on Drugs: Our Cultural Auto-Immune Disorder.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1425. Sip. Heavy microwave radiation last night has resulted is some sleep deprivation, but I'm still feeling good enough to drink some beer and have some fun. Time to reread last week... alright!
Sipping on beer #3 at 1440. Sip. Only 13 beers left after this. Sip. And CNN just had an interesting piece on MDMA as a treatment for PTSD. Now working on beer #4 at 1510. Not getting much done, but enjoying it. Sip.
I like Ouspensky's concept of 'Culture vs Barbarism.' The concept reminds me of the immune system's eternal fight against invading organisms. The immune system always wins until it loses. The recent piece on CNN concerning MDMA (aka 'Ecstacy') as an antidote to PTSD suggests that 'criminal laws' have infected our 'national body of law.' Many examples could be cited in that regard, Marijuana prohibition in particular. 'The War on Drugs' would be analogous to an auto-immune disorder, where the immune system itself has become the problem. (Kootch just waved, laughed, and said, 'Busy?' I waved  the empty can at her. She brought me beer #5, jokingly complaining that she had to open the 12-pac.)
It's very clear, analogy-wise, that Our Culture can fix this HUGE auto-immune 'War on Drugs' disorder and become normal again.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Endless Circle.

2220 and I am sipping on beer #11. Dare I do another book? Yes! I dare! Lessee... I just now delved into my book collection in the closet and selected Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing, one of my favorites. Certainly I can find a quotable quote for tonight's last blog post... lessee...
'The world is there because of you - you create it, you are a creator. Every single being creates a world around himself; it depends on his mind. The mind may be illusory, but it is creative - it creates dreams. And it is up to you to create a Hell or a Heaven.
If you leave this world you will not be able to leave it! Wherever you go you will create the same world again, because the world is constantly coming out of you just as leaves are constantly coming out of a tree. Sip.'
'The mind creates the world and then the world creates the mind (by way of The Brain).'
Existence an endless circle of cause and effect. You can never escape from it, you can only try to be creative with it.

Friday, November 23, 2012


My Lazy-Senior Lifestyle.

Hmm. Did Dostoyevsky do Magic Mushrooms?
Back from the fridge with beer #9 at 2102, buzzing moderately. Now what? Tonight's last 'quote' is from Carlos Casteneda's Journey to Ixtland. The chapter from which the quote is taken is titled, 'Erasing Personal History.'
'You must renew your personal history by telling your parents, your relatives, and your friends, everything you do. On the other hand, if you have no personal history, no explanations are needed; nobody is angry of disillusioned by your acts. And above all, nobody pins you down with their thoughts.'
'I looked at him and my eyes must have betrayed my confusion. He slapped his thighs and laughed with great delight.
'It is best to erase all personal history,' he said, slowly, as if giving me time to write it down in my clumsly way, 'because that would make us free from the encumbering thoughts of other people.'
Sip. Needless to say, I have not followed that advice in any rigorous manner. I continued to write my DROG. I even 'upgraded' to a BLOG. I write my blog once a week simply because it seems to me that as a very senior member of our species it is my personal duty to report valuable species-relevant information. Sip.
Plus, it's fun to get drunk on Friday night!


This is It (and other essays on Zen and the Spiritual Experience)

CNN is boring now at 2008 as I sip on beer #8. The subject is, 'bullying.' Sip.
Now what?
Alright! I will now quote from Alan Watts' paperback book, This is It. When I read this passage I immediately recognized that only someone who had done LSD could have written it. Alan Watts had obviously done LSD:
'From this new perspective the crimes and follies of man's ordinary nightmare life seem neither evil nor stupid, but simply pitiable. One has the extraordinarily odd sensation of seeing people in their mean or malicious pursuits, looking, at the same time, like gods - as if they were supremely happy without knowing it. As Kirillov puts it in Dostoyevsky's, The Possessed, 'Man is unhappy because he doesn't know he's happy. It's only that. That's all, that's all! If anyone finds out, he'll become happy at once, that minute... it's all good! I discovered it all of a sudden...'
The realization that 'all of life is good' dawned on me back in the '70s as I 'recovered' (reassembled) from many LSD trips. 

From Dense to Fluff.

Whew. That was work. I deserve another beer! Standby... Ok, I'm back from the fridge with beer #7. Piers Morgan is fun tonight. Sip.
My 'buzz' is slowly declining at 1923 due to my concentrated effort to complete the previous post. And concerning that Ouspensky book (A New Model of the Universe), I read it back in the '80s, along with lots of other 'esoteric stuff.' (Another nose-blow at 1930. No blood. No swelling.) And now I'm already thinking about my next quote, Sip. Hmm. Ouspensky is pretty dense stuff, so I'll switch to another author for my next 'quote.' Lessee...
By George I think I've found it! Sip.
The author is Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and the paperback title is, 'I Say Onto You:'
'You meet a woman, you don't think about sex at all. Only pathological people think about sex, healthy people don't think about sex. There is no need. You enjoy the beauty of the woman - her face, her eyes, her proportion - you are simply thrilled by her being. There is no idea to do anything to her, there is no idea to exploit, there is no idea to possess. You are immensely interested, but very innocently. There is no planning in your mind, there is no 'future,' then it is a virgin relationship. One day love can happen. One day listening to music, dancing together, love can possess you both: you can make love to each other. But even while making love, there is no idea - there is no 'mind' in it. It is innocent of 'mind,' then it is a virgin relationship.'

A New Model of the Universe.

The first quote is from P D Ouspensky's, A New Model of the Universe, chapter one, Esotericism and Modern Thought:
'Culture strives to establish a boundary between itself and barbarism. The manifestations of barbarism are called 'crimes.' But existing criminology is insufficient to isolate barbarism. It is insufficient because the idea of 'crime' in existing criminology is artificial, for what is called 'crime' is really an infringement of 'existing laws,' whereas laws are very often a manifestation of barbarism and violence. Such are the prohibiting laws of different kinds which abound in modern life. The number of these laws is constantly growing in all countries and, owing to this, what is called 'crime' is very often not a crime at all, for it contains no element of violence or harm. On the other hand, unquestionable crimes escape the field of vision of criminology, either because they have not the recognized form of crime or because they surpass a certain scale...
The culture of barbarism grows simultaneously with the culture of civilization. But the important point is that the two cannot develop on parallel lines indefinitely. The moment must inevitably arrive when the culture of barbarism arrests the development of civilization and gradually, or possibly very swiftly, completely destroys it.'
The above was quoted from pages 37-38 of my paperback version. The quoted passage is appropriate to our current historical situation where obvious crimes go un-punished (Wall Street, Citizens United, and routine infant sexual mutilation, for example), and obvious non-crimes (Smoking weed, for example), are punished. There is much ado nowadays concerning the approaching 'fiscal cliff.' But Is America poised at the edge of an invisible cultural cliff?
I report. You decide. Sip.


Borrowing Creativity.

I'm baack. The 'nap' was mostly just a 'relaxing and vibrating with eyes closed' kinda thing punctuated by frequent 'used Pepsi elimination interludes.' Very oxymoron-ish. I'm still feeling sleep-deprived. This might be a short night. We'll see. Sipping on beer #1 (of 15) at 1630. Sip. Happy Thanksgiving. Sip. Time to reread recent stuff... Yep. I did some 'updating' to last week's blog after rereading it the next day while feeling hungover and guilty.
Now what? Sip. Kootch has hit the sack. Sipping on beer #2 at 1658, buzzing slightly. Sip. Judging by my swollen nasal tissues and frequent nose blows I am being zapped from above, and since the left nasal swelling (faint boom) is worse than the right nasal swelling I conclude that some of the Rad originates in the apartment next door. Sip. Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1708, buzzing nicely, but still feeling the effects of sleep deprivation. Now what... Sip.
Aha! It just occurred to me that since sleep deprivation has temporarily reduced my brain's 'creative ability' to near zero, I should simply quote some stuff from other sources for the edification of my readers. Hmm. I recently concluded, after doing a bit of practical research, that I will not be able to transcribe stuff from my 1997-2004 DROG unless I do it manually (read it, then rewrite it to my BLOG), and since I am waay tooo lazy to do that, (another nose-blow at 1725 and the left side is decidely more bloody than the right side) I should find some appropriatly quotable passages in my favorite books. Appropriate quotes will be very easy to find because back in the days when I was still reading books I would frequently 'highlight' my favorite passages with a colored 'magic-marker.' Hmm. Lessee... 


Now working on Diet Pepsi #6 at 1103. Sip. It's a good thing I didn't try doing that previous post while drinking beer. So how did I get started on this particular theme so early in the morning? Good question! You might have some difficulty believing my answer, but here goes:
Early Wednesday morning, 'they' vibrated me awake using beamed, pulsed microwave energy, probably from the apartment above. My log reads, 'Heavy Rad 02:30-0500.' 'Up at 0500.' I didn't bother to write down all the details because the 'routine' is used quite often and I know it well. I got up and peed, then tried to get back to sleep in spite of the vibrating. So they 'turned up the heat' by slowly decreasing the time between pulses, effectively increasing the pulse width to the point of 'continuous wave.' I, meanwhile, deployed my feeble defensive capability, turning on the intake fans next to the bed and positioning the metal shields over my head/neck/sholder area. They moved the beams up and down my body and probably began zapping me from the apartment below also. I don't remember. After about three hours or so I gave up trying to sleep and began drinking DP while watching CNN in the LR. It is precisely at this point that 'the plot thickens,' so to say: Howard Kurtz appeared on early morning CNN. Unusual. I see him every Sunday on his show, Reliable Sources, but I'm not used to seeing him this early. Wassup? 
Turned out that Rupert Murdoch had tweeted something offensive about American Jews. Horrors! And since Murdoch is in the media business, and since Kurtz is the official CNN 'watchdawg' of American Media, that tweet could not go unnoticed! Interesting stuff.
So I got to wondering: Did 'they' wake me up just so I could watch Kurtz doing his thing on early morning CNN (which I rarely watch, being a 'late sleeper)? Very possibly. So, having nothing much else to do at the time, I began doing a bit of research and stumbled on the links below (among others - Thank you Google!).
Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media.
Jews Do Control the Media (notice the font change)
Is Howard Kurtz Jewish? Maybe, maybe not.
Oops. Howard Kurtz is a Jewish Person.
Time for my poor sleep-deprived ass to take a nap. (Yep. They zapped me again this morning beginning at 0430.)


Better be Safe than Sorry?

This is a test:

Hmm. Seems to have worked. I copied this 'Widget' from The Intactivism Pages website. 'The point', of course, is to demonstrate that our 'Jew-dominated Media' does indeed have a powerful influence in our American culture, not only by what it chooses to report, but also by what it chooses not to report.
American Television Media has rarely reported Circumcision Harm, or even bothered to engaged itself in a debate regarding the 'efficacy' of routine infant sexual cutting, unless that cutting is performed on infant females. The reasons for this are fairly obvious:
1) Media would be reporting 'circumcision harm' quite often; so often, in fact, that the American Public would quickly grow tired of the subject and 'change the channel.' More important to Jews, the American Public would soon stop allowing the Jew-dominated medical establishment to perform that 'harmful procedure' on their newborn males. The entire 'circumcision industry' would collapse.
2) Furthermore, within twenty years of that collapse, word would be spreading throughout American culture that Jews and other 'circumcates' were 'sexual schlubs.' Jewish men would find it more and more difficult to marry really sexy, good-looking women (unless, of course, those Jewish men were wealthy).
And I could go on and on, but you get the idea. It's much safer to report crib accidents.
Now, as regards the 'efficacy' of the above 'widget,' I must admit that I have not personally tested (tap) it. I keep wondering... 'Will I get e-mail?' Or, 'Will I get my name on some Jewish 'hit list?' Or, 'Will Abraham zap me with a lightening bolt?' 'Better be safe than sorry.'

Friday, November 16, 2012



Time to 'sign out.' (Thump.) Hongry!



Here is a Japanese Woman in a bathing suit. Enjoy!!!

I love this photograph because it is almost (Kootch just walked to the kitchen for a drink of water. I 'accosted' her and she said, 'Sounds like having fun.' I agreed.)
Back to this glorious woman: What do I find so attra(tap)ctive about her? Everything!
1. Her hips and thighs are of spectacular proportions, suggesting that she would be a magnificient candidate for birthing our children. (boom)
2. Her face is beautiful. I love her eyes, lips, nose, hair, expression.
3. She has great little tits. Beautiful! Beautiful!


(Deleted by author.)

Tonight's Link Dump

Buzzing moderately on beer #7 at 1902. I am obviously loosing the battle with my glorious liver, which is no doubt laughing somewhat surrepticiously at my lame attempts to get really really high as I write my blog. Sip. I could reduce the sucker to a quivering mass if I zapped it with a quick half pint of Canadian Mist. But I like my liver. We are buddies! (faint boom)
Lessee... I need to do a link dump. I also want to add a sexy female photo. Standby while I check out my possible rescources in that regard... back with beer #8 at 1912. Sip.
I got the credit card bill for my recent purchase of an 'electronic piano' at a local musical instrument supply store. My 'salesperson' was a young cutie who will remain nameless, of course. (Yum!) Indeed, I didn't even ask her for her first name. I resisted that impulse, knowing me. So nowadays I play with the ($250.00) electronic instrument from time to time. I suggest it as an excellent choice for you folks out there who want to give the gift of music to a loved one for Christmas. Sip.
Arp 188 and the Tadpole's Tail. I see this glorious astronomical photograph as a metaphor for modern 'Blogger Social Interaction.'
LSD helped Crick to 'envision' the spiral structure of DNA. I believe it. Indeed, my own experiences with LSD seemed to improve many things in my life, including my ability to play Chess. (Yet another TiVo ReBoot at 1945. Have TiVo ReBoots replaced (tap) taps? (All Quiet on the Western Front at 1953.)
Mozart Documentary. Looks fascinating.
New Study: Marijuana Doesn't Turn You into a Violent Criminal. Didn't we  know that already? 
(Revised and updated 11-17-12)


I Counterattack!

My TiVo (I can see it from here) just did a 'reboot' as I read the previous post. Apparently 'They' want you to know that 'they' can reboot it at will. So now you know. Sip.
I hit the sack last night at about midnight. They woke me up at about 0430 with PDPR and continued zapping me with various versions (tap - upper right) until about 0930. I was able to sleep intermittently for a total of about one more hour. I got out of bed at 0930 and they zapped me as I sat on the bed putting on my shoes and socks. I counted 8 sneezes in about two minutes. I went to the LR, nose dripping, and blew my nose in a Puff. Viola! A bloody Bible-Booger lay there in the glorious mucal mess! (tap) I dug it out and pasted it in my Booger Bible at Exodus 34:6. It was a glorious BB, with rotsa red blood in a flat, partially dried booger. What a find!
So, in the interests of a counterattack, I will now 'look it up' using the Skeptic's Annotated Bible! Yas! Isn't the Jewish God wunderful?!
Hmm. Is there anything about this subject in The Brick Testament? Yep. Sorta. Isn't thus fun?! Sipping on beer #6 at 1735. The National News is on. Kootch has hit the sack. Sip.
Living in a world full of complete fucking idiots is such an ego-booster! Sip.

Radiation Test Dummy Report

Sipping on beer #1 at 1500. Sip. Time to reread last week... Hmm. Now I'm an 'Economist?!' Oh, well. I did in fact take 'Economics 101' back in the early '80s. Buzzing slightly at 1519, sipping on beer #2. Sip. But I forgot most of it. Sip.
The big news is the violence now going on is the 'Holy Land' between two peoples who adhere to slightly different Mythologies. It's fun to watch on TV. (Faint boom above.) Sip. Meanwhile, I conduct a defensive war right here in our apartment. That war is not so much fun. (Tap.) I just loaded SimplyNoise, so now the mad tapper will have to tap much louder if he really wants to be noticed. Apparently, the 'taps' and other auditory demonstrations serve to keep me aware that I am constantly 'under surveilance' and, if I choose to record those 'punctuations' in my blog, make the readers aware that the stalker is 'On the job, doing his duty.'
But if 'invasion of privacy' were the only manifestation of the demented stalker, my life would be much 'pleasanter.' For example, I would be able to sleep soundly at night, unmolested by the demented and tormented stalker. But (thump from above, right, an unusual direction) the stalker apparently needs to attack me in a more painful manner: Microwave Radiation. He (they) therefore zaps me with IMC (Improvised Microwave Cannons) much of the day and much of the night, making my life as miserable as possible. These attacks come from both above and below, and possibly from the apartment next door. Their IMCs are fairly sophisticated: They can choose either a continuous mode (faint boom) or a pulsed mode. Also, they can choose a mode which acts primarily on the surface of the skin, or primarily on the deeper body structures like muscles and (especially) bronchial and lung tissue (deep mode). The pulsed (thump) mode is simply 'coitis interruptis' which pulses the radiation on and off, and is used with 'deep mode.' Surface Mode is Continuous, and merely causes unpleasant skin sensations like itching, pricking, and stinging. (That consumed all of beer #3 and I'm back from the fridge with beer #4. Sip.) Continuous Deep Mode causes heating, nasal irritation and swelling (tap) and constant slight muscle tension, in addition to coughing. Pulsed Deep mode causes rapid muscle contractions which produce a feeling of vibrating. They use PDM mostly to 'wake me up' and - in the mornings - to irritate me while I am on the couch watching TV. They often zap me in the face with (tap) CDM as I sit on the bed in the mornings putting on my shorts, shirt, and shoes.
This has been a RTDR (Radiation Test Dummy Report). Please proceed to the next Post.

Friday, November 09, 2012


Dying. We all do it.

The problem, it seems to me, is that many and various 'parts' of various 'organs' resort to 'pooling' blood for various 'emergencies,' thereby reducing available blood. Indeed, in modern America, the vast majority of us must deal with the powerful 'One Percent' which controls 99 percent of National Blood Flow! That 1 percent maintains a 'local reservoir' sufficient to insure their continued existence even in the face of a 99 percent national death. But their continued existential life has significant limits based on the death of their 'world.'
When your world dies, you die too. Unfortunately.

Blood and Money.

Working on beer #7 at 1844. Sip. Buzz has been degrading since it peaked, and I am attempting to catch up. Sip. If necessary I'll do a double shot of Canadian Mist. Sip. Kootch has hit the sack. Now what?
A little music? How 'bout Ode to Joy. Yas!
My computer is literally crawling along when it should be performing much faster. I need to 'reboot' Blogger. Standby... Ok. Much better. Sip.
Ha! Now sipping on beer #7 - Nope. I just poured myself a double shot of Canadian Mist. Sip. That'll get me going again.
Yas. I'm wondering about 'money.' What good is it?
Money is like blood. In a healthy organism, money flows all around the creature who made it, carrying oxygen and other essential nutrients to places which need it to stay alive. That blood flow keeps the creature alive. That is the metaphor. And as the creature grows into adulthood, that creature's liver creates more and more blood (money) as necessary. Got that?
But in today's America, much money languishes in 'money reservoirs' producing more money at a very slow rate, but not directly contributing to the national (our creature) blood flow. The creature becomes lethargic. Cells die prematurely. The creature resorts to transfusion from other creatures. The creature's liver, meanwhile, creates more blood. In fact, in an existential emergency, that creature's liver can and will produce an unlimited amount of money! But that is not the answer, because in such cases, 'more money' really means, 'water added.' (just did my last sip of CM. Now working on beer. Sip.) The ideal thing is that the creature's liver produces just a slight bit more than the creature's cell growth would suggest. That is the ultimate sign of a healthy growing creature and a healthy liver. Got that? Therefore, it seems to me, that we need to reduce 'pooled blood.' We need to get that pooled blood back into the bloodstream. That will cure our current national problem.
Did you get that?

Tonight's Link Dump.

1997 was the year I got 'Social Security' at age 62. It was a lifesaver! I had previously been running up a credit card bill over several years, paying interest, knowing that eventually Social Security would 'save me.' Kootch, meanwhile, supported us with her job at K-Mart. (Needless to say, Franklin Roosevelt - 'inventor of SS' is my favorite president of all time.) I could go on and on, of course, but I must have something to say about current events. Right? Hmm. Lemme think... Sip.
Oh yeah! I might 'publish' some of that DROG from time to time on this BLOG. Right now, however, I'm still in the process of re-learning how to operate Creative Writer, with the objective of transfering some CW text to Blogger. Stay tuned. You'll love it!
Working on 'beer #5' at 1710, buzzing modestly. Link dump time. This week it will be 'fun links only:'
Friv! Rotsa fun games.
Hulu! Rotsa fun videos.
New Advent. Catholic Encyclopedia. Interesting take on Popular Mythology.
Growabrain. LSD Archives. You know you wanna do it! Do it!
Ask Philosophers. Huh?
The Brain from Top to Bottom. Investigate your 'self' after you've done LSD.
The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense. Are you in there somewhere? If so, you need to fix that.


I am so Interesting!

First sip of a 24 ouncer of Natural Light at 1510. Sip. Ahhh.
The big news this week was, of course, made by the voters Colorado and Washington state when they voted to end Prohibition of Marijuana! Yay! Gamechanger there, folks, which threatens to upend the the world's largest system of Concentration Camps since Nazi Germany and the Soviet Gulags! Yes! (Also, The Prez got re-elected. Congratulations Mister Prez! Shmooze more, Mister Prez. Grit your teeth. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it, and you've been elected.) Sip. No buzz yet at 1525.
I didn't vote. I haven't voted since the day I was harrassed in the voting line by Gerash's thugs. (Buzzing now at 1528.) I did vote with my fingertips, of course. Fingertips are really neat and subtle weapons when combined with CNS and Internet. Yep. Sip. Beer helps too, of course. Sip. Yum! Now what... Hmm. Sip.
Been investigating some floppy disks I found on the floor a few days ago. The names on the disks were familiar: 'Moksha;' 'IGame,' 'Gas...' They turned out to be my DROG (Drunk Log), written between 1997 and 2004. (Back from the fridge with 24 ouncer #2 at 1547, buzzing my brains out. Sip.) It was mostly written while boozing, sometimes after playing chess at the Denver Chess Club. And whereas the chess turned out to be erratic, the boozing turned out to be weekly. The DROG was all written using a children's word processor named, Creative Writer. I got it with my first modern computer. I had previously used my own text editor, Word Salad, which allowed the text to be encrypted by a powerful cryptographic algorithm (also invented by me). However, I eventually discovered via the 'internet' that Word Salad (primitive by today's standards) could be defeated by simply using 'Van Eck Eavesdropping.' I am convinced that VEE was used to copy my earliest writings using Word Salad on my Apple II. In other words, 'they' copied my writing before I could encrypt it. Indeed, 'they' still use technological methods to 'copy' my writings on Blogger even before I can publish those writings.
I am so interesting!

Friday, November 02, 2012


Nighty Night!

Nighty night!

'You're Drunk.' (click)

And it seems to me at this time as I buzz nicely on 3.2 beer, that modern TV is failing god. Really. I see few if any stories of miracles. All TV scenerios seem to be focused on human 'cause and effects.' God appears to be 'on vacation.' So I thought that this would be a good time to call God and check up on His Dumb Ass. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Sipping on beer #8 at 1833. Sip.
gd: I knew that.
me: Are you into 'weather' much?
gd: Sorta. Could you be more specific?
me: Sandy.
gd: Rhymes with Candy.
me: Hurricane.
gd: Sugar cane? Get to the point. I don't have time for this. I'm a very busy God.
me: Natural Light.
gd: You're drunk. (click)


Dangerous Situation?

Kootch has 'hit the sack.' Back with beer #6 at 1738, buzzing outrageously. Sip. Burp. Now what? The rest is gravy! Let's enjoy it!
Hurricane Sandy was apparently well-named! But will that event impinge in a significant way regarding the upcoming presidential election? I think so. I think that is very clear that Mother Nature does not like Mitt Romney. Not at all. Clearly, this unfortunate event allowed The Prez to seize the moment at a very tense time in American Politics. Romney was left with only dumbass commercials on TV, and a lame attempt to mimic the 700 Club's 'Operation Blessing.' Did I get that right? Yes I did. ('Mild' Face Rad is causing mucus flow (tap) from both nostrils as I write this... flows merged just at the 'nasal canal' this time, much like last week. Will this become a weekly (tap) scenerio?
No. If it happens again next week (boom) (if there is a next week) I will (tap) ignore it. And, interestingly, we seem to have a 'boomer' who stays well away from me and my .357 and 'my' microwave radiation, versus the local 'tapper' above me who - dumbass that he is - risks a possibly dangerous situation.


Our Universe is a Cosmic Flower.

First sip of 3.2 Natural Light at 1452. Sip. Time to reread and correct last week... Ok, I just learned how to spell a new word: cirrhosis. In fact, I have since learned that Kaiser has pronounced a diagnosis: Primary Bileal (tap)Cirrhosis. It is an 'auto-immune disorder' affecting mostly (90%) women, and is relatively rare (1 in 3000 to 4000). The prog(tap)nosis is, treatable but eventually fatal (faint boom).
Sipping on beer #2 at 1527, buzzing slightly.
In view of the 'diagnosis' (tap) you would tend to think that now we can trust our water supply and stop buying all that bottled water. Right? Wrong!
Back from the fridge with beer #3 (of 4) at 1545. Sip. 12 pack backup. Buzzing nicely on a mostly (tap) empty stomach. Linkdumptime? Yup.
It's a Boy! Apparently a tale of Jewish circumcision gone very wrong.
Circumcision Complication Statistics. The numbers, from N-O-H-A-R-M.
Humanists Put Circumcision Ethics on U.N. Agenda. I am a Humanist. Aren't you? By the way, The Intactivism Pages is one of my regular 'must read' sites.
From Cultural Madness to Astronomy: The fate of our Sun? APOD is my very favorite must read blogsite. I sometimes (not often enough - I'm gonna fix that) investigate the suggested links, and I found this very interesting speculation concerning the fate of the universe:
Don't you just hate that (tap) (thump) long term prognosis? But think: Is it not a better outcome than the mythical Judeo-Christian Heaven/Hell scenerio? (Being zapped with 'face rad' as I write this.)
Aha! There's is a poem for that! Here's a sample:
Oh, threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain-- This Life flies;
One thing is certain and the rest is Lies;
The flower that once has blown forever dies.
Our Universe is a Cosmic Flower. Enjoy the beauty while you can.

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