Saturday, May 28, 2011


Tonight's Wrap-up

Time to wrap this up at 2345 as I begin beer #11. Sip. Hows about this inverted Yum-Yum?
(Listening to CNN at 0010, sipping on beer, anticipating FOOD! Sip. Dessert is French Vanilla Ice Cream. Slurp. Yum! Goodnight and goodluck.)

Friday, May 27, 2011


Is The Singularity Near?

I just read the link about conjoined twins. Totally fascinating! Marriage is something like that. The (rather long) article contained this link which mentions Kant. Whoa! I'm gonna add this one to my 'blog list!'
Just finished beer #8 at 2150. I'm back from the fridge at 2153 with a shot of whiskey in a Diet Pepsi and ice glass instead of beer #9, because my 'buzz' has been 'fading' recently. I expect the more concentrated booze to 'pep up' my buzz. We'll see. Sip. Yum.
My final link for tonight centers on Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook. Zucky... (Last sip of the whiskey - off to the fridge for beer #9 buzzing furiously at 2213. Alright!) ...Zucky nowadays eats only animals he has 'personally killed.' 'It's healthier.' Hmm.
I presume that his underlying motive is 'personal health.' Wildlife are not fed the modern antibiotic fare which could possibly affect modern human immune functioning. I can understand that. But where do you come up with an antibiotic-free pig? Mark needs to 'splain this. Does Mark like 'killing other animals?' If so, does that scenerio increase Mark's appetite? Or depress it? Maybe Mark needs to consider becoming a Vegan. In any case we wonder.
It 'figures,' of course, that 'somebody who literally has everything' would want to prolong that situation forever. Does Mark believe he can literally cheat Death? Does Mark believe in... 'The Singularity?'
I don't, of course, at my advanced age of 76. But I am not at all against the idea.
I prefer Buddhism. I especially like Nirvana, the ultimate desired Buddhist/Hindu state of being after personal death. I don't see 'pussy' in there anywhere, but I can't rule it out.

Tonight's Rink Dump.

Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1840. I looked in on Kootch. She was asleep in her chair. By the way, she has mostly recovered from her 'altitude sickness' and is again doing her 'excercise classes.' Good girl.
Pottybookwise, I finished Kant this week. Ever since I began reading philosophy (instead of religion) I have been interested in the subject of Epistemology (theory of knowledge). What do we 'know' and how do we 'know' it? Fascinating. The following 'Rink Dump' addresses the 'knowlege problem' in some way:
Eight Shocking Things We learned from Steven Hawking's Book. Sounds like my next potty book!
Electron Acts Like a Perfect Sphere. Hmm! Could 'round' be a fundamental characteristic of The Universe?
Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind? The idea seems quite rational in view of the theory that 'brain' generates 'mind.' Two conjoined brains could - if the theory is correct - generate a 'common mind' in at least a limited sense. If so, 'sex' in later mature life could be 'very interesting.'
Fooling people about 'body image.' Also very interesting. Apparently, 'perception' is complex, involving all 'senses.' Kant would have loved to know all this!
Kootch has hit the sack. I'm back from the fridge with beer #7. Sip.
Tonight's Music: Beethoven Piano Concerto #1, third movement.

The Blind 'Teaching' The Blind

The discerning pilot/reader will detect my 'lightplane' understanding of the preceeding subject, of course. My only 'jet experience' was on Flight Simulator.

Next subject: Intactivism News. Fox?! This one is about the San Francisco proposal to ban infant circumcision in San Francisco. Suprisingly 'balanced' for Fox News! CNN also had such a 'discussion' today, which I viewed in its entirety, and for once, CNN sucked in comparison! In this version, the same anti-circ dude went up against the Jewish 'sexpert' Shmuley Boteach. The 'moderator' (Drew Griffin) was also obviously 'pro-circ,' so it was two against one. As I watched the CNN piece I got the impression of 'Circumcision Rage' in both Boteach and Griffin. Indeed, Boteach was so pro-mutilation that he appeared unaware that Maimonides long ago conceded that circumcision 'weakened the member.' Circumcised men like Boteach make me laugh when they speak about the 'advantages' of being circumcised. They seem to me like men whose eyelids were removed on the eighth day after birth, writing ecstatically about 'brightness and hints of color' when advocating infant eyelid excision.

Sleeping in Coffin Corner

First sip at 1627. I'm a bit late this week, but I have been doing 'blog prep' today instead of playing C-III.
I should probably do this part (Air France crash) of the 'rink dump' while I'm still sober enough to make sense. (Buzzing slightly at 1643.) Apparently the airplane flew through heavy icing conditions just before the crash: The icing was so heavy that it overwhelmed all of the heated pitot tube sensors causing them to malfunction. The wing and tail leading edges would also have quickly accumulated huge amounts of ice unless deicing systems had been activated. Lacking enough information to properly manage the airplane, Mister Autopilot submitted his resignation, waking the pilots up unexpectedly. They began to analyze the situation. One of the pilots, perhaps fearing they were losing altitude, pulled back on the stick (we saw this reaction in another fairly recent crash involving icing). The airplane stalled as a result, and began settling rapidly. The pilots were apparently oblivious of the stalled condition, and did not 'lower the nose' to gain airspeed. The stalled airplane descended rapidly (about 10,000 feet per minute), wallowing left and right. One of the pilots decided to wake up the chief pilot for advice. The other pilot continued to 'analyze the situation.' The (previously sound asleep) chief pilot awakened with, 'Whas up?' (or perhaps the French equivalent thereof). He got right to work, but was still in 'wake-up mode' at the time they hit the water a minute later.
That's my irreverent version, at least. Most folks don't know that modern jets at high altitude are flying in the vicinity of 'Coffin Corner.' They call it 'coffin corner' because in the thin air at high altitude the airplane must be flown at high speed with a high 'angle of attack' (very fast and very 'nose up'). The result is that the airplane is close to both the 'stall buffet' and the 'speed buffet' and must be flown very carefully. Too fast and the horizontal tail surfaces will begin to vibrate and the airplane could disintegrate. Too slow and the airplane could stall (or better, descend). (For a more sophisticated description of 'coffin corner' see here.)

Friday, May 20, 2011


Pantie Galleries

So I look forward to enjoying my hangover tomorrow morning unmolested by noxious spirits. Yez. Those of you out there who are not afraid of the Jewish God WHTZSNM might want to tune in to Panty Galleries.
Time to wrap this up. See you next week. Good night and good luck. I love you.


Working on beer #10 at 1935 (thump above). Kootch has closed her bedroom door. Hmm. Judgement Day. Hmm. I decided to call the Jewish God WHTZSNM on The Brown Telephone. I dialed 666 and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Tell me about Judgement Day.
gd: What do you want to know?
me: Should I worry?
gd: Yes. YOU should REALLY worry.
me: Do You have a date?
gd: Of course.
me: May I know it?
gd: Uh-uh.
me: Soon?
gd: Of course!
me: Just around the corner?
gd: Yes! You are very perceptive! I AM impressed!
me: Tomorrow?
gd: Uh-uh. Try again.
me: Whew. (click)

Sexual Imprinting

Circumcision interferes with normal sexual imprinting. (Buzzing nicely at 1812. About time! Back from the fridge with beer #8 at 1815.) (Being gassed at 1821.) Sip. That is a fact. Circumcision is an ancient practice which has no place in a modern society. Circumcision should be outlawed. Indeed, all forms of male and female sexual mutilation should be outlawed. Sip. Believe me. I know about sexual imprinting.
Working on beer #8 at 1847. Kootch seems to be trying to sleep.
Time for a Rink Dump:
Child loses member after circumcision. Oops.
May is National Masturbation Month. Who knew!?
Judgement Day will happen tomorrow. Argh. I was planning to sleep in.

Sexual Imprinting

And fucking with your font.
Working on beer #5 at 1700.
Human Sexual Imprinting is an important concept which is relatively ignored in modern Judeo-Cultic psychology, but which explains much of Judeo/Muslim behavior. Jews are routinely circumcised on 'the 8th day' after birth, but Muslims usually wait years before doing that violent sexual assault. The result is that Jews tend to be less violent than Muslims. Presumably, memory of the 'event' is important, and recent memory is better memory.
Nature 'intended' for 'sexual awakening' to happen in a very private, personal setting, usually at night. Masturbation is something very normal in Homo (tap) Sapiens, and is usually (but not always) 'discovered' around the age of 12 years. Masturbation 'teaches' the performer about sex. sHe learns sensuality and sexuality privately and integrates those new feelings and attitudes into hIr current social context. The result is that 'normals' (uncircumcised) tend toward a predictable stability in terms of sexual 'preferences,' while 'mutilates' (circumcised) tend to be erratic, sometimes violent.

Kootch Returns!

Working on beer #3 at 1600. Kootch is back from vacation in Japan and is suffering from her usual altitude sickness. Whew! It is so nice to have a friendly partner again! I just played last week's 'Shina No Yoru' songs for her. Like me, she remembers hearing the first version. She tells me that the singer of the second version (Hibari Misora) was about her age and 'died young' of liver disease associated with excessive alcohol consumption. 'Very sexy, famous singer in Japan.' Better watch that boozin,' girls.
The Jewish scum upstairs is walking around just above me as I write this. (Sudden heavy 'Face Rad' caused me to exit the BR for another beer. Much nose blowing, etc. Back with beer #4 at 1630. Sip. Speaking of 'Jewish Scum,' 'DSK' is much in the news recently. I haven't delved into all the details, but from what I've seen on TV he has a really bizarre heterosexual orientation featuring impulsiveness, domination, and violence. I can understand impulsiveness, but I've never associated sex with domination or violence. I 'psychologate' that he became 'sexually imprinted' in that regard during his early teens. Gerash appears to have a somewhat similar sexuality with the exception of gender: Imagine an old Jewish queer living above you, and getting sexual satisfaction (at his age!) by invading your privacy and attacking you with noxious gasses and microwave artillery. It takes all kinds...)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Good Night and Good Luck.

Working on beer #13 at 2340. I like the idea of interacting with Omar Khayyam! Indeed, I am playing with the idea of doing this on a weekly basis. Yazz! Omar and I have so much in common!
Last sip of beer #13. Supper-time. See you all again next week.

Tonight's Poetical Question

'Money' thus determines social behavior in a connected world. (In an 'unconnected world' social behavior is stable, handed down from mother to son.) Working on beer #11 at 2136.
But this brings us to the question of 'ultimate importance.' This question obviously needed further definition in terms of Individual/society: The individual understands immediately what is meant by the question; the society does not understand and cannot answer. This question occupied my consciousness. I needed an expert. I called Lucifer. I asked to speak to Omar Khayyam.  
Q: What is the most important thing?
A: Now.
Q: Why not yesterday?
A: Yesterday this day's madness did prepare...
Q: But what about tomorrow?
A: Tomorrow's silence, triumph or despair...
Q: Yes... go on...
A: Drink! For you know not whence you came, nor why!
Q: Sounds good to me...
A: Drink! For you know not why you go nor where.

How American Jewry Bought American Christianity.

One other aspect of those times became interesting to me as I 'lived my life' back in those days. I was a 'Nontheist,' but was interested in the 'religion of my fellow man.' I often watched Christian preachers on Sunday Morning tv. I was struck by their 'love of Israel.' Huh? 'The Jews crucified Christ!' What was so great about the existence of Israel? Why all this 'Zionism?' (By that time I was aware that Jews did not like me at all, and therefore as far as I was concerned I was also a zionist: 'More Jews over there, less Jews over here!') I was really puzzled. I would eventually come up with the theory that rich American Jews made regular contributions (tap) to various popular Christian tv preachers who 'loved Israel' and preached frequent sermons on national media praising the existence of Israel. I came to believe that rich American Jews 'owned' American Fundamentalist Christianity.
It's the money, honey.


Working on beer #6 at 1843. Here is yet another (instrumental) version of Shina No Yoru. Beginning beer #7 at 1903. Still feeling a very lucid, subtle buzz.
Star Trek note: I continue to watch the rerun of that series on ch-3 of course. My latest conjecturation concerning Spock is that he always wears 'Israeli colors' (blue and white), whereas the others change their uniform colors from time to time, especially Kirk. Interestingly, the '67 War between Israel and the surrounding Arab States was going on about that time. Jews worldwide must have been experiencing a huge tribal high, and Spock was clearly doing a very Jewish thing. Spock certainly had the attention of the American Jewish Community. But was he a 'hit?' Cold... Emotionless... Sexless... Did Jews find that charicature appealing? Probably not. Jews wanted to think of themselves as, 'hot stuff.' Jews had, 'Mystique.' Shorn of 'the juicy parts' their penises were streamlined sexiness on steroids. Even women were encouraged to 'get circumcised.' Infant Sexual mutilation became 'de rigueur.' That much is true.
And it was all a lie, of course. The Jewish penis was actually desensitized, numb. The juicy parts had been amputated, and with them many thousands of sensory nerves. The Jewish penis could not savor the vaginal environment. It could only speculate.  

Tonight's Music

Reread last week's posts just now as I finished beer #3. Very manic stuff! I must be slightly depressed tonight... but the trend is definitely upward. Beginning beer #4 at 1715. Music might help:
Mozart Symphony #41, 2nd movement. This is congruent with my current mood. Beautiful music. (Why aren't Mozart's symphonies more popular?) (Buzzing nicely as I watch and listen at 1725. The News is approaching...)
Cute Japanese Song. Not exactly Mozart, but we need a change of mood. Festive.
China Night (Shina No Yoru). I first heard this while I was stationed in Japan (1955-57) and loved it immediately. Seems to be a Japanese Army song from early WW-II celebrating Chinese pussy; however, the song's 'beat' is more suggestive of masturbation than coitus.
Here is another version of the same song. I love the subtlty of her exquisite presentation. Sexy and accurate.
End of 'rink dump.' It's all improvisation from here on...

Lucid Buzzing

First sip at 1555. Just finished a two hour 'nap' amidst heavy microwave radiation and occasional gas. Not enough sleep last night due to those same two factors. The 'nap' seems to have refreshed me enough do some blogging tonight even though I got no actual sleep. Sip. I don't feel particularly inspired yet. Sip. But I'm an optimist. Sip. Finished beer #1 at 1622 while browsing No buzz yet. Ret's do a rink dump:
Outlawing Circumcision Good for the Jews? Clearly it will be good for their sex lives. God won't like it of course, but fuck 'im. Where was He during the holocaust? On vacation?
Build a Human Antenna... This explains why my ZC-185 is constantly confused.
'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' leave off. The idiots are always entertaining, aren't they.
Buzzing lucidly as I begin beer #3 at 1652. This must be what it feels like to start drinking in the morning. Never did that. Don't plan to start. Ok, the 'serious link dump is done; time for a fun music link dump (tap).

Friday, May 06, 2011


Tonight's Pussy.

Working on beer #12 at 2030. Sip. Buzz has been stable for the last hour or two. I have whiskey backup 'if necessary.' Sip.
This is clearly going to be tonight's last post. The only question is, 'What subject?' Hmm.
'Pussy' comes first to mind. Hmm. Alright! It worked!.

But I'm not ready to publish yet. Heh. Wait! Shall we do a little bit of 'surfing?' Yes we shall...
2150. Just finished eating supper and watching TV. I've lost all interest in further blogging. Goodnight and good luck.

Einstein's Loophole

me: I'm confused. Is Osama in Heaven, or is Osama in Hell?
lu: Depends on who you talk to...
me: God says, 'Hell.'
lu: I disagree. Osama is in Heaven. And I know.
me: Please explain.
lu: Saint Peter began the process. He directed Osama to Hell, predictably.
me: Go on...
lu: Osama arrived at the gates of Hell but was denied entry.
me: Why?
lu: I personally denied him entry because of his unsavory past.
me: And then?
lu: I sent him to the Einstein Unit for further processing. Those folks forwarded him to the Loophole Facility.
me: Loophole?
lu: Einstein's Loophole works both ways: Not only can we transfer souls from Heaven to Hell via Einstein's Loophole, we can also transfer souls from Hell to Heaven in the same way.
me: Do you do this sort of thing very often?
lu: Not often. In fact, Osama was the very first test. But we do the opposite types of transfers fairly often.

Osama in Heaven

111/62 P53. Sip. Beginning beer #8 after The Evening News. The evening is going by fast. Sip. I need to contact my 'sources' concerning the question of Osama's current whereabouts. I decided to call the Jewish god WHTZSNM, first. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Does 'Osama' ring a bell?
gd: Hell.
me: You are a poet and don't know it.
gd: (hangs up)
I then dialed Lucifer's number:
lu: I was expecting your call. You're a bit late, in fact.
me: The Evening News.
lu: Of course. Just out of curiosity, what beer is this?
me: Seven.
lu: Heaven.
me: And you, too, are a poet!
lu: At your service...
me: Omar. Right?
lu: Right. We have had a long relationship as you well know.
me: God says, 'Hell.' (tap)
lu: God is... uh... somewhat behind the curve on that issue.
me: Osama is in Heaven?!
lu: Yes. But keep this quiet.


Elegant! Operation Neptune Spear defines the subject succinctly, and bespeaks the sophistication of the originator: 'Neptune' was the Roman god of water and sea. I approve. Whomever thought that one up deserves hiR pay grade at least: The very mention of a (nowadays extinct) god like Neptune tends to 'add class' to an essentially sordid operation and would tend to (unconsciously) mollify some religious opponents. 
(I haven't read the previous link yet, and I'm sure it will be frequently updated as more information comes in.) (Wheee! Beginning beer #6 at 1634. I should do this more often!)
Time for a 'Rink Dump:'
Al Queda reacts.
Miami Hospital fucks up.
Beth Israel fucks up even worse.
UNIQLOCK. Been watching this sexy link more often lately.
Time for The News.

Operation Fish Bait

First sip of Natural Light at 1422. Sip. 'Boy they good!' I'm way too sober at the moment, but the beer will soon fix that. Sip. What a week, and it isn't over yet! Sip. And before I forget, Happy Mother's Day (Sunday) to all you mothers out there. (No, not you, Rahm.)
The big news is, of course, that, 'O'bama got Osama!' (Buzz beginning at 1430. Wow, that was quick. Must be the empty stomach. I can hear The Prez now on the LR TV.) I watched it all beginning to unfold on CNN Sunday night. I didn't have a clue about the subject of the prez's address to the nation until the 'leaks' began coming in that the subject would be The Death of Osama. (Beginning beer #2 at 1448.) Since then I've followed the story on both tv and the internet. I was slightly disappointed that the 'death photo' of Osama was suppressed. I would like to have seen it. On the other hand I can understand the reasoning behind the decision. I was especially interested in the relatively trivial information concerning what the 'official name' of that military operation might be, and when it became clear that (beginning beer #3 at 1509) a 'burial at sea' was planned from the very beginning, I began speculating. Would the 'name of the operation' involve some or other reference to 'the sea?' I thought so. Hmm. The possibilities were endless, of course, but I began thinking in terms of 'process and final result.' 'Fish Food' came instantly to mind but was rejected as too banal. And in any case, that was only 'stage 1.' ('Saving' failed at that point, so I 'Published.' It worked! I shall now continue...) My next idea was, 'Fish Poop.' I rejected that too, of course, as too (tap) juvenile. I needed a word which was both inclusive and suggestive but not repulsive. Ha! Bait! I settled on 'Operation Fish Bait.' My confidence was low. I would not have bet any money at all on that particular guess. Over the next day or two I was alert for any mention of the name of that 'Operation,' and eventually found it on the internet: Operation Neptune Spear

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