Friday, February 29, 2008


Show us Your Dick!

I am interested in the current political environment, of course, as a subset of 'current events.' And I cannot fail to notice that only 'Jew-friendly' ideas are floating around in the current politisphere. This is not at all unusual, of course, but it seems odd to me that, given the Democrat focus on 'health care' and 'women's rights,' the subject of 'newborn rights' remains unmentioned on any level by any political party. The Republicans are big on 'fetal rights' ...


But it seems that the subject of 'newborn rights' is anathema, politicwise. This fits with the theory that 'Jews control the government.' How is that possible? How is it possible that less than 4 percent of the population in a democracy can control an entire nation? How is it possible that routine infant sexual mutilation escapes mention as an issue in America today during a 'healthcare debate?' Why hasn't Hillary Clinton been as vocal on this issue as she was in Africa on the subject of female sexual mutilation so many years ago?
Jewish Money. She needs Jewish Money. All serious candidates need Jewish Money. Those candidates therefore kiss Jewish ass for money. American politics is, at bottom, a Jewish playground, and the most Jewish Money goes to the most Jewfriendly politicians.
And by 'Jews' I mean also, 'honorary Jews.' Jews could never control the government without the support of 'honorary Jews.' Honorary Jews' are (Christian) men who were circumcised at birth for 'health reasons.' They are emotionally indisposed to question routine infant sexual mutilation, and indeed, they circumcised their male children for 'health reasons' years ago. Penis Envy is a familial problem...
Question: Is Obama circumcised?
Eheh. Is The Pope Catholic?
Prove me wrong if you can, Obama!
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