Friday, February 29, 2008


Show us Your Dick!

I am interested in the current political environment, of course, as a subset of 'current events.' And I cannot fail to notice that only 'Jew-friendly' ideas are floating around in the current politisphere. This is not at all unusual, of course, but it seems odd to me that, given the Democrat focus on 'health care' and 'women's rights,' the subject of 'newborn rights' remains unmentioned on any level by any political party. The Republicans are big on 'fetal rights' ...


But it seems that the subject of 'newborn rights' is anathema, politicwise. This fits with the theory that 'Jews control the government.' How is that possible? How is it possible that less than 4 percent of the population in a democracy can control an entire nation? How is it possible that routine infant sexual mutilation escapes mention as an issue in America today during a 'healthcare debate?' Why hasn't Hillary Clinton been as vocal on this issue as she was in Africa on the subject of female sexual mutilation so many years ago?
Jewish Money. She needs Jewish Money. All serious candidates need Jewish Money. Those candidates therefore kiss Jewish ass for money. American politics is, at bottom, a Jewish playground, and the most Jewish Money goes to the most Jewfriendly politicians.
And by 'Jews' I mean also, 'honorary Jews.' Jews could never control the government without the support of 'honorary Jews.' Honorary Jews' are (Christian) men who were circumcised at birth for 'health reasons.' They are emotionally indisposed to question routine infant sexual mutilation, and indeed, they circumcised their male children for 'health reasons' years ago. Penis Envy is a familial problem...
Question: Is Obama circumcised?
Eheh. Is The Pope Catholic?
Prove me wrong if you can, Obama!

Welcome to Modernity!


Unlike Farrakhan, who has a public image to maintain, many Americans are abandoning their childhood religion nowadays. This is a good thing. Interestingly, Catholicism has suffered major losses, no doubt as a result of the recent sex scandals involving pedofile priests. This erosion is certainly the direct result of 'information.' Information is a good thing. We live in 'The Information Age,' and we can expect that old and odius ideas will evaporate as a result.

You are made of this stuff. Follow the link to here.

But we are more than matter, we are mind. Welcome to modernity!

Who am I? What am I? These questions are unanswerable. They may even be meaningless.
Which brings us to the current moment as 'human beings' living together in a Nihilistic world:
Now what?!
Subjectivism solves nothing, although it is an interesting idea. Berkely was a genius, not that it matters subjectively. Solipsism solves everything, of course, but is unpalatable: Who wants to be alone?
Kant? Who understands Kant? Not me. Bertrand Russell, maybe, but not fucking likely. Certainly not Kant.
I could go on and on, of course, but you get the idea: Voltaire, for example.
So, given that our sophisticated investigations have produced no concrete results, are we justified in relying on children for ultimate information?

As Usual...

In other personal news this week, I may have been kicked off the Comcast (Chili) game site. All attempts to 'sign in' have, since wednesday, been rebuffed with the message (?). I have therefore begun a new game of C-III. I am amazed by this game. I must have played it at least a hundred times, but I have never encountered the same 'world.' Each new world is a new world to be conquered. This game is truly the gift which keeps on giving.

(What a hoot! I just walked into the kitchen for another beer and saw Tim Russert asking Barrack Obama (on MSNBC) about being endorsed by the Black Muslim Farrakhan who called the Jewish religion 'a gutter religion.' Obviously it was a rerun of the recent Democratic Debate. I thought, 'Sheeeit, I call Jewish religion 'a toilet religion! Farrakan is being kind!' This is the sort of thing which reminds me of my proudest accomplishment: the rejection of my childhood religion. Farrakan - idiot that he is - has not been able to accomplish that task. He still clings to an old and odius monotheism.)

I watched parts of the recent debate, especially the part where both candidates expressed their ardent support of Israel. I thought, 'Hmm. The Jewish Establishment has both those two 'in pocket.' Then I thought about McCain and his recent endorsement by the Jewish senator from Israel, Lieberman. It seemed to me that, from the Jewish point of view, here was an election made in heaven. As usual.

The Current State

Huh? I had forgot everything after (2) below, remembering only that whatever it was I wrote, it was free from previous errors.

The current state is slightly improved in the sense that there is less radiation (both day and night). Gas attacks remain at previous low levels, mostly 'nose gas' and 'lung gas.' Very little 'throat gas.' Sleep has been adequate all week, but accompanied by frequent light TCR (Teeth-Chattering Radiation), TRF (Tingling Radiation, Feet), PRWB (Pricking Radiation Whole Body), IRFH (Itching Radiation Face, Head). (Being zapped with IRFH as I write this just now. Apparently the stalker is disappointed in my policy of no longer mentioning 'taps' during these proceedings - and a bit of R lung gas just now.)

Diet and exercisewise, weight loss is unimpressive (about two pounds) but the positive effects of exercise are impressive and I no longer feel as if I am 'descending into frailty.' Excercise works!

DPR (Deep Penetrating Radiation) is Probably a gas: 1. It happens almost exclusively soon after I go to bed (95%). 2. It happens usually when I am on my left side (80%). 3. It is usually accompanied by a 'pathfinder gas' (80 %). 4. It is often accompanied by a thump from above (60%). A 'pathfinder gas' is simply a gas which forces a cough. Interestingly, lung gasses, nose gasses, and throat gasses are never used as 'pathfinder gasses.' 'Pathfinder gas' seems to have its own little niche. Furthermore, although DPR seems to resemble mild chest pain, I never experience such pain during excercise, or at any other time (while jerking off, for example).

Friday, February 22, 2008




That last post obviously illustrates the emotional aspect of 'bully victim:' But I refuse to be categorized as a 'victim.' 'Victim' is a demeaning description of an Irishman under attack. That description is an attempt by Judeo-Muslim forces to attain to psychological dominance in the current war. No true Irishman is ever a 'victim.' Irishmen are fighters, never 'victims.'

Tonight's music is Beethoven's Piano Concerto number one, third (last) movement. Enjoy.

Amazingly, it seems to be the case that the final entry for 2-22-8 will be, 'Bed at 0000.'

Beware of TMI


I am not at all a great intellect, of course. I am probably just a dash above average, waaaay below 'genius.' The fact that I have been able to avoid terminal depression points to a valuable personal style. What are the elements of that style? Your guesses are as good as mine, but my conjecture is that my Irish genes and the Irish reputation as ' fighter' serve me well in that regard. Furthermore I fancy myself as 'an intellectual:' I am a smart Irishman not afraid of a fight. The fact that I am only half Irish is irrelevant: I am half Irish and half mongrel, and my Irishness inspires me, whereas my other half does not because of (genetic or cultural) dilution.

Are you a Jew who hates Irishmen? Beware of revealing that information.

Do you, as a Jew, have a penis-envy problem? Beware of revealing that information.

Even so, we (us Irish) know that you Jews (and Muslims) do indeed have a penis envy problem. Be careful. There are more of us than there are of you in America. Furthermore your tribal depredations are becoming more and more obvious thanks to people like me.
Careful! When you fuck with The Irish you are fucking with the wrong tribe...

A Fucking Genius


Today's log reads:
up at 0845

Nothing else. I like that!

But I should point out that I am not at all like the schizo in 'A Beautiful Mind.' True, I have 'a wonderful mind' (Indeed, a nun once told me that when I was in high school. It was a rare compliment). But I am not mentally ill in any classical sense, and furthermore we all have 'wonderful minds.' Mind is wonderful.

And yet I am obviously impaired, as I am sure you can see from reading my blog: I am paranoid. My paranoia decreases in direct proportion to booze intake, which is why I love boozing it up every friday night. But sober I am paranoid. I claim that this is a normal reaction to being bullied. The study cites 'depression' and 'conduct disorder' as the natural result of being bullied. I agree, because I suffer from both. Indeed, my particular form of 'conduct disorder' takes the form of writing a blog while drunk on friday nights. Depression is a much more serious problem, of course, but I have learned how to combat that particular aspect of my situation too. (I am, after all, a fucking genius.)
(later: I just remembered that my high school yearbook (BEHS 1954) described me as, 'The boy who has the mastermind whenever he can find the time.' I never discovered the source of that compliment.)

A Surreal Situation


Channel nine's 'Mouse in the House' was informative, but not quite up to the expectations generated by the 'commercial' for it, which was quite fascinating. It turned out to be a more or less prozaic blurb about what to do about rodent invasion during wintertime: trap the bastards! But traps need bait. What is the best rodent bait? Peanut butter!

Hmm. I wonder... what is the best Jew bait? Any suggestions?

Continuing with current events, I am currently operating on about 2.5 hours of sleep; however, since most nighttime radiation this week was TCR, and since TCR resembles a 'vibrating bed,' I slept well until last night. I'm feeling good in spite of the lack of sleep, presumably because of no previous sleep deficit this week. Last night was the single exception: Bed at 0000 (rad 0000-0130; heavy rad (TRF, IRH, PRWB, SRWB) 0400-0845. Up at 0845.

There was also another example of 'thursday afternoon rage' yesterday, after it became obvious that I was eating, and would not be doing 'booze night.' Gerash apparently suffers at times from 'poor impulse control.'

Wednesday afternoon saw a most surreal and unprecedented situation: As I sat in the BR playing C-III on the computer there was a knock on the door. Since I was in 'morning condition' (unbathed, unshaved, and not dressed appropriately,) I did not answer the door, but instead went to Kootch's room and advised her that 'there was somebody at the door.' She investigated, but returned the information that nobody was there. That satisfied me. But she then opened the LR curtains and looked outside, then told me that there were two cop cars parked outside. Uh-oh. I went out on the patio and asked the cops whether they had just knocked on my door. They answered in the affirmative and engaged me in conversation.
There were three of them, two men and one woman. They told me that they were visiting me at the behest of 'Good Cop.' They wondered 'how I was doing?' They were all smiles. (Very, very weird. They seemed to be humoring a crazy person.) The female engaged me in conversation. The crux of the conversation centered around my recent attempts to have a dialog with their 'Investigations' division. I explained that GC's report had resulted in a decision not to investigate and that that was 'not acceptable.' They wondered who had given me that information. I explained that the name of the secretary escaped me at that moment. They said that GC planned to visit me later. I informed them that I would provide him with the same information. I did not give them my blog address. That might have been a mistake.
The meeting ended amicably, and I took a shower and got dressed appropriately. Gc never showed up.

The Mysterious World


Got a bit weird there near the end, as usual, and reviewing the posts monday night I discovered a major screwup (#5 below) and fixed it, replacing 'coitus' with 'masturbation,' changing the piece to the intended meaning. I think I left the rest 'as is' but I'm not quite sure. I am far from this amazing fella with the great memory. If you asked me on sunday night what I wrote on friday night I would say, 'Huh?'

And #7 below needs comment too: the doo-doo metaphor doesn't quite work, because most of us actually do not seek 'the truth.' Most of us don't even seek 'the facts.' Most of us seek 'information which is emotionally satisfying.' Emotion preceeds logic. This human trait tends to stabilize cultural processes, sometimes to the point of stagnation. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are cases in point. The current era is a delicious example, pitting old and odius religious ideas against modern replacements in the form of science and technology. Thus current events (the evening news) features daily examples of this dangerous mix of old and new. Will we blow ourselves up? Will Jesus come?

'Truth' is a metaphysical term having no reality. Even 'facts' are dubious. We live in a world which is ultimately mysterious, and hence fascinating. The Scientific Method seems to be the best way forward in this mysterious world.

Friday, February 15, 2008


No Contact

Before closing tonight I just now picked up the Brown Telephone and dialed 666. There was no answer. I let the phone ring for exactly one minute before hanging up.

What is Truth?

I love the idea of 'the truth.' What is 'the truth?' What is the difference between 'the truth' and 'the lie?' Clearly, as intelligent beings we prefer 'the truth' to 'the lie' as a matter of personal preference. It is easy to see that individually we prefer 'the truth' because this knowlege enhances our lives. Yet on the other hand we often lie for the same reasons. We prefer to import the truth while simultaneously exporting the lie. It seems to be human nature. Indeed, importing Truth and exporting Lies is analygous to the processes of digestion: first we eat, then we poop. We love truth and we hate lies in the same way that we love pork (food) and hate excrement (poop.) We necessarily do both as a matter of survival. It is a 'love-hate relationship.' Apparently it is a natural process which will never change because it is essential to continued life. Life will always love 'truth' and will always hate 'Lie' because this is at bottom a necessary process and life will continue to do both. Nature has ordained these processes as essential to life.

But most of us are queasy in the presence of the lie. Why so? I think that the reason for our queasiness in the presence of The Lie is similar to our queasiness in the presence of shit. Shit stinks. Shit is an ungodly brown. So is the lie. But shit is everywhere, at least until modern technology developed toilets. Nowadays we flush our shit. Furthermore when we shit on ourselves we use toilet paper to remove it. We do it every day, hence the thriving toilet paper industry. In the old days we used our left middle finger. The left hand became the dark hand. The middle finger became the ultimate insult.

Which brings us back to the original question.


Wow. One whiskey and 8 beers later on an empty stomach finds me with four beers left and it is only 2057L! The rest is gravy... free, free from agenda. This is my favorite time, duty done.

Playtime! This is the time for me to thank the innocent Dianna, who inadvertendly let me in on ACSD Information. I had contacted her only after finishing my first drink and reaching the state of buzz - the state of being free from disphonia. You idiots at ACSD need to treat her gently: she had no idea. She is innocent. Becky, on the other hand, may not be so innocent...

I would also like to thank 9 NEWS and TODAY for reasons which will remain, for the moment, unpublished, and may forever remain unpublished.

I add the ACSD to my 'enemies list' reluctantly, but since I am already at war with The Circumcision Cult (including Jews and Muslims all over the world) I figure that a few more idiots can't hurt that much. And I have lived out most of my life already, so there is not a lot at risk to an old man like me. Indeed, my advanced age seems to amplify the products of my fingertips, which are one of my most potent weapons...

Information Quality


This may be the end of my blog posts for tonight, folks. The faggot Gerash and his Judeo-faggot friends have crashed my website twice in succession recently. We shall see... This Newsweek article led me to This which reminded me of 'Gerash with information.' That is to say that the message was the stalker's message, but with information. Much of the information in this Youtube piece describes the stalker's attitude. In this particular case, the stalking style is 'many on many' whereas Gerash stalks me in a 'many on one' mode.
Clearly the piece was not done by a lawyer: TMI. Lawyers prefer TLI. So do cops. So do Judges. So do all 'con-artists.' 'Too Much Information' is a sign of naivete, whereas Too Little Information is a sign of 'modern cultural understanding.' TLI is hip. TMI is not hip. TMI is for idiots. I am a case in point.
Do you love diamonds? Love this diamond and weep.
An interesting question: would you forgo sex for six months in exchange for a huge HDTV? I would! My answer included the realization that 'I could jerk off for six months. No problem!' But women were less inclined in that regard. Furthermore, American men are much less inclined also, presumably because American men are circumcised up to their eyeballs and therefore are reluctant to be reduced to masturbation only. That is my conjecture. I think the original article was modified to eliminate the American male preference. Naughty Jews!
The Final Solution.
Darwin Days...
Tonight's Music.



I noticed something this week which reminded me of the Jewish faggot Gerash and his friends. (Said F&F crashed my web site just now. Hmm.)
(Another crash. I was trying to link to a Newsweek article on 'Anonymous.' 'They apparently felt threatened by my apparent intentions.)

In Other News...


In other news, Kootch advises me that the mouse has returned. I have not seen it. Coincidentally, Denver's Channel 9 has an upcoming piece Monday night called, 'Mouse in the House.' I will TiVo it. Maybe I will learn something. Also, I have lost nine pounds on my diet: slow, but sure. And I am increasing exercise in a similar manner. Come on, summer! And I find that eating soup as the first course is the best course: once you are full you lose interest. Also I took note of new information to the effect that diet soda might actually increase weight by fooling the brain into eating more. So now I eat 'breakfast' after about three Diet Pepsis.

C-IIIwise, I have destroyed all but The French (France destroyed The Brits, but most former Brits are now happy Romans). France then declared war on me! What a game! I am now supposed to fight France for world domination, but I have learned over the years that these ultimate contests are only tedious, and so I have adopted the policy of sharing domination with the survivor and quitting the game for a brand new game. I will take a few of her cities and then I will make peace with Joan of Ark. I will then listen to her music one last time.

Which brings me back to current personal events: CT081041 is 'information only.' No investigation is planned. That pisses me off!
So now I will begin my own investigation while at the same time doing my best to irritate the pathetic ACSD into doing something about a potentially deadly problem. I have noticed that you, my readers, are especially interested in these proceedings and I do not intend to disappoint you. Stay tuned. It won't be pretty...
Remember the morning I photographed the van after being awakened by radiation? The photos were not impressive but I did get the plate number: 095-KVV. State unknown. It is a brownish van which is obviously also a home on wheels judging from my inspections of it.




The Stalker (Walter L Gerash, Denver's most famous homosexual) was apparently enraged yesterday evening at about 3 pm when it became obvious to him that he would be forced to wait another 24 hours to read my blog (I ate 'supper' then) and so he gassed me quite violently with 'throat gas.' These sudden rages are often expressed in violent gassings. Stomps above me are less violent but equally disconcerting expressions of faggot rage. I escaped into Kootch's room on that occasion.

Other expressions of rage take the form of 'hackery:' They (Gerash and ASSociates) can bring down my browser at will - this in spite of Comcast and McAfee - and they do it most often after I have kicked some or other ass on Comcast Chess. Speaking of which, my rating now exceeds 1400 and continues to increase. This is unfortunate. I liked the anonymity of a 1200 rating. Nobody was afraid to play me back then, but now I find it somewhat more difficult to find an opponent. Even good players tend to avoid me. True, my rating was erased last week and I began this week with a brand new 1200 rating. That much is true. I thought, 'Oh goodie! I can hide behind a low rating again!' Wrong: my rating increased with most victories and I am now faced with the same problems. The plus side is that I experience healthier mind challenges against the tougher opponents, possibly serving to keep Alzheimers at bay. Always think positive.

So, Gerash apparently likes my blog. Why? I suppose the reason is that people who are obsessed are actually incapable of ignoring such information. Furthermore they are incapable of suppressing new information even though that information may eventually endanger them! Gerash could crash my website at will but chooses not to do so out of sheer curiosity. He is willing to take the risk of attracting attention to his perversion by allowing me to write my blog. Indeed, he may even take pleasure in attracting such attention!

Brothers in the Lie

What a difference a week makes! I called ACSD Investigations again just now and spoke to a secretary (Dianna) who gave me the following information:

1. The current status of case CT081041 is 'information only' and is not scheduled for investigation. This conflicts with what I had been told previously by 'investigations.'
2. The case was 'reviewed by a 'Sgt Line.' A 'Lt. Courtney' was also mentioned as being involved in this process. He may be in 'Patrol,' whereas Sgt Line is in 'Investigations.' Dianna was not able to provide me with further information.
3. Good Cop visited me again yesterday evening per his promise of last week. He seemed genuinely interested in my situation; however, people in the Criminal Justice System are all very deceptive. It seems to be a character trait inculcated in them by the nature of their work: The Truth is dangerous. It can and will be used against you. Speak not the truth.

Do you enjoy the esoteric sport of talking to habitual liars? Do you thirst for candidates against whom to test your intuitions? Then I recommend the folks in the 'criminal justice system.' Those folks are guaranteed to provide you with as many lies as you can endure if only you will talk to them. They are truly 'Professional Liars' and they are good at what they do. Furthermore they love it. They love the power of it. Cops love the guns they carry and the power it confers on them, not to mention the 'hero aura' which surrounds them. Judges love the sheer power they have to 'play god.' Lawyers (Liars) love the power (and riches) which come from playing within an esoteric system known only to them and not to their clients (victims). And the thread which unites them all is that they lie. They lie constantly. The lie well. They are good at what they do, and when they interact with each other they are comfortable, knowing that they are all playing an aspect of the same game.They are brothers in the lie.

By the way, Dianna is new. Becky was the name of my previous phone contacts.

Thursday, February 07, 2008




Looking for Mozart Piano Concerto #12 I stumbled on this instead. At first I thought it was a mistake due to the age of the performer. A further search turned up this. Barf. I'm not the Mozart expert I thought I was. Enjoy.
(WOW! A few minutes ago there was a knock on the door. Turned out to be the ACSD officer who had answered my previous call. He was doing a 'follow-up.' Another officer (whose name I did not request) accompanied him. We talked for a while and he offered to visit now and then (once a week or so) to see if there was any change in the stalking situation. I accepted his offer immediately. WOW! This is a new ACSD! I hardly know how to proceed tonight. I need a little time to adjust to this new situation...
Wow. I have to admit that my mood is much improved.

The Most Important Business


As you can clearly see, I am suffering from 'rating anxiety,' a species of 'performance anxiety.' Darn.
Tonight's 'link dump:'
Fun Games.
The god business 1.
The god business 2.
The god business 3.
Out of business 1.
Out of business 2.
The Human business.

The Comcast Money Game

My preoccupation with Civilization III this week has resulted in the usual: not much chess, and fewer interesting links. I did play a few games, however, and my rating increased somewhat but is still in the 1300s. Comcast claims that these ratings are ELO ratings (the international rating system used by the USCF and other countries). We shall see. I am an 'A Player,' which means that my 'Over-The-Board' chess rating is between 1800 and 1999. My highest rating ever was about 2020. Complicating this is the fact that these (Comcast) games are played at the rate of 'one in one:' (one move in one minute,) whereas OTB ELO ratings are based on a time limit per game (usually two hours for 40 moves). The skills involved vary somewhat: in OIO you not only have to play the game, you have to watch the time. If you fail to make your move in the allotted one minute of time you lose even though you have a won position. This is very foreign to a USCF player who is used to the two hour limit, and who is also familiar with '5 minute chess' where each player has 5 minutes to play the entire game no matter how many moves it takes. IOI is new to such a player, who must take life's interruptions into account much more than otherwise. As I have said before, IOI is a game for losers, designed by losers. Or to be more precise, Comcast IOI is a game for advertisers, designed by advertisers. It is, at bottom, a money game.

Case Number CT081041 Progress Report

I'm back early again for roughly the same reasons as last week: got plenty of sleep last night and there is no guarantee that tonight will be as good. ACSD Investigations never returned my call concerning case number CT081041, and so I finally called them back this afternoon after opening a beer. But I called them too soon, stark cold sober. The result was that I sounded terrified as usual when I was eventually forced to talk to a recorder instead of an actual human being. I had been assured, during last week's call, that 'an investigator has been assigned to the case' and I expected a call sometime during the week, but no call. Nor do I know the name of the investigator! Apparently, the ACSD is reluctant to volunteer such information even to 'victims.'

Kootch and I did Millionaire as Kootch ate supper and I drank the beer, then another beer, at which point I decided to make tonight 'drunk night.' We even had a fun argument on this subject! I am at my best during the early stages of a 'drunk.' No question. I will do another progress report next week. Stay tuned.

Been doing a lot of C-III this week. I began the game at a huge disadvantage: no iron. But my nearest neighbors, The Barfalonians, had iron. Clearly I needed to take that iron from the Barfs, or die. I stormed their capital with the largest force of Spearmen and Archers (mostly Archers) I could muster: it was do or die. I took the city! I then proceeded to destroy the unfortunate Barfalonians and take their land. I was assisted by the Persians who were attacking them from the other end of the continent. But the Persians and I (Caesar of the Romans) did not like each other at all and we soon went to war, during which I took the Barf cities the Persians had captured. But these wars had left us Romans a 'backward nation' scientifically. We needed an ally. We signed a 'Mutual Protection Pact' with the French, led by Joan of Ark. But she is a dangerous woman! She eventually got us Romans involved in four other wars simultaneously. After the MPP with France expired I made peace and continued to build my nation. I will destroy them all except for France. I like Joan of Ark. Most of all I like the music which plays whenever I 'negotiate' with her.

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