Friday, June 07, 2013


Previous Reading on This Subject.

It's almost time to sign off, but I want to mention the books that I have read previously and which are also listed in the Psychedelic Library:
The Doors of Perception. I read this in the '80s after doing LSD about 10-15
times. I remember only that it 'concurred' with my own experiences with LSD.
The Joyous Cosmology. I love Allen Watts! Sip. A current potty book.
LSD - My Problem Child. You must read this book! I read it in the '90s(?)
The Road to Eleusis. Oh my god yes! You must read this book! I did it in the late '80s/early '90s. If I remember correctly, it suggested a psychedelic substrate to Jesus' teachings. The Greeks interpreted/anticipated  Jesus in psychedelic terms. Did I get that right?
You might be tempted to question this blog and the various ideas presented here. If so, you are a dumbass. Goodfuckingnight.

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