Thursday, December 31, 2009



lu: Hello?
me: Happy New Year.
lu: Rightbackatcha.
me: I'm wondering about Mozart.
lu: Heaven, I'm afraid. I hoped you would not ask this question.
me: We need to fix that. You are either with me or you are against me.
lu: I am with you. What do you want?
me: I want Mozart to be transported via Einstein's Loophole. It is intolerable that Mozart is freezing his ass off in Heaven.
lu: But Mozart sits right next to God and Abraham. Mozart would be missed.
me: So fucking what!? I insist that Mozart be transported immediately.
lu: Done.
me: Thank you very much. I will call you about Mozart next week. Happy New Year.
lu: And the same to you.

SOC Ends in Favor of a Narrower Focus

Continuing with 'stream of consciousness' at 2229L. Out of beer. Headed to the fridge. Standby. First sip. Yum. I have huge reserves of beer and especially of whiskey. No chance that I will 'run out' at a critical moment. I love this SOC idea. Hoda is unorganized like me but hates rats. 'Today' has been very drab recently. I watch only ten percent, the other 90 percent in fast forward. I remain very quick, visually, in spite of my advanced age and my deteriorating vision. I play lots of Drench. I am really good at it. I am also really good at C-III. I masturbate about twice a month nowadays. Is that normal? I get no pussy, of course. Kootch seems satisfied with her (lack of) sex life. Indeed, I could never do sex while the Judeo-faggot Gerash is watching... (thump)... Good thing I learned how to do sex with myself when I was only 12 years old. I can even do it sometimes when I think I am being 'watched' somehow. I can even achieve orgasm sometimes with a flacid penis! (faint boom) I need no 'lubrication, of course, because my penis is 'natural,' not 'Jewified.' Better thee than me. You idiots! You fucking idiots! You think money can compensate for a miserable sexual life?! Goddam you Jews are dumb! 2311 and I am headed to the fridge for another beer.
Beer #11 at 2313L Yum. I am setting the timer at 40 minutes. I need music. Lessee... Andante...
giggling as I read the contents of this post... Mozart is beautiful. I need to call Lucifer about Mozart. Where is Mozart nowadays?

Stream of Consciousness


Which brings us to New Year's Eve. A little music please... in honor of the emotional idea that we lived to witness the beginning of the new year (thump) 2010. A little poetry points to our logical hopes for the new year. I love Alfred Tennyson's poetry. This particular series strikes me as especially appropriate as we exit 2009.
2054L and Kootch is asleep. I am alone with The Faggot Stalker Gerash. Creepy. My loaded .357 provides a huge psychological boost. I would be lost without it. I will kill with it at the drop of a hat. Watch out. I mean it. I am not joking. Sue me if you dare.
Listening to Mozart as I write this. Just finished another glass of Diet Pepsi/Canadian Mist. Yum. Beer next - I need to last 'til midnight... standby... Kootch just walked by toward the potty to pee. 2109L. Headed to the fridge for another beer. First sip at 2114L... More Mozart... finished. I'm off to the LR beer in hand... what will tv contribute to my current mood? We shall see... CNN... beautiful people... I love it... sip at 2136. Need more beer... standby... Oops. I just realized that I skipped the second movement. Interpose this between the previously cited movents to provide a serial experience. Enjoy.
Beer gone at 2145L. Barf. Off to the fridge again... beer # 9. Yum. I've been playing lots of C-III recently, ignoring The Internet. The characters in C-III are my only interactions with 'people' aside from Kootch. I kill the males and adopt the females. I end the game waaay prematurely soon as I have killed off the last male in the game. Totally foils the intent of the game. Eheh. I love the music as I 'interact' with the two females. I still have no clue concerning the title of that music nor the author of that music. In the current game I have killed off all rivals except for the Aztecs. The Aztecs hate me. Both the French and the English are 'annoyed' with me. But I love me. That is all that matters.

Oh Well...

What a shock. Google will tell you that this is probably the first time I have 'googled' the Jewish faggot Gerash in this millenium. Really. W L Gerash is the very last item on my list of 'interests.' Damn. I was hoping the creepy old Jewish cocksucker was dead. Damn. Oh, well... life goes on...

Googling Gerash

Which brings us back to the idea of 'long term stalking.' Long Term Stalking reqires an exceptional emotional component. 'Gang stalking,' 'cause stalking,' and even 'terrorist stalking' lack this essential component. Without this component, LTS fails. This type of stalking always begins with the individual, and may eventually expand to include family, and even tribe. Successful LTS requires not only emotion; it requires time and money. Lots and lots of money. A group is needed. Family - and to a lesser extent, tribe - can be motivated somewhat by emotion; but in the last analysis, a 'gang of stalkers' must be powered by money (aided by the emotional component). True, some or other dumbass stalker can 'stalk' some or other dumbass 'target' for an entire lifetime, but the result will be minimal unless the stalker actually kills the target hirself, and then it's over.
To get right to the point of this post, Walter L Gerash has the necessary qualities for the kind of long term stalking I have experienced: (1) An emotional connection: The dumbass Jewish Bastard adores me! (2) Family: TDJB dominates his family. (3) Tribe: TDJB is a dumbass Jew. (4) Money: TDJB has lots of money. (5) Time: TDJB has (had) lots of time. I became TDJB's 'lifelong hobby' many years ago, and TDJB has, over those years, refined and intensified his 'practice.' TDJB Gerash is 'high tech' (aided, of course, by his money). What we have here is a piece-of-Judeo-faggot-dogshit-lawyer with lots of money 'interacting' with the love of his life. Me. Eheh.
Am I delusional? Am I imagining all this shit? Am I the one who is 'obsessed,' not TDJB? (tap) Is the TDJB even alive? Did TDJB actually die years ago? I just Googled Gerash. Lessee... Whoa... OMG!

The Emotional Effect

(But be advised that I love everybody when I'm drunk... except, of course, for certain Jews...)
Now that I think about it, LSD had the same effect on me. I call it, 'the love effect.' Buzzing my brains out, I loved everybody; interestingly and amazingly I even loved my worst enemies just before the point of 'chaos' when my brain stopped working for a while. Go figure. (Better yet, try it (LSD)).
Concerning last week's posts, I 'forgot' most of them as usual, due to the effects of booze. I did remember the first, more or less, and as I reread them just now my (latent, booze-impaired) memory clicked with what I read, except maybe for the last paragraph in #3 below, where I apparently failed to 'fill out' my argument until the next post in #4 below.
Oh well. And blogging has consequences, at least in my case: last week was the most horrific week ever in terms of nightly radiation torture. My attempt to reflect microwave energy using tinfoil and aluminium cookie sheets is not working very well, and 'they' apparently increased the intensity of their attacks not only to overcome my feeble defenses but also in reaction to last week's blog posts. I thought, as I endured the nightly torture, 'I must have written something right!' And sure enough, I did.
To summarize last weeks posts and the resultant torture, I will title this post appropriately. See above.

Saturday, December 26, 2009



I can only imagine you, my readers. I have never met you. I will never meet you. I write this blog every week for my own drunken entertainment, but I imagine that this blog has readers. Be aware - if you really exist - that appreciate you. But even if you don't exist I will continue to write this blog. I see this blog as a revelation. I know that Judeo-faggot-stalker forces read this blog. I know that. I also know that JF Forces will not ever deduce my 'message.' On the other hand you deduce that message. I know you do! You understand my code! They do not.
You are so beautiful! I love you so much! Even if you don't exist!

Nazi Salute = Erection

I could be wrong about that. Hitler was never one of my favorite subjects. Was he one or yours? (If so you are a dumbass fucking Jew.)
To plod on with that theory, I claim that Hitler thereby saved Europe from the Jewish penile ideal. That may have been Hitler's most significant contribution ot humanity! America, meanwhile, became more and more mutilated below the male belt. The result is that American men are heavily mutilated compared to European men nowadays, and that European men and women enjoy sex exponentially above the sad American experience in that regard. Barf.
Heil Hitler? I claim that 'The Nazi Salute' was actually a sub-conscious representation of an Aryan penis becoming erect: Hitler based that symbolic gesture on the natural Aryan penis, and all Germans knew, subconsciously, the meaning thereof. They understood subconsciously whenever they raised their right arms to the angle of erection that their right arms represented the National Uncircumcised Penis in all its un-Jewish glory.

Prove Me Wrong if You Can

Lawson ignores not only the psychology of 'cause stalking,' he also ignores the economics of 'Cause Stalking:' 'Stalking' is a personal emotional methodology, a way of living. Lawson seems to be unaware of that. Lawson's theory of dumbass barfalonians cum stalkers is nonsense. It is clearly impossible to maintain such a long-term attack against a 'target' unless money is involved. There is no such thing as, 'cause stalking.' Here is why:
Long term stalking requires human emotion: One fucked up human can stalk any other human based on some or other insane reason, but it is impossible to infuse a large group of dumbasses over a long period of time with the same insane idea unless money is involved, or unless there is an emotional connection. This principle brings us to the concept of 'emotional connection.'
WTF is that!?
I claim that there are many 'tribes.' I claim that the Jewish Tribe is the most outstanding example of tribal solidarity, based on Hitler's 1933 edict preventing Jewish 'doctors' from 'treating' German 'aryans.' Prove me wrong if you can. I claim that Hitler became aware that Jews were mutilating Christians all over the world - and especially in America - and that Hitler issued the order against Jews, preventing Jews from 'treating' German Aryans, preventing Jews from converting Germans into Jews below the belt.

I Hear You. I am Interested in You. I Love You.

I'm back after watching some of the news. Seems a young nigerian circumcate despaired of ever getting any pussy and decided to become a martyr. So he filled a condom half full of explosives, stuffed his dick into it, then detonated the device on final approach to Detroit, totalling his privates but not much else. Did I get that right?
Speaking of 'privates' I've been reading 'Cause Stalking,' mostly while sitting on the potty. The more I read, the more bizarre this 'book' seems. I get the impression of somebody with the mind of a UFO enthusiast wrapped around a private detective's badge writing a book to Bigfoot about his personal stalking fantasies with instructions to forward the information the Loc Ness Monster. Here is a quote:
'One of the characteristics of targets of opportunity is that they are good people. The validity of the criminal activities of the group are reinforced when members see how much good it does to be a good person.'
Huh? What can this possibly mean? My problem is that the book also contains apparently valid information. For example:
In an apartment setting, targets (tap) can expect to hear tapping on the walls in the middle of the night, hammering, etc. from the upper and/or lower apartments and possibly the apartments on both sides. They will continue these activities for as long as they can get away with them. They will also speak through the walls. Group members work shifts in apartments they have access to. They work 24 hours a day and they do not take holidays. Their job is to make noise and alert the group, when he leaves. This activity can last for many years.
This is English botched, as is most of the 'book.' I get the impression of a grade-school drop-out cum PI, cum author. While it is true that I have never heard them 'speak through the walls' it is also true that I hear 'tapping' on many occasions. The bathroom is their favorite place to 'tap.' They tap when I pee. They tap when I poop. They tap (louder) when I shower. Their tapping is a form of communication (tap), a fact which has apparently escaped the idiot 'detective' Lawson. The message they convey in that 'tap-communication' is the message, 'I hear you. I listen to you constantly. I listen to you in your most private moments. I am very interested in you. I love you. I will never stop listening to you. I will never stop loving you.'

The Meaning of Christmas

I'm a day late with this week's entries mostly because at blog time yesterday I felt sleep-deprived (due to the usual night time microwave radiation). Maybe it's just as well, since yesterday was Christmas day and I was intending to do a blurb on the origin of Christmas. So here it is:
God gets bored. Needs something to play with. Creates universe in six days. Tired. Rests. Whew. On the eighth day god begins to play with his new toy. Begins his spying mission on man, whom god had created 'in his own image.' Eheh. God's objective: self-discovery. God's theory was that since man had been created 'in the image of god,' man was a very useful tool for self-discovery. God could learn quite a lot about himself simply by observing man! What a great idea! It was the first scientific experiment. His creations seemed to be happy in the garden of eden. Boringly happy.
After weeks of observation had established a kind of 'base line' against which to measure deviancy - it was a boring time for god, who needed lots of drama back in those days... thirteen weeks of watching two happy people exploring a beautiful garden... barf... enough with that crap - god created two new trees. God called the first tree, 'The Tree of Knowlege.' He called the second tree, 'The Tree of Life.' He placed both trees right in the center of the garden. It was a trap. Then he spoke to his newly created 'children' thus: 'All the fruit in the garden is yours, except for the fruit of these two trees. Do not eat the fruit of these two trees or I will fuck you up beyond your wildest imaginations.'
They ate the fruit of the tree of knowlege anyway, and learned a lot in the process. God was infuriated by their disobedience and sentenced them to suffering and death. God furthermore sentenced all their descendents to suffering and death. He enjoyed watching all that suffering and death for the next 4000 years, eventually becoming bored yet again. He eventually decided to rescue some of them - not too many. But he needed payment in the form of blood. Divine blood. No other blood would do. So he created a 'son' inside a virgin. The son was divine. He arranged for the 'son' to experience a violent, bloody death. That satisfied some of his anger, with the result that a select few will sit next to him in heaven, eventually, while the rest will burn in eternal fire forever while god and his group watches the proceedings constantly.
Sounds like fun. I can hardly wait.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I Know. You Don't Know.

2023L and I am beginning my last beer. I am thinking of you, my readers, as I write this. How should I end this blog tonight? Why do you read this? Why do you find this blog interesting? You don't know. I know.
My conjecture is that - to you - this blog represents a possible connection to a glorious reality. You want to enter that reality. You believe my descriptions and you want to join that beautiful world before you die forever. If I am right then you need to do Acid. If I am wrong then you will have a very interesting experience. Either way you cannot lose!
Just finished my last beer. Time to enjoy.
Good night and good luck.

I Love Me


There's been another recall. Eheh. Venetian blinds. Seems the consumer products safety commission has detected that some children can strangle themselves while standing next to window blinds.

Meanwhile, the Consumer Products Safety Commission ignores complaints from parents that more than one half of newborn American males are routinely mutilated sexually in order to make American Jews feel more secure in a 'hostile penile environment.'
More on this next week, maybe.
I need to describe my current state as I sip 3.2 beer tonight: I love me. Do you love you?

Do it While You Can

Oh... my... god! I just saw O'bama announce some sort of agreement in Copenhagen! I love it! Maybe it isn't 'binding' but it is a significant consentual contract. We are becoming one world, one tribe, one dominant species. Our responsibility increases in a linear fashion, therefore.

Congratulations, Mr. President! You rock! Now you need to proceed in the direction you already know to be the correct direction. Lead! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Forget a second term! Throw it away! It ain't gonna happen except... unless... maybe... you do the right thing. What you need to do is follow your convictions and let the chips of the next election fall where they may. Fuck a second term! What is important is your first term. Do it while you can.

(But just between you and me, folks, I couldn't care less about Global Warming because at my advanced age of almost 75 years I won't be around much longer and I don't plan to 'come back.' Therefore Global Warming is your problem, not my problem. While all you young dumbasses out there are busy fighting the effects of Global Warming I will be totally enjoying my non-existence! Suck on that.)

Watch Out

Charlie Gibson bids us goodbye tonight. I love you Charlie, enjoy your 'retirement.' My recommendation is that you use your newfound time and your amazing life experience to investigate the ultimate: your 'mind-brain.' Find some LSD. Do a bunch of Trips. Then report back to us.
Oral Roberts 'bit the biggie' recently. Oral! What mother would name her child, 'Oral'? Sheeit. It worked out, of course, as we all know: her son became a preacher of great magnitude; scammed millions out of millions; healed thousands; rose some from the dead; will return to rule the earth eventually, maybe tomorrow. Watch out.
I was impressed enough by Roberts' death to contact Lucifer concerning his possible arrival in Hell:
lu: Hello?
me: I'm wondering whether Oral Roberts arrived recently.
lu: Oral who?
me: I love your sense of humor.
lu: Aw shucks... Darn... Actually, he went to Heaven, as we both know, and your readers also know.
me: My readers?
lu: Don't be coy.
me OK, OK. So... how's he liking it up there?
lu: Pascal tells us that he is freezing his ass off. He sits right next to God and Abraham.

Getting in the Mood

1452L. I've been preparing for this session for the last 30 minutes with a double shot of Canadian Mist mixed with Diet Pepsi, and one can of Natural Light. Works every time.
My recent attempts to deflect Judeo-Faggot microwave attacks have produced mixed results: They increased the intensity of their attacks quite dramatically, but I also learned a little more about how to defend against them. I'll 'leave it at that' for now because I don't want to go into such detail as would be beneficial to the attackers.
Cause Stalking (the book) arrived unexpectedly from Amazon the other day. When I opened the unexpected envelope I could hardly believe my eyes! This 'book' was nothing more than a printed spiral notebook which fits into your shirt pocket! What a rip-off. Do not buy this 'book.' I flipped through it for a while today, and my first impression was reinforced by what I read: this 'book' is not so much a description of a sociological phenomenon as it is a 'how to manual.' The author, a piece-of-dogshit-private-detective name of David Lawson does indeed seem to know something about gang-stalking, but most of the 'book' is total confabulation. My guess is that Lawson has done work for various stalkers over the years and has 'learned the business' enough to create a profitable work of fiction. It's junk. I know more about gang stalking than Lawson will ever know. But if on the other hand you are a 'Moneyed Jew' who is 'into that sort of thing' ... for example, if you know an unsuspecting Irish family (tap) and you would like to destroy that family for whatever reason, this is the instruction manual you need. Start with this 'manual' and improvise over the years. Invent. Make the project 'your life's work.' Your mutilated Jewish penis will love you for it.
(I should point out that the words Irish and Jewish (above) are simply pronouns. Substitute at will.)

Friday, December 11, 2009


Ancient Excrement

I'm sensing that this week's information will soon be lost in the depths of hangover as usual, so I want to remember here that I am playing C-III and winning as usual because I am such an intelligent muthafucka. The only other video game I've been playing recently is, Drench. Fun game! I am a bit leary of the website 'flashbynight.' Use caution if you are not protected by a quality 'friend' like Mac Affee. (And I have my doubts concerning Mac Affee.)
Time to wrap this up. But maybe you need to know that I am a skeptic. I am. I am skeptical of all 'knowlege' more than 50 years old. I am especially skeptical of 'knowlege' more than a thousand years old. I trust only modern information. Old ideas equal excrement.
I am fearless!

Better Thee Than Me

The Jews own your dumb ass, mister president. I therefore predict that the answer to your most vexing question is, 'One.' We shall see... in 2012. (Oops. I just realized that I might not be around in those days.)
(Be advised, folks, that I love Obama. It's just that I am not beyond criticising my lovers. I do it from time to time. True, I rarely criticize Kootch, but that fact is due more to experience than to sexual philosophy. Eheh.)
My objection to the current tactic in Afghanistan is that those folks are hopelessly behind the curve of modernity. We need to strike Al Queda as necessary, but not the more plausible alternative of The Taliban. Cultural Evolution proceeds as in a continuum, not as in jumps and starts. We are not about to 'jump-start' Afghanistan into Modernity. Taliban is a necessary stage. We need to make a deal involving money. We need to figure out a way to bypass the military-industrial-complex and put that money into Foreign Aid instead. We need to bribe Afghanistan slowly, surely, into 'Modernity.'

Tonight's Panties and the Irish-Israeli War

Tonight's panties! I almost forgot: This pair is a recent acquisition from Walmart, a stretch size 13 sky blue satin/nylon stretch type material. I've been wearing them in the daytime recently. They are just the right size to excite my sensory-sexual awareness as they slip down under my shorts very slowly over time. The matching pair is a dark(er) pink. 'Made in El Salvador.' I've noticed that this pair is just a bit too loose to stay up as I walk around, so I get up from the computer from time to time and walk around enjoying their slipping sensuality. Did I say that already?
Good exercise. I'll save the pink pair for sale later at an exorbitant price to folks with too much money on their hands.
Obamawise I am appalled. I expected that he would wind down this extremely expensive war against Islam in favor of an economic recovery. He calls it 'the just war' but that appelation is waaaay late. I would characterize this war as the Jewish War (or The Israeli War) wrapped in the cloak of Irishness. Jews will not be blamed for this war but the Irish will be (tap) based on the name of the commanding general involved. Recall, if you can, that the Judeo-Neoconic Bush administration allowed Bin Laden to escape from Tora Bora because that would have, defacto, brought that (just) war to a conclusion, the result of which would have been detrimental to the demonization of Saddam Hussein, and the resulting invasion of Iraq: Bush et al needed Osama to escape. They let him escape from Tora Bora. They attacked Iraq instead, under false pretences in order to advance Israeli foreign policy. The Jews divined that the ignorant 'W' would fail to see the Oedipus implications of an attack against the wrong nation, and furtheremore that W would be emotionally attached to Iraqi oil. The Jews were right.
And interestingly, the Obama Administration is well represented so far as Jews are concerned.
The current war in Afghanistan is, as a result, not 'a just war.' It is, instead, a 'stupid war.' Prove me wrong if you can.
As I recently watched the ignoble spectacle of Obama accepting the Nobel Peace Prize I felt a little sick. Sheeeit. You need to improve on your personal definition of 'pragmatism' mister president.

The Chinese Curse

Been doing some experiments (tap) recently regarding possible defenses against weaponized microwave ovens. The reason is that my eyesight is changing focus rapidly. I presume this is due to microwave heating which tends to 'solidify' the lens making focus more difficult. (The lens has no blood supply, hence no ability to cool itself.) Night time body heating due to microwave absorbtion is very obvious nowadays.
Tests with the ZC-185 at max sensitivity indicate that aluminum foil can reflect microwave radiation; so I'm investigating the concept using various 'experiments.' Sheet steel (a cookie sheet) definitely reflects such radiation, judging from a recent such experiment.
I live an interesting life. 'Bored is better' according to the Chinese Curse. I wouldn't know. I may never know. My Acid experiences suggest that the Chinese are wrong.
(Mozart 18 continued.) And this is Mozart 18 2nd movement? And this is the Mozart 18 3rd movement?

Happy Fucking Hanukkah

We're off to a late start this evening after too much sleep (!) and too much C-III since last week's posts. Result: absolutely no blog preparation. But I feel great! I've been winging it (since I got out of bed at 1030 after hitting the sack at 2130), attempting to put something together. Musicwise, I recommend Mozart Piano Concerto #18 First Movement. Other recommendations may follow... Stay tuned.
I won the lotto! At least that's what I thought after seeing the first three numbers. The next two numbers brought me back into the present moment, but then the last number matched. Interesting. How much? $500? A quick investigation produced an answer of $42. I brought the ticket to Kootch in the kitchen as she worked on tonight's supper. 'All your's,' I said. 'Forty two bucks. Buy some gas or something.' (Believe me, folks, if I ever win the lotto I am outa here the same night. Living inside a microwave oven is not (thump) exactly a sensory utopia. Happy fucking Hanukkah.)
Speaking of supper, Kootch was working on the latest iteration, a reprise of last Friday's feast. We always have leftover sauce and kootch dislikes having the same main dish two days in a row, so we always use the leftover sauce to make Kootch's version of 'egg plant parmisian.' She adds some cubed eggplant and cheese to the leftover sauce and serves it over rice. Yum.

Friday, December 04, 2009


Chineese Spaghetti Recipe

Continuing with the mundane, Kootch made 'Chinese Spaghetti' tonight. Very tasty and very simple if you have the right ingredients: Spaghetti Sauce, dried shitake mushrooms, pesto, Italian seasoning, garlic, romano cheese, chopped carrots, onions, water. Sautee hamburger with garlic and chopped carrots; add (store bought) sauce, dried shitake, pesto, Italian seasoning, adding water if necessary. Serve over Chinese bean noodles (instead of pasta). Sprinkle with Romano cheese. Dried Shitake mushrooms are expensive here in the States, but Kootch brings them back with her from Japan where they are relatively cheap.
Reviewing last week's posts I see that I screwed up the math in (4) below. Oops. I called Lucifer on the Brown Telephone:
me: I screwed up the math last week.
lu: All for the best, apparently.
me Howso?
lu: She needed to raise funds, so She sold Her favorite panty.
me: The pee-stained pair suggesting a toasted cheese sandwich?
lu: Exactly.
me: Alright! How much?
lu: 28,000. The money jump-started her latest venture and She ordered six hundred and sixty pairs of white cotton JMS size 13 hi-cuts.
me: Awesome.
lu: Plus six pairs of the hot pink satin version.
me: I love it!
lu: She is peeing Her brains out even as we speak. Apparently She is very talented.
me: No doubt. Who bought the original?
lu: A newly arrived nice Jewish fellah name of Silver.
me: Jews can go to Hell?!
lu: Unfortunately.
me: Wow. But I'm curious: how can a new arrival come up with 28000?
lu: Apparently he took it with him.

Girl Stuff

I should probably add this to the previous suggestion: Girls, if you have a choice, choose men who are natural (uncircumcised). Failing that, try to convince your circumcised husbands to 'restore.' The reason is, apparently, that your vaginal wall becomes more fragile with age, with the result that the violent thrusting of the sexually mutilated male causes vaginal pain (and damage) in older women whereas the rolling action of the natural penis treats the aging vagina with due and gentle respect. Where are you, Doctor Oz. Doctor Oz? Hello? Anybody there??

Ok, ok, it's time to admit that I have no earth-shattering (being gassed here, RLG) stuff prepared for tonight that I can think of at the moment, so off we go to the mundane. First is tonight's underpants. I forgot to do this last week. Sorry. Tonight's underpants are a truly magnificient creation. I am not wearing them because they are virtually unique and I need to preserve them from the ravages of everyday use. I am wearing instead a pair of size 13 white cotton JMS panties (new). (Yum. I love the feel of them under my shorts.) The magnificent pair of panties? (Drum roll please): 'JMS 84/16 polyester/spandex 100% cotton crotch liner Assembled in Honduras.' The inside of the panty is white, whereas the outside of the panty is a colorful display of vari-colored painted flowers. The one inch waist band is a beautiful panty pink. I will sell this unworn pair to you for no less than one thousand dollars. Beautiful and very rare. I retrieved them from a plastic container containing lots of nylon (and satin) panties of sizes ranging from 12-14 (I think). That container shelters my one and only pair of black satin panties, which I have never worn, plus an assortment of other satin and nylon panties, some previously worn. Contact my agent if you wish to bid on any panties. Eheh.

Italian 'Justice'

Amanda Knox has been found guilty, apparently based on her modern American life style of sex, drugs, and video tape. From what I have been able to discern based on many TV news reports, the evidence against her was not sufficient to convict her in an American court. I liked her based on her appearance and her tv personna. Beautiful young woman. (But you know me - I am a wretched judge of character - high there, Melissa! Hello Kristine! Goodbye girls! Eheh.)
I don't usually follow this kinda stuff, but Amanda appealed to me for some reason. Tiger Woods is a recent example of my 'couldn't care less' attitude concerning modern media gotcha stories. I couldn't care less about Tiger Woods, and so I fast forward my TiVo on any and all TODAY TW stories, and most other similar TODAY stories. I recently did a quick audit of a typical TODAY show and concluded that I actually watched only about 20 percent, fast-forwarding the rest. My time is valuable. The Today Show is waaaay too long, but I love it for what I can glean from it every morning. I especially like watching the faces of the people who gather at Rockefeller Center every morning, and I love the staff.
But back to Italian Justice. Italy has come a long way since the days of Giordano Bruno. The dumbass Italians burnt Bruno at the stake for thinking too accurately, but they will only incarcerate Amanda for life for enjoying her body too much. That is progress! By the way, girls, I learned something recently from Doctor Oz: use it or lose it. A relatively young woman recently asked Doctor Oz why she could no longer 'feel' her clitoris. Oz replied, 'Use it or lose it.' He then went on to explain that unless the clit is stimulated frequently it loses its sensitivity. Did I get that right? If so, you girls need to augment your sexual lives with vibrators. Really. Your sexually mutilated husbands do not appreciate sex the way normal men do, and so they don't fuck you as often as you need to be fucked. Result: your clit 'dies.' My advice: enjoy your 'rubber duckies' often. Keep that precious little thingee in your pubic mound alive!

Circumcision Information Link Dump

Tonight's music:
Mozart Piano Concerto #15-1
Mozart Piano Concerto #15-2
Mozart Piano Concerto #15-3

Following up on last week's bloggings, here is a list of major web sites devoted to the problem of male sexual mutilation:
Circumstitions. This is one of the most recent additions to this category and one of the best if not the best. Highly recommended to parents who are wondering whether or not to allow the sexual mutilation of their newborn sons.
Circumcision Information and Rescource pages. A huge repository of relevant information, rivaling Circumstitions.
Circumcision Resource Center. Excellent.
Doctors Opposing Circumcision. They oughta know...
Mothers Against Circumcision. As you would expect...
Fathers Against Circumcision. Huh? Calling Freud... Freud...? Sigmund, are you there? No?
Infants Against Circumcision. No shitski...
Politicians Against Circumcision. Really! Check it out! OMG!
Nurses for the Rights of the Child.
NORM. Undo Circumcision.
NORM-UK Ditto.
Other Websites. An interesting list.

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