Friday, August 29, 2014


The Bat Shit Wealthy Acid Test.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1953, buzzing slightly after watching the news. Sip. Time to reread last session... Yep. Holy machine, Batman!
Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 2006. Sip. 'The lost Gospels' and 'Hitler Strikes East' are now playing on Cable TV. I'm recording 'The Lost Gospels.' I like the 'Gospel of Thomas' but haven't read the others. Sip. Osha wrote a book about the Gospel of Thomas. Pretty good stuff. Sip. HR.
Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 2032. Sip.
Recenteventwise, last night I watched 'The Billionaire Agenda,' a program which had been waiting patiently on my TiVo for quite some time. Interesting! It seems that some of the 'Super-Rich' have been undergoing psychological changes related to the 'Rich/Happy Index.' (How happy can you get? Is there a limit?) Some of them have apparently discovered that giving away money can make them significantly happier! Alright! A 'byproduct,' of course, is that needy folks receiving that money also become happier. It could be an ancient Christian idea, but it apparently works well in the modern world.
It seems to me that this kind of experimental psychology is a good thing, and so I would like to propose another experiment for the 'super rich:' LSD. I think that most people are astonished by an LSD Trip. It can be a 'life-changing event.' How would such a 'trip' affect various types of multi-millionaires? We need to do that experiment!
(Don't get me wrong, folks. I don't need a bunch of wealthy enemies. Indeed, I make the above proposal as a suggestion toward improving the mental states of wealthy people who aren't all that happy in spite of their great wealth.)
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