Thursday, June 27, 2013


Forgotten Stuff.

Theory: An explanation which fits (conforms with) all of the facts.
And now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of... Kootch just waved to me at 0110 (faint boom.')
But I digress.
But I just asked Kootch whether we had just embraced sexually and emotionally and sensually, and she smiled, 'Yes.'
I thought so.
I am totally amazed by how gloriously sexy and beautiful it is to actually 'feel' a warm, lovely, woman! It's been a while.

Jewish Tribe Stalking Begins...

The Jews apparently gave up after that. The Jews came to accept the fact that I was probably a Hetero. Barf! Yuck!
But they remained very interested in 'following me.' They 'tapped' their local Japanese sources. Money Honey!
The Japs were only too accomodating. They wanted 'details:'
1. 'He jerks off a lot. He's very orgasmic.'
2. 'He's Hetero. He's 'very into' (tap) women's underpanties.'
The Japanese understood immediately. They 'knew me' from their own stock of 'citizens. They offered the Jews a plan: Beautiful Woman spins around on elevated dance floor, showing her white cotton panties. Said woman needs to accept any and all solicitations from me. The Jews agreed. Jews and Japs signed a 50 year agreement for many millions of dollars.
After seeing Kootch spin around on the dance floor I was hooked.
I asked her to dance. She agreed.
I 'knocker her up.'
We got married.
The Jews followed our sexual life for many years, marveling at how totally glorious she felt about sex with me.
The Jews were very disappointed by the results of that secret study.
The Jews began to hate me.
The Jews began to destroy my life.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Tribal Homosexual Stalking.

Yet another 'arranged pussy encounter' involved a person from Charleston (and probably from my Alma Mater, Bishop England HS). He was also stationed with me at Shiroi AFB in 1956. After the previous 'initial sexual adventure' he came up with the suggestion that he knew a Japanese Woman who would fuck both of us on the same night. Was I interested?
Eheh. 'Is The Pope Catholic?' I explained that I would be interested only if I was 'first fucker.' I did not want to stick my dick up a pussy filled with his cum. He agreed.
So he arranged for him and us to visit her on a Friday or Saturday night. I was still clueless, of course. It turned out that our 'mode of transportation' was a motorcycle. Surprise, surprise! He drove, I 'held on.' It was an unforgetable experience as I 'held on' (tap) to him while he drove us to our sexual encounter in a nearby Japanese town. I think that the idea was to 'turn me on to him' as we drove to her house. I was not turned on at all. I hated the idea of holding on to him. It was disgusting.
I fucked the woman first.
He fucked the woman after I had fucked the woman first. I marveled that all that 'cum' which I had injected in her pussy was not a 'turnoff' for him. Only many years later would I fit that incident into a theory of 'Tribal Homosexual Stalking.'   

Tribe Stalking After WWII: The Jews Attack Me. Me!

Hmm. I just checked the OAT as I went for beer #whatever and it is way too hot in this apartment, so I turned on the intake fans. Sipping on beer #7 at 2254. Sip. I also checked Kootch's room. Sip.
I'm trying to remember all the girls I have fucked. Hmm. Lessee...
1. Number one was an 'arranged fuck.' I don't remember the details, except that she was 'going to devirginize me.' She was Japanese. We went out on a 'date.' We drank beer and danced at a local pub. We went to a 'hotel' where it was 'understood' that she would 'devirginize me.' We rented a room. We got undressed, turned off the lights, and got in bed. I began to 'feel her and kiss her.' But she resisted me! Whoa! I thought she wanted to fuck! But no! Whoa!
I was pretty drunk. I knew that I could always 'jerk off' if I got too hot. I rolled over and tried to go to sleep.
She then 'changed her mind' and began playing with me sexually. I fucked her. Then I went to sleep. 
It was my 'first fuck.' Very natural. When it was over she actually 'praised my performance.' She seemed unable to believe that it was my first fuck.
I never saw (tap) her again. And that was the plan!
The Jews were already stalking me back in those days. (boom) (boom) It was in 1956. For years they had been attempting to 'turn me' from 'hetero' to 'homo.' I was 'foreskin man' and they hated me. They wanted to make me queer. It didn't work.
I had absolutely no clue, of course, that I was being stalked by The Jewish Tribe. It would take me many years to 'figure that out.'

My Sexual Beginnings.

Today's big news is the Supreme Court decision for 'Same Sex Marriage.' I have no problem with it. I think it is about time. Indeed, I am tempted to speculate that, had this issue been decided many years earlier, I would not be having the stalking problem which I am currently enduring. Gerash might have found a suitable 'partner' and might not have fixated on me.
And all this has led me to 'review my sexual history' in an attempt figure out why Gerash fixated on me. No joy.
My very first 'sexual interest' was a girl in the second grade. I will never forget her name: Jackie Hamm. She was in my second grade class at North Charleston Grade School in 1942 or 1943. She was a beautiful and popular girl. It was 'love at first sight.' My only memory of any interaction with her is that she was in a group of boys and girls who were walking home after school. I was not 'in the group' but was walking closeby in the same direction. My path happened to include a telephone pole with a supporting steel wire. I was slightly ahead of her group. I decided to pretend not to see the wire, and to stumble to the ground, thereby attracting her attention. It worked. She and the others laughed. And that is the end of my memories of Jackie Hamm.
I tell you this, folks: I have forgot most of the names of the girls I have actually fucked! But not the name of Jackie Hamm. It was about this time that I experienced several 'spontaneous orgasms' while running, and I conclude that they were all expressions of my developing heterosexual life.


Play it Again, Sam.

I've been playing a lot of C-III recently, and therefore I have not really 'prepared' for tonight's blog. Whatever 'bubbles up' is fine with me. Sip. End of beer #3. Buzzing shamelessly (burp). Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 2030. 
My blogs would certainly be much more interesting if I actually 'did the work' of my style of blogging: There would be more music, more pussy, more philosophy, more drugs, more... FUN! But, alas, I have this C-III addiction. And it is fun: Years ago, I began 'saving' the 'middle points' and the 'end points' of my C-III games. And this week I finished 'game 611.' What means '611?' I'm glad you asked: As I played 'game 61' I saved it at two points: At or near the point where I had completed 'The Forbidden Palace,' and at the point in the game when I had destroyed all opponents except The French and The British. Indeed, I had long since stopped the game when my only opponents were The French and The British, the reason being that defeating all remaining opponents on the planet became more like a job than a fun game. So I decided to end all future games at the point where I had defeated everybody except The British and The French, my perennial pussy allies. I 'called' the British Monarch Elizabeth, 'my friend in the orange panties,' and the French Monarch Joan of Arc, 'my friend in the pink panties.'
Since I had not 'saved' the original starting points (Start61, for example) I could only replay any saved game from 'Map level,' (Map61, for example.) I must say, it's been interesting to replay these games and to compare the two 'end points:' (End61 with End611.) And there is always the option to 'iterate' (tap) to 'End612!' How cool is that?!
At first, I remember very little or nothing about the game I am about to replay. (Sipping on beer #5 at 2119. Sip.) But as I (re)build my Civilization I am struck by how my memory 'recalls' certain (visual-geographical) aspects of the game. Very interesting! I recall no previous 'tactical' aspects, but only visual/geographical aspects. I find those particular 'memory recalls' quite interesting. And now that I think about, I also recorded the 'Start positions' of those games, but because the 'journey' from 'Start' to 'Forbidden Palace' is a bit tedious, I never begin at 'start.'
Not yet, at least.

The Beer Test.

Last week's session ended suddenly when the post that I was working on suddenly disappeared. So I decided to sign off until the next session, which turned out to be today. Sip. There were three (of 12) Busch Lights left over, and I saved them of course. So, I just now finished the first beer (NL), and am buzzing slightly as I prepare to do a BL for comparison purposes. Which will be the winner? First, a nose blow to clear the almost constant nasal mucus (due to low levels of microwave radiation)... and now for the first sip of BL... Amazing! The two beers are so similar that I am unable to distinguish between them! Whowoulda thought!?
Concerning the sudden disappearance of the post I was working on last week, I suspect that it was deleted by the stalkers. They are obviously able to 'get on line with me' as I do my blog (the font changes prove that), and can therefore do other 'mischief.' I suspect that their 'co-conspirators' at Comcast have somehow 'wired' our cable to theirs, perhaps as part of a larger 'network' which they can control.
End of BL. There does seem to be a hint of aftertaste, and a bit more 'beer smell.' (Being zapped with 'face rad' just now as I write this... 4 sneezes so far... eyes watering... 5 sneezes... Back from the fridge with beer #3 (NL) at 2008. Blew my nose while in the kitchen, as it was literally dripping mucus.) I would rate both BL and NL as excellent American Light Lagers. I'll do another 'test comparison' later. Sip.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Deadly Radiation vs Jewish Fun.

Coincidentally, the evening news had an interesting piece this evening about some people who created a method of directing radiation at other people using a truck as the mobile component. They could zap you on the street! In this case, the 'radiation' was Ionizing Radiation, a much deadlier form of radiation. Microwave radiation is not Ionizing. It is not 'deadly' except in extremely intense doses which could heat the target very quickly. Microwave radiation produces instant effects which are felt by the muscles and nerves. Ionizing radiation, on the other hand, is not 'felt' by the victims, but is far more deadly, as it inflicts permanent damage on the chemical structure of the body, far below the 'sensory level.' You can't 'feel' ionizing radiation the way you can feel electromagnetic radiation.
So the Jews love it! (Apparently.)
Whereas Ionizing Radiation can kill you within days, weeks, or months, Electromagnetic Radiation won't kill you! Fun! You can literally zap your 'Nazi' Neighbors for years before they eventually figure out what is going on!
Talk about 'Jewish Revenge...'
And the really attractive aspect of it all is that there aren't any laws against it! About the closest a really sharp law enforcement agency can come to prosecuting such a case is, 'assault!' And how could they prove it?! The fact is, they won't even touch it.

Walter Gerash: Microwave Man.

They did have NL by the case, but I was curious about the taste of BL, so I bought that 12 pac instead. Now you know.
Speaking of 'super-heros' it seems to me that Walter Gerash wants to be thought of (at least by Walter Gerash) as such a 'super-hero.' It seems to me that he enjoys being mentioned in my blog in a very negative fashion. That is only my impression, of course, but I am fairly certain that such is the case. Apparently, Walter Gerash has 'a following' out there somewhere, and that particular group admires his persecution of little ole me.
Now therefore, as 'thank you' to Walter Gerash for initiating me into the very lucky ranks of LSD Veterans, I hereby 're-name' Walter Gerash, Microwave Man! True, Gerash probably had no idea of what a favor he was presenting when he made LSD available to me. That is certainly true. Indeed, it was probably the most spectacular blunder in the history of Stalking! (Being zapped with L Lung Gas.)
Microwave Man needs to be a determined individual. That determination needs to border on obsession. Literally. It is almost like 'playing chess' using other people (tap) as chess pieces. It takes much time and patience and money - all the money you need to literally 'buy' the people you need. Walter Gerash is obsessed with me. He literally cannot stop thinking about me. So he spends his money on me:
He (or his employees) watch me 24/7. They also listen to me 24/7. They also harrass me during most (faint boom) of that time with microwave cannons. (Microwaves are really excellent ways to harrass your close neighbors (boom) in the same building.)
As a Jewish Superhero, Gerash feels fulfilled. No longer is he only a liar (lawyer), he is a Jew who persecutes uncircumcised Goyim in a most elegant and secretive manner. Not even Colorado's most famous Police Force (the ACSD) would dare to lay a hand on him!

Unusual Super Heroes.

Sipping on beer #1 at 1822. Sip. I'm a bit late today due to at least seven hours of heavy microwave radiation between 11 PM last night and 3 PM this afternoon when I finally crawled out of bed. Sip. Today's beer is Busch Light, instead of the usual Natural Light. (They were out of 12 pacs of NL.) Sip. They both taste pretty much the same, but I prefer NL. Sip. 
Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1837. Sip. Buzzing a bit.
Superman has a baby?! A movie to that effect has recently been released, according to 'the evening news.' It's a boy. Lessee... A baby boy born in New york City... in 2013... I have one question: Did they try to circumcise him?
And only just today I discovered - quite by accident - the Israeli superhero, Captain Israel. Apparently he doesn't get along with Foreskin Man. Eheh. Vulva Girl looks interesting.
Now sipping on beer #3 of Busch Light. Sip. Although I don't have an NL to compare it with, this BL seems to be just a bit tastier and smellier than NL. I prefer the NL, no doubt because I have been drinking it for at least ten years. But BL definitely works if you can't find any NL. Sip.

Friday, June 07, 2013


Previous Reading on This Subject.

It's almost time to sign off, but I want to mention the books that I have read previously and which are also listed in the Psychedelic Library:
The Doors of Perception. I read this in the '80s after doing LSD about 10-15
times. I remember only that it 'concurred' with my own experiences with LSD.
The Joyous Cosmology. I love Allen Watts! Sip. A current potty book.
LSD - My Problem Child. You must read this book! I read it in the '90s(?)
The Road to Eleusis. Oh my god yes! You must read this book! I did it in the late '80s/early '90s. If I remember correctly, it suggested a psychedelic substrate to Jesus' teachings. The Greeks interpreted/anticipated  Jesus in psychedelic terms. Did I get that right?
You might be tempted to question this blog and the various ideas presented here. If so, you are a dumbass. Goodfuckingnight.

Teaching Masturbation.

Now what... Hmm. Sip. Aha. Masturbation! How do you teach it?
Well, folks, it depends. Eheh. Sip.
So far as female masturbation is concerned, the teaching of it must be pretty much standard, and I know very little about it.
Problems arise only when you attempt to teach masturbation to a mixed class of male 'Normals' and male 'Circumcates.' Procedures differ depending on 'available personal equipment.'
'Normals' are not a problem: 'Simply grasp the erect penis in the dominant hand and 'work it up and down for a few minutes' until orgasm. Then fall asleep. No problem. Normals usually figure it all out for themselves in bed at night by the age of ten. The Problem arises with Circumcate Masturbation. It's complicated, and not at all obvious.
But Modern technology has rescued those unfortunate children: First, you need a lubricant. The lubricant will allow your hand to slip up and down on your penis. Buy the lubricant. Keep it secret from your parents. Apply the lubricant at night. Slip your dominant hand up and down on the lubricated penis until orgasm. Go to sleep. All circumcates 14 and over should be made aware of this glorious procedure in school.
Now, imagine Juicemedia (Jewish Media) as it 'secretes' the information - which is not for publication - to all concerned. Argh.
So Elders had to go.
(And she was a fucking pediatrician!)


I Love You Joycelyn Elders!

Just after I published that last post I lost my cable connection. Obviously, Judeo-faggot forces took my 'offer' as an opportunity to 'get in on the action.' Those same 'forces' often 'belittle the font' as I write this blog. Hmm.
Where were we? Ahh! Joycelyn Elders!
After rereading my blog last week I thought about President Clinton's black female Surgeon General who advocated teaching children how to masturbate. (Horrors!) I could not think of her name. I was in bed at the time. I was pretty sure that if I waited for my CNS to 'recreate the lost neuronal connections' - a process that sometimes takes overnight - I would remember her name the next day. Sure enough: Joycelyn Elders. Naughty lady!
Her very advanced views on Drug Legalization and Human Sexuality proved to be too much for The Jews (The Juice) who really run America, and she was fired by President Clinton, who was apparently unaware of the real Jewish political power in America. And I think that even Joycelyn Elders was unaware of how her very logical views offended Jewish Financial Interests, not to mention Jewish Tribal interests. And she was a pediatritian to boot! Horrors!
America, we have a problem: Jews.

Good Drugs and Bad Drugs.

It works the other way too, of course: kids can turn on their own parents. I am a case in point, sort of: My oldest daughter's husband turned us all on to Pot, first, and then to LSD. I allowed the kids to do it with him and me after learning as much as possible about the drug and doing it myself. I saw it as a 'teaching experience.' The lesson was, 'Only three drugs are permitted: Booze, Pot, and LSD. No other drugs.' I emphasised that no injectable drugs and no snortable drugs should ever be done.
It eventually came clear to me that, of those three drugs, the most dangerous was Booze. Many people have actually died from alcohol intoxication, but the lethal dose of LSD is unknown, and the lethal dose of Pot is impossible. Sip.
And interestingly, both Pot and LSD are 'Schedule One' Drugs! How fucked-up is that?!
I tell you this, folks: Big Pharma is 'in it for the money.' Big Pharma has become the national Dealer of Deadly Drugs. And Big Pharma has huge amounts of money. And money buys politicians. In fact, money buys everybody. Hmm!
(Shhh. Anybody out there wanna pay me for not writing this blog? Huh?) 
Sip. Buzzing nicely on beer #5.

Born High on LSD.

Sipping on beer #1 at 1635. Sip. Still in the 'waking-up process after a little nap. Sip. Beer tastes a bit like water after first sampling some very hot and yummy Curry a la Kootch. Sip. The weather is very nice at about 78 degrees. The fans are blowing in. All is well. Time to reread last week's posts...
Ah yes. The Ritual! Did you try it? Did your 'mind' wander at all as you tried to 'do the ritual?' Yes? Then welcome to the club. You should keep 'doing the ritual.' It only takes a minute or two per day, and you may also begin to notice some of your other rituals. The journey to meta-cognition begins with a single step...
Concerning my Psychedelic Library 'reading program,' I finished The Man Who Turned on the World. I found it to be a vast but interesting jungle of verbiage. I had no idea that anyone could find pleasure in taking so much LSD! Yeesh. The guy seems to have been a 'born addict.' I kept wondering about where he got all the money for all those drugs!
Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1720. Sip. (Strange. What happened to beer #2? Hmm. Sip.) Buzzing quite nicely. Sip.
I have since read The Ecstatic Adventure by Ralf Metzner, and I absolutely loved the RM interview with the woman who Gave Birth while tripping on LSD. The little guy was actually born high! 'Highly' recommended, folks! Interestingly, he was born with his eyes wide open, and he took his first breath as soon as his mouth had 'cleared.' Wow.
(And my 'guess' is that the little guy was Jewish, but avoided being 'tribally initiated' because it was a 'home birth' with a 'special doctor' who was aware of it all.)

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