Saturday, December 26, 2009


Prove Me Wrong if You Can

Lawson ignores not only the psychology of 'cause stalking,' he also ignores the economics of 'Cause Stalking:' 'Stalking' is a personal emotional methodology, a way of living. Lawson seems to be unaware of that. Lawson's theory of dumbass barfalonians cum stalkers is nonsense. It is clearly impossible to maintain such a long-term attack against a 'target' unless money is involved. There is no such thing as, 'cause stalking.' Here is why:
Long term stalking requires human emotion: One fucked up human can stalk any other human based on some or other insane reason, but it is impossible to infuse a large group of dumbasses over a long period of time with the same insane idea unless money is involved, or unless there is an emotional connection. This principle brings us to the concept of 'emotional connection.'
WTF is that!?
I claim that there are many 'tribes.' I claim that the Jewish Tribe is the most outstanding example of tribal solidarity, based on Hitler's 1933 edict preventing Jewish 'doctors' from 'treating' German 'aryans.' Prove me wrong if you can. I claim that Hitler became aware that Jews were mutilating Christians all over the world - and especially in America - and that Hitler issued the order against Jews, preventing Jews from 'treating' German Aryans, preventing Jews from converting Germans into Jews below the belt.
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