Friday, August 29, 2014


The AAP Conundrum.

Coincidentally, I'd like to take a look at how we can improve the national HI (Happiness Index) of everyday people. For example, recently we saw on the national news that the AAP has designated sleep deprivation a significant national problem for students. And I agree that sleep deprivation can be a major problem. Congratulations to the AAP. But, interestingly, the AAP failed to 'make the connection' between Circumcision and sleep deprivation. What is that connection? Orgasm. Orgasm is 'sleep-inducing.' circumcision is orgasm-inhibiting.
As boys 'come of age,' they inevitably discover that 'masturbation' produces orgasm, produces sleep.' It is a natural and virtually universal (among humans and other primates) sequence. Orgasms are gooood. Sleep is gooood. But infant male circumcision (An AAP imperative) is totally at odds with masturbation, orgasm, and hence, adequate sleep.
Will the AAP finally come to admit that national circumcision is a bad idea? Probably not.

The Bat Shit Wealthy Acid Test.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1953, buzzing slightly after watching the news. Sip. Time to reread last session... Yep. Holy machine, Batman!
Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 2006. Sip. 'The lost Gospels' and 'Hitler Strikes East' are now playing on Cable TV. I'm recording 'The Lost Gospels.' I like the 'Gospel of Thomas' but haven't read the others. Sip. Osha wrote a book about the Gospel of Thomas. Pretty good stuff. Sip. HR.
Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 2032. Sip.
Recenteventwise, last night I watched 'The Billionaire Agenda,' a program which had been waiting patiently on my TiVo for quite some time. Interesting! It seems that some of the 'Super-Rich' have been undergoing psychological changes related to the 'Rich/Happy Index.' (How happy can you get? Is there a limit?) Some of them have apparently discovered that giving away money can make them significantly happier! Alright! A 'byproduct,' of course, is that needy folks receiving that money also become happier. It could be an ancient Christian idea, but it apparently works well in the modern world.
It seems to me that this kind of experimental psychology is a good thing, and so I would like to propose another experiment for the 'super rich:' LSD. I think that most people are astonished by an LSD Trip. It can be a 'life-changing event.' How would such a 'trip' affect various types of multi-millionaires? We need to do that experiment!
(Don't get me wrong, folks. I don't need a bunch of wealthy enemies. Indeed, I make the above proposal as a suggestion toward improving the mental states of wealthy people who aren't all that happy in spite of their great wealth.)

Saturday, August 23, 2014



I took a short nap after writing the previous post, then decided I'd had a bit too much beer and not enough sleep. See you next time... 

Friday, August 22, 2014


The Chemo-Electro-Magnetic Machine.

Kootch just returned from KSS (I think). Elegant woman. Sipping on beer #4 at 1655. Sip.
Oops, I forgot about the electronic part of me. Hmm. I'll have to come up with a new name. Hmm. How about 'Electro-Chemical Machine.' 'Biological' would be 'implied.' Would that work? Yep. You can imply whatever you want to imply. Sip.
Indeed, it is the electro-chemical nature of the human Musculo-Nervous System that causes me to 'react' to extreme microwave radiation. For example: 'I woke up vibrating this morning. So I got out of bed and watched TV.'
In this particular case, what happened is this:
They wanted to wake me up. So they aimed a microwave cannon at me. (Maybe it was more than one microwave cannon, but if so, those 'cannons' were electronically synchronized such that they 'pulsed' at the same rate at the same time.) (My nose is dripping at this point, due, no doubt, to a constant low-level microwave attack. They want in in on this blog post!) (Just before I wrote that 'they' hit me with a heavy continuous wave attack in the lungs, causing me to head for the LR, coughing. Guess I'll go back to the LR and watch the news... Back at 1809 with beer #6. Sip. I took one of my cookie sheets with (tap) me and held it close to my chest while I watched the news. Experience has taught me that the metal cookie sheet protects me from most of the microwave energy. Turning my back to the source of the radiation is also protective, indicating that my lungs are very near the front surface. I didn't know that.
Where was I... Ah, being 'pulsed' with microwave energy.
But enough with that technical stuff. I'm getting bored. Sip.

'The Ethics of Bio-chemical Machines'?

Sipping on beer #1 at 1538. Sip. It's been a while! Time to reread last entries... Yep. Hard times at Kaiser. And there are other 'problems.' for example, I had to fire my doctor! It's all too complicated to explain, and I wouldn't have fun doing it, and this blog is mostly about having fun while getting drunk and blogging. And anyway, I am a self-respecting Biochemical Machine just back from the fridge with beer #2 (a really fun chemical!) which is causing interesting chemical changes within my nervous system. (Sip. Buzzing slightly.) I see my readers as Biochemical Machines also. Most people think otherwise, of course: They think they're Human Beings. Sip.
Sip. Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1618. Sip. Somebody ought to write a book titled, 'The Ethics of Bio-chemical Machines.'
I'm too lazy. Maybe you can do it. Sip. Should be interesting.

Saturday, August 09, 2014


Murder in Slow Motion.

Kaiser people saved my life back in about 2001 or so. They were good people. Or so it seemed. It pains me to report otherwise regarding current Kaiser personnel.
In a related scenerio, I am fairly confident that it was The Stalker Walter Gerash who contributed to my current INR problem. Back in those days, Gerash had almost unlimited access to our apartment. He would often visit when we were gone. One day he decided to 'cripple me.' He began a campaign to slowly increase the height of my chair (at the computer). Months or years went by. My chair eventually reached the 'top stops.' The seat eventually became so high that my right leg did not touch the floor. Then he began dosing me with chemicals which would increase Testosterone, lowering INR. The result was a chronic DVT in the right leg.
Years too late it dawned on me that the chair was at the 'top stops' and that was what caused my DVT.
Nighty nite!


Two Thumbs Down on Kaiser Permanente.

Still working on beer #7 at 2257. Sip.
I suppose you could categorize some of my previous posts as 'conspiracy theory.' I have no objection to that. You are entitled to your opinion. But I have lived the described scenerio. To me it is fact (faint boom), not theory. (And now tonight's very first obvious microwave attack produced 15 sneezes plus the usual mucus flows over a period of several minutes. Seems to be over at 2321. Sip. This might be one of the worst U/R attacks ever. Sip.
Which raises the question: Why would they (the stalkers) make such an obvious connection? I think they want to underline what follows. (I report. You decide.) But have they fucked up?
One of the best 'prods' Gerash has against me is my 'Protime blood-clotting number.' It should be between 2 and 3. Too low and I might clot; too high and I might bleed out. Sip. Bad news in either case. So I go to Kaiser Permante periodically to get my 'protime number.'
I 'give blood.' 
Kaiser tests the blood to determine my protime number (clotting time).
Too high and I have to decrease medication (Warfarin). Too low and I have to increase (thump) medication. Things have been going well for about 8 years or so. I am still alive.
But recently my post blood test instructions from Kaiser have been 'in error.' As a result, my right leg has become terribly swollen, and my left foot has many dark markings at skin level. Also, my left foot is moderately swollen. The evidence indicates that my INR is way too low.
And yet I got a communication from Kaiser recently that my INR is way too high! They want me to decrease my weekly Warfarin dose significantly. Huh?!
What to do? (faint boom) Furthermore, the Kaiser 'protime processes' have become quite chaotic. It is as if Kaiser wants to keep information from me as long as possible. As a result, I have totally lost confidence in Kaiser Permanente.
I strongly recommend to my readers that they do not adopt Kaiser Permanente as their 'Health Manager.' Thumbs down on Kaiser Permanente.

Friday, August 08, 2014


Post Holy Economics.

Working on beer #7 at 2206. Sip. The major problem, of course, with eliminating the word 'Holy' from the various human cultures is that there would be significant economic penalties as various churches collapsed. But, if carefully planned, preachers could be retrained to become psychologists or something. Such a transition would significantly improve human culture the world over. Indeed, much of the anger and hatred in the world can be traced back to the many millions of human penises which have, over the centuries, been 'made holy' by circumcision. Sip. End of beer #7. But what to do with all those 'out of work' pediatricians? I'd send them to the states with high beef and pork production. But it's just a suggestion. 

Do You Really Want to go to Heaven?

So lessee... we've sort of 'condemned' a really huge word (holy) to the category of 'dangerous and meaningless.' I like it! How would our human culture change if the concept 'holy' were declared to be meaningless? Would 'good' suffice instead? I think so. 'Excellent' would also work in some cases. 'Nice' comes to mind... 'Yum' sort of rings a bell... 'OMG!' would even work. Indeed, if the concept 'Holy' were redacted from human culture, Saudi Arabia might become 'The Promised Land!'
But much more importantly, Human sexual experience overall, both male and female, would soar! Both male and female sexual experience would rise to the level Mother Nature intended. The act of intercourse would become the new 'Holy.' Masturbation would become the new 'solitary holy.' The ancient Jewish 'pediatrician' Abraham would become history's most hated man, worse, even, than Adolf Hitler!
Jihad would not exist, not to mention Jewish penis envy!
Ah, what a world! Do you really want to go to heaven? (notice the font change)
Then you must remove the word, 'holy' from The Good Earth.


The Most Dangerous Word.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1908. Sip. Just finished rereading the most recent posts. Damn! Has it been that long? I must be getting old. Sip. Better than the alternative I guess. Sip.
I like the word, 'Holy.' What could it possibly mean?! I once began reading a book titled, 'The Idea of the Holy' ( but never finished it for some reason, probably because the author used the word, 'ineffable' too often. I wanted something more 'concrete.' The concept 'Holy Land' was also 'ineffable.' Isn't all land holy? And all sea? and all air? Isn't everything holy? (If you don't 'get this' idea you need to drop some Acid).
What about 'Holy bombs?' 'Holy bullets?' 'Holy shit?' Many religious cultures eat 'Holy food.' At what point does holy (blessed) 'Bread and Wine' become Holy Shit? Is there a particular spot in the human intestine where one becomes the other?
In my opinion, the word 'Holy' is the most dangerous word, and should never be used, especially when children are present.

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