Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Drumsticks and thighs, well done and still working sorta.

Working on beer #3 at 2259. Sip. Never 'name' your airplane N30MB.
The Jewish terrorists downstairs continue their attacks from below using microwave cannons, and my legs continue to deteriorate rapidly. Interesting to watch, but often painful. I'm probably incapable of visiting my HMO PCP, but there isn't much she could do anyway. Sip. I could call the cops like last time but us Americans have the right to privacy, and without a court order the cops can do nothing. Sip. The best thing about this bizarre situation is that Kootch's 'leg massages' are gloriously sensual.
Sipping on DPCM now at 2331. Sip. Yum. Who woulda thought that somebody could destroy your legs with microwave cannons?! Not me.
Both legs are now pretty much alike: fat; hard; rough; redish; bumpy; weak. Blood flows through those legs grudgingly; reluctantly.
End of DPCM. Back with beer #4. Sip.
Kootch woke up recently and has begun her daily routine. Sip.

Thursday, November 13, 2014



Sipping on beer (Natural Light) #3. Buzzing slightly. Kootch has already hit the sack. Sip. My 'neighbors' continue to attack me with their microwave 'cannons,' and as a result, my 'health' continues to deteriorate. Sip. But I like to look at the bright side of things. For example, I have rotsa booze! Sip. Time to whip up a whiskey/cola (Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist)... Yep. Now sipping on a DPCM. Yum. Sip.
I'm actually somewhat amazed by the recent steep decline in my lower-body health. I walk like a 200 year old Egyptian nowadays, the most obvious reason being that my feet and legs are the body parts which are closest to the microwave cannons. Sip. And, given the theory that microwaves damage tissue and blood flow, my current condition makes sense. Last sip of DPCM at 1850. Sip.
Too bad they don't aim those things at my head. My brain could use a little more stimulation. Sip.
My scrotum is huge (tap) requiring me to walk with a wide 'stance.'
I think they're punishing me for something, but I'm not quite sure what. Hmmm. Could 'depression' have anything to do with 'buzz quality'? I'm beginning to think so...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Getting Labeled.

I bring this up because 'The Jews' at Kaiser have recently mentioned 'my' 'Delusional Disorder' in 'visit summaries.' Anyone reading these 'summaries' would get the impression of someone (in this case, me) who was Waaaay out of touch with reality. But in fact very little if any appropriate content concerning my hypothetical 'Delusional Disorder' ever came up. And the delusional 'diagnosis' was itself a farce designed to deflect future investigation.
An example of the piss-poor quality of the Kaiser version of 'reality' has to do with the period of time during which 'The Mad Mirror Molestor' (my characterization) would follow me to King Soopers and enter my (locked) car while I was shopping. The MMM would then twist the rear view mirror by 90 degrees (until it was vertical), then re-lock the car and leave. I would discover the intrusion when I reentered the car. This happened over a period of several years. There were similar intrusions at other locations. There were at least  twenty or thirty such intrusions over a three or four year period.
Here is the 'Kaiser version' copied from a document supplied to me by Kaiser Permanente:
'Examples of Delusional Content is (sic) that Walter Gerash the attorney, has been harrassing him, having people sneak into his car, and play with the dials and the mirror, putting harmonic bugs in the telephone.'
Eheh. This account is wildly inaccurate and mixes several incidents at different locations. The Kaiser version mixes locations. The cars had no telephones. 'Harmonic bugs' refers to a 'harmonica bug' usually placed inside an old-fashioned telephone. Dialing the number of the telephone can activate the bug, switching on the phone's speaker function, allowing the dialer/listener to hear conversations in the room containing the telephone, even though the telephone is in 'hung up' mode. And this is only a small example of a bizarre scenerio which allowed Kaiser Permante to label me 'Delusional.' 


The Illusion of Delusion.

Just finished beer #1 at about 1840. Working on a double shot of Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Sip. Yum. Sip. Time to reread last entries... Ah yes. A little sarcasm now and then works wonders. Sip. Obviously I'm not yet ready for autopsy... Sip. But I getting there...
1901 and I seem to be buzzing appropriately. Sip. Kootch is sleeping. They don't zap Kootch for obvious reasons. (End of CM/DP #1. Beertime... and back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1908. Sip.)
What obvious reasons? The Delusion Illusions. If Kootch and I were both being zapped, we would both display similar symptoms. There would be no Delusion Illusion. They need Kootch as contrast, and they also use Kootch as methodology: Diagnosis by Wife. Sip. (Now being zapped in the face and upper chest by 'skin rad' which causes unpleasant skin sensations... stopped after I mentioned it...)
So Kootch escapes the radiation. Recently I have taken advantage of the 'safe zone' around Kootch by getting inside it. She then does fun things to me like scratching my legs gently to relieve the itching sensations; gently massaging leg areas that need it. Kootch is really good at that. It must be frustrating to the microwave cannoneers.

Friday, November 07, 2014


Kaiser and ACSD: Working well Together.

My buzz has decreased significantly since my last report, and this is probably due to the Water Pill. I wonder how that works. I'll try to invigorate the buzz using some Canadian Mist. Sip. Maybe next time I'll do the water pill just before the last beer. Sip. Whatever it takes. I like my buzz.
So now what? Let's 'summarize:'
My Kaiser Permanente PCP suggested that I contact the police regarding my problems with blood-clotting microwave radiation.
The ACSD has 'investigated' my allegations about being zapped with microwave cannons from the neighbors above and below. Nothing turned up in that regard.
It is now up to Kaiser Permanente: They will do the autopsy.


Waiting for the Autopsy?

Sipping on beer #3 at 1522. Sip. Buzzing appropriately. Sip. I figured that my buzz problem had more to do with medication than brain damage, so I waited until the second beer before downing my 'water pill' and the other meds. Sure enough, the problem seems to be the the Water Pill. Sip. We shall now see how much the water pill inhibits buzziness as I go through the remaining beer. Yas. A small experiment. Sip.
Be interesting to see how the water pill causes 'buzz' get sidetracked. In any case I will try to keep my buzz going now in spite of the water pill. Sip.
My current 'social situation' is this: My 'Enemies' (stalkers) continue to zap me with microwave radiation in spite of knowing the facts concerning blood clots. The cops know that I am being zapped with microwave radiation that causes life-threatening blood clots; my Kaiser Primary Care Physician knows that I am being zapped by stalkers using microwave cannons which cause blood clots. So now what?

Tuesday, November 04, 2014


My Buzzing Days are Over.

Sipping on another double shot of Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist at 1535. Will I yet buzz? Sip. I am determined to try. I am also determined to report the results right here on my blog in real time. Sip.
End of drink at 1540. Interestingly, 'they' (tap) seem to have stopped zapping me with microwaves. A small victory! Time to eat, but first I must describe my 'buzz' such as it is: Blah. I am definitely enjoying a third rate buzz.
Finished eating at about 1630. I am pretty much convinced that my buzzing days are over (tap).


My Giant Scrotum.

My current health situation is this: My scrotum is swollen to about the size of a small cantelope (larger than a soft ball) and my foreskin decorates the front, while my glans lurks somewhere below the huge mass between my legs. All in all, it is an amazing transformation. I'd photograph it for you but I'm not quite that... outgoing. My legs are grotesquely swollen, and it is difficult to bend them past 90 degrees. Getting in and out of the bath tub is a challenge. (Sip. No buzz yet! Damn!) They are still zapping me with microwaves (I can feel them), and are still creating small blood clots in the blood stream. I'm thinking that one of those small blood clots has zapped the part of my brain that used to buzz! I call that a very lucky shot.
Will they eventually kill me? Stay tuned. We shall see.


Following Doctor's Orders...

Just finished a double shot of DP and CM. The buzz is barely detectable at 1346. Now working on beer #1 (of 13). Sip. Something seems to have happened to my ability to 'enjoy a buzz.' Nose running due to 'face Rad.' (Nose dripping on my shirt and chest skin. Nose blow. Some excellent 'Bible Boogers' lost in the flimsy tissue. Sip.
Progress! My last visit to my Kaiser PCP (Primary Care Physician) included a brief discussion of my theory that malicious microwaves are causing the blood clots in my legs. My PCP suggested that I call the police. I followed her suggestion this morning around 0400 and the cops showed up about 30 minutes later. Three of them! There was 'good cop, bad cop, and neutral cop, and I had their attention for about an hour. Part of their 'mission' was obviously to make sure Kootch was not in danger, and they asked her directly whether I was a threat. An amused Kootch replied that she was more of a threat to me than I to her, and that we had been married for 57 years. That satisfied them and they listened to my theory that microwave 'cannons' from stalkers above and below (especially below) were the cause of my blood clots. They listened, then advised me in a roundabout way that they were more or less powerless to check out such an allegation given the current American law. I replied that I understood and expected that, but was following my doctor's suggestion in that regard. Finally, with all parties satisfied, the cops left after about an hour.
I shall now revisit my doctor and request further suggestions. Sip. End of beer #1. No buzz! Just a very slight 'dissociation-type feeling.'

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