Saturday, April 26, 2014


Love is Complex.

Kootch is up at 2354L. Sip. We live in different times but we love each other. Sip. Love is complex. (thump) Sip.
Sipping on beer #13. Sip. Kootch is up and we just did some blood sugar tests. Kootch is very good at 'recording events.' K-Mart loved that about her! I, not so much. To me, 'The moment is a new beginning.' Every moment is a new beginning. Sip.
I am ignoring recent microwave attacks causing nasal and optical problems. Sip.
I would never do that to anybody. (thump)
Kootch just walked by and smiled, saying, 'You still up?'
I said, 'Uhuh.'
Sip. 0104 AM. Sip. She is in the KT heating something up.
Bottled water! Morning coffee! I don't trust 'tap water.' I requested her to avoid 'Tap Water.' She does. I, paranoid husband, feel better now. Sip. I am probably too paranoid, but in view of constant microwave radiation I feel much better. My greatest fear is that the Bat Shit Looney (thump) Jewish Lawyer Walter L Gerash will poison (tap) her so that 'we' can 'marry.' (Coughing due to Left Lung radiation at 0120 AM. Nose dripping.)
I love it that she recently seems to have taken my advice to heart.
Good girl!  

Friday, April 25, 2014


Life is Sensational.

Sipping beer #10 at 2245. Sip. Isn't this fun!!!? Yes it is. Sip.
Rereading what I've written so far tonight, I laugh at appropriate moments. True, my life is not exactly 'sensational.' But isn't it, really?
Yes it is!
Indeed, our various internal and external sensations form the framework of our lives. Orgasms are sensational! Booze is sensational too. And, no, I have not acquired any Marijuana as yet! Barf. It's the price I pay for having no friends. (tap)
But 'All input is sensational.' (Back from the fridge with beer #10.)
All output is logical.
(Drunk as a skunk at 2311.) Sip.
One of these days I will acquire some Ganja and I will mix up booze with ganja and report back to you. (That's the plan, at least).
It will be a logical report on the sensational.
It takes a lot of sensation to produce a small amount Logic.
I will tap that logic out to you.
You can test it.
Or you can ignore it.
And that's the beauty of it.


Better You Than Me.

Good question! SOS... Hmm... But actually I don't think I'm 'savable.'
Q: Why not?
A: Jews have been too traumatized in the 20th Century. They need revenge.
Q: Revenge on you?!
A: Apparently.
Q: Why you?
A: All of the Nazi enemies of Jews have perished. Dead men feel no pain.
Q: But why you?
A: I am not circumcised. My penis operates perfectly. Jews hate that.
Q: But you are innocent!
A: I know. But I'm all they have left. So they torture me. Makes them feel good.
Q: What else do you think Jews 'dislike' about you?
A: I'm 50% Irish.
Q: How does that count against you?
A: Ask a Jew. I'm also 25% German.
Q: Oh my.
A: Yes.
Q: Better you than me.


Imaginary Q and A.

I can think of the following Imaginary Questions: Sip.
Q: You are describing a 'scenerio' which, like a Hollywood Movie, would cost literally millions of dollars to produce.
A: And your question is?
Q: What symptoms 'follow you' when you leave your apartment?
A: None.
Q: Why don't you move out? (tap)
A: Move where? To Australia? I've considered that.
Q: Why don't you call (tap) the Police?
A: My 'complaint' would rightly be considered as 'unreasonable.'
Q: Why don't you buy a 'Motorized Home' and leave Denver?
A: I've considered that also. But a Mobile Home would be very succeptible to sabotage. 'They' would follow me, and 'They' would attack me in other ways, probably economic in nature.
Q: Why would 'they' do that?
A: You need to ask 'them.' 
Q: You have suggested a 'Stalker Situation.'
A: A (tap) truly bizarre and unprecedented Stalker Situation. Yes.
Q: You have proposed a scenerio which would 'explain' this 'stalking problem.'
A: Yes. But it is only a theory. It's the best I can do.
Q: You have proposed that a 'Jewish Queer' with lots of money has been 'stalking you' (tap).
A: Yes. I am sure of that. (tap) One more question:
Q: What 'SOS message' would you like to send out?


Why Me?

Sipping on beer #1 at 1824. Sip. This is a lot like last week's scenerio... to blog or not. Decided to blog, but I'm still thinking about what subjects to write about. Sip. No buzz yet. Sip. The possible subjects are almost endless. Sip. The beer will no doubt 'rescue' me... Sip... End of beer #1 at 1832. Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1837. Sip. Buzzing slightly. Sip. 12 beers left. Sip. I must have walked through a microwave beam... burp... nose blow to clear Jewish mucus... brought a new box of tissues along with the beer... sip... Ah! A 'subject' is emerging: 'Why Me?' Why is that batshit looney Gerash doing this to me?! I can only speculate.
Actually, I am under almost constant 'bombardment' while inside the apartment (another nose blow with 'used tissue'). But interestingly, the 'symptoms' vary depending on where I am sitting or laying:
Living Room (LR): Typical symptoms include, intense itching on the skin of my lower back (sometimes left; sometimes right) at about 'kidney level.' This is very common. Also, intense itching on left and right abdomen at about the same level. My impression is that the rear symptoms originate in the apartment below, while the front symptoms originate in the apartment above. But it's just a guess. Back from the fridge with beer #3 at about 1900. Sip. Another symptom which appears almost exclusively in the LR is 'constant throar-clearing,' which suggests a 'deeper penetration' attack affecting throat tissue. This very common attack produces a thick mucus which, once transfered to the mouth, is 'fun to blow bubbles with.'
Computer (BR): I am now, as I type this, enduring a typical BR attack which causes much sneezing, mucus, and nose-blowing. Left nasal mucosa is slightly swollen, indicating the attacking microwave weapon is next door in 203. Sneezing attacks can happen in both the LR and the BR but are most common in the BR at the computer (about 90%). This particular attack was typical, producing about 8 sneezes.
Bed: (thump) All of the previous attack modes can and are used to attack me while I am in bed. But the most common 'bed attack' is the 'pulsed rad' (pulsed microwave) attack, which causes muscles to activate and then  deactivate approximately ten (thump) times per second. This attack is commonly used to 'wake me up.' It feels a bit like a 'vibrating bed.' When they go from 'vibrating mode' to 'continuous mode,' the affected muscles tend to contract slightly instead of 'vibrating.' Interestingly, there seems to be a 'muscle mechanism' which 'remembers' the pulse rate and tries to duplicate that pulse rate once the microwave pulses stop. Thus, I can get out of bed and go into the LR and sit on the couch watching TV, and experience a diminished 'hangover effect' for several (up to ten or so) minutes. Also, I can 'willfully overcome' a 'continuous mode attack' which causes my left foot to 'contort downward' by simply willing it to 'Stop that!' It stops! My right foot is not affected, probably because it is swollen because of the DVT. Lastly, there is an 'all out surface attack' (tap) which is indescribable except that is slightly resembles the skin sensation of 'bright sunshine.'
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2004. Sip. I am now experiencing only a small 'surface attack' which causes slight twitching and itching of my left eyelid, and itching of my left nostril (probably from 203).
At this point I will answer some imaginary questions in the next post.

Friday, April 18, 2014


The Goy State.

There is no question that 'the number of orgasms per week' is a factor affecting individual happiness. And clearly, uncircumcised males are able to 'whip up' many orgasms per week, whereas circumcised males are unable to compete in that regard. Circumcised males are therefore less happy than uncircumcised males, given the obvious fact that orgasms are among the most highly valued and desired human experiences. Furthermore, regarding circumcision, 'penile awareness' is an undesirable mental state. Penile Awareness is fine so long as it exists in a 'sexual situation,' but PA is definitely undesirable in other circumstances. Circumcision amplifies PA in many, many unwanted circumcumstances. Circumcision therefore negatively affects human happiness. The most desirable human state is therefore the uncircumcised state. The 'Goy' state.
God apparently did not want His Son to masturbate. (
Which brings up the question: Did Jesus ever have an orgasm?

What Makes us Happy?

Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2102. Sip. Another nose blow to clear more Jewish mucus. Sip. (faint tap) Tonight's 'radiation style' seems to be constant low (tap) level radiation. I'm thinking about what to write next. Sip. CNN has an interesting thinkee on India, and Bill Moyers has an interesting thingee on 'The one percent' of Americans who own 99 percent of America's wealth. Hmm! Let's hope that America takes no 'sharp turns' in the near future!? Yes? No? HAAA! I have a new subject! 'Wealth and Happiness.'
I am 'fairly happy.' I would be much happier, of course, if I didn't have to endure the antics of that Bat Shit Looney Jew who has been stalking me since at least 1975: I would be able to sleep well, and the resulting 'day time' would be much pleasanter. I would probably not have to take daily 'afternoon naps.' My 'health and happiness' would be a notch or two on the upside. No question. But even given the existing circumstances, I consider myself 'fairly happy.' (tap)
But my 'happiness,' such as it is, is a 'learned phenomenon.' I have learned how to be happy in spite of unhappy circumstances. Many people do that. Things could always be worse! Be happy that they are not!
But what about 'The One Percent:' How happy are the One Percent?
My guess is that the average Onepercenter is not that much happier than I am! The reason is basically genetic: 'Astonishing Wealth' is an entirely new phenomenon so far as 'the multitude' is concerned. True, Ancient Kings and Emperors of old had the same 'astonishing wealth' as 'Today's One Percent.' But their genes were flabbergasted: 'So fucking what? Where's my 3PM orgasm?'
Human Beings can be only so happy, billions upon billions of dollars notwithstanding. That's the way we roll, genetically speaking. Sip.


Would Jesus Have Tried Marijuana?

First sip of beer #1 at 1930. Sip. Since I got out of bed this morning I have been debating the question: To blog or not to blog. Sip. As you can see, I finally decided in the affirmitive. Sip. And after rereading last week's posts just now I've decided to keep it fairly holy. Sip. Happy Easter! Today is not Easter, of course; Sunday is Easter. Today is (Good) Friday. Today is the day that Jesus 'died for our sins.' Seems a bit unjust, doesn't it. But we like it. We'll take it! Wasn't our idea... Right?
Back from the fridge with beer #2 and #3 (24 ounce can). Sip. (Dan Harris is on CNN, and is 10% Happier! Goodonya Dan!) Maybe God was feeling guilty... Naw. No way. Sip. Interesting that Jesus had a Human Mother... no Godly Females having been available... Horney Holy Ghost! Sip. What would we have done if the holy Ghost had been a Holy Homosexual Ghost!? Jesus apparently got no pussy during his 33 year sojourn on Planet Earth. But wait! Was Mary Magdaline his secret lover? Some think so. (I'm one of them.) Sip. These huge cans are uncomfortably heavy. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Nose blow to clear Jewish mucus. (faint thump) Sip.
Well folks, that style of writing is called, 'streaming consciousness' I think. Works really well with alcohol. Sip. Indeed, alcohol disinhibits the staid brain, which is why I like it while blogging. Sip. Not that I'm all that staid...
Another nose blow to clear more 'Jewish mucus' at 2021. Sip.
Tomorrow is Holy saturday. In my case, 'Holy Hungover Saturday.' Sunday is Easter (loud tap by TBSLWT at 2030) Sunday. Sunday is also '420 Day' which is a much more recent cultural phenomenon. I read somewhere that the number '420' refers to 4:20 PM, the traditional time at which college students 'lit up' after classes were over. (Kyung Lah on CNN reporting on the Korean ship tragedy. By the way, Kootch tells me that that particular ship had been purchased from the Japanese, and that after purchasing the ship, the Korean owners added another deck, possibly destabilizing the vessel. Reports of a 'sharp turn' may turn out to be causal in that regard.) Local News is reporting that Civic Center Park will be flush with Pot Smokers on both Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

Friday, April 11, 2014



(But it appears, for me, impossible.) Which brings us to my Jewish antagonists. (tap) I have pretty much figured them out. I understand that they are 'soul-less biological machines' with a uniquely tragic history based on ancient stupidity. I don't blame them, because machines are only machines: Soul-less electro-chemical mechanisms.
Sipping on beer #8, I think. Sip.
I am a metamachine. Sip.
'What, exactly, is that?!' You ask...
A hungry machine! Burp. Oyasuminasai.

An Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth.

Which brings us to the question of 'motivation:' Given that few (faint boom) people would take part in such a 24/7/365 operation, what motivates the few that do (Besides money)? My best guess is Generalized Jewish Hatred, acquired by many Jews over thousands of years, sprinkled here and there with the 'salt' of 'Jewish Penis Envy.' (But it's just a theory.)
I was exploring that general scenerio recently by way of a recorded TV program, The Jewish Avengers (The Military Channel - The American Heroes Channel). It is the story of a nice Jewish fella name of Abba Kovner, who, at the end of WW-II, read something in the Jewish Bible concerning punishment. ( Kovner reasoned that, since The Nazis had killed six million Jews in The Holocaust, the remaining Jews should take revenge on The Germans by killing six million Germans. It was simple-mindedness taken to extremes. He hatched a plot to kill six million Germans in Hamburg, Frankfort, Munich, and Nuremburg. The general idea was to poison the water. Other, more rational Jews 'ratted him out' and the plot failed.
But think about it: Kovner was willing to kill people who were totally innocent of Nutzism, who were only 'guilty by association:' women, children, old folks...
as long as they were Germans!
Shall we 'analyze Mister Kovner?' Yes we shall!
As a Jew, Kovner had inherited thousands of years of Jewish penis envy, combined with thousands of years of Goy contempt regarding the uniquely Jewish practice of sexually mutilating their male offspring. His brain was 'wired Jewish.' His penis (or what was left of it) was mutilated in the Jewish manner. Kovner was filled with rage. He was unable to think rationally. He was actually willing to kill thousands and thousands of blond-headed, blue-eyed little German girls in the name of 'Biblical Justice!'
Question: Is this (tap) kind of emotional attitude typical of Jews? Do most Jews (especially circumcised Jews) share such an attitude regarding 'Goys?'
I think so.
I therefore avoid Jews whenever possible. (tap)

'Fear Knows no Love; Love Knows no Fear.' (Osho)

First sip of beer #1 at 1620. I was just now rereading the earlier days of this blog, and the last thing I read was... oops, can't find it. Probably just as well. Now sipping on beer #2 (of 16). Sip. Buzzing already! Time to reread last week... ok. A slight modification to post #4 was required. Sip. All better. And those 'twitching frog legs' were caused by salt sprinkled on them! Who woulda thought!? Muscles are 'electro-chemical devices' after all. Sip. And we are Nature's Machines...
I was recently reading some older posts just before 'rebooting the internet' (tap). In one of them I wrote something about 'hating the Jews.' Musta been back in 2007-2009. I don't remember. It was an 'imprecise characterization,' of course, especially nowadays. A more accurate characterization would have been, 'I am afraid of The Jews. I avoid them whenever possible.'
But for me it isn't possible! Even in bed, alone, The 'Jews' lurk above me and below me. They aim their microwave cannons at me. I feel the effects of microwave radiation almost continuously: nasal swelling, dripping, sneezing, and eyes watering... Then it stops for a while. Then it starts again... I can tell you this, folks: it's a good thing I like sneezing!
At night, the radiation often changes to 'pulse mode.' My muscles 'vibrate' at a fixed frequency. It often wakes me up from a sound sleep. Sometimes they change from pulsed mode to continuous mode. The result is general muscle tension accompanied by deep, faint pain. Another 'mode' involves coutinuous radiation which affects the body surfaces: sudden sharp pain like bee-stings; itching; skin-crawling sensations. I presume that they use various frequencies to produce various sensations. It is all quite uncomfortable (faint thump), and quite interesting at the same time.
Who would do that?!
Would you?
Not me.  

Saturday, April 05, 2014


Signing Off.

My advice is to tell the Old Bastard to Fuck Off. Do it! Your sexual partner will help you. It will take a while, but it will be worth it.
Kootch is watching Japanese TV in her room. Sip.
As I near the end of this at 0145, Sip, (Sudden heavy blast of Microwave Radiation caused 13 sneezes, much nose dripping and tearing.)...
I deduce that Gerash is disappointed that I am 'wrapping this up.'
Me: Is Gerash pissed?
PD: The defendant has no comment.

The Origin of Hatred: God.

It is 0043 and I am still sipping beer. (#8?) Kootch is watching Japanese TV in her room. Sip. I can see CNN on my R-TV in the LR. Sip. Back from the potty, I visited Kootch who is now awake, watching Japanese TV. Sip. I seem to have run out of subjects... but have I? Really?
It is now 0102. The unconscious person in 104 (below) is playing loud music. We can hear mostly the low frequency 'beat.' I can 'drown out' that music with my 'White Noise Generator' Simply Noise (There are others). I can sleep when I need to sleep.
Kootch is in the kitchen making coffee (Nescafe Taster's Choice - French Roast). It's her source of Caffine. Mine is Diet Pepsi. Sip. The Bat Shit Looney Wall Tapper has not been active recently. Sip.
New subject: Foreskin Restoration.
I don't need to do it. I already have it. It works beautifully. I love it.
You need to do it. You also need to understand that WHTZSNM will not approve. He will hate it. He will hate you for doing it. He will punish you for doing it.

The Arch Mutilator Got it Wrong.

Jewish Penis Envy is fact. Not fiction.
The circumcision of America in the 20th century is fact, not fiction.
Jews pretty much control the American Health Industry. Fact, not fiction.
Jews pretty much control the American Media. Fact, not fiction.
You were sexually mutilated at birth for 'health' (actually monetary and tribal) reasons.
Your mutilated, scarified, dried out, inflexible, desensitized penis performs at a much diminished level compared to a natural penis, which is flexible, mobile, sensitive, easily manipulated, warm, comfortable, and non-irritating.
But you can fix it! Do a 'foreskin restoration!'
Your female sexual partner will experience a significant reduction in 'vaginal friction' because your natural penis will do most of the 'in and out' of vaginal intercourse. No 'artificial lubricants' will ever be needed. During intercourse, much of your 'in and out' will be done inside your own foreskin! She won't feel the friction, only the cyclic pressure of penile movement and, of course, the pressure against her clitoris.
Mother Nature, our beautiful creator, got it right.
God, the Arch Mutilator, got it wrong.
(Oh, and by the way, you will be able to 'whip up quickie orgasms' (masturbate) without lubrication.)

Friday, April 04, 2014


Jewish Penis Envy.

Some years ago I invented the idea of 'Jewish Penis Envy' as a way of explaining the 'Greatest Scam of the 20th Century.' (routine infant sexual mutilation for health reasons). I think it was about 1993 or so. Bush #1 had invaded Iraq, and I had wondered whether Muslims were circumcised. I was (as usual) against the war. To my surprise, my research at the local library produced a book which revealed a huge secret: Not only were Jews circumcised; not only were Muslims circumcised: Americans too were circumcised! I was astonished. The book (Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy, by Edward Wallerstein)
revealed that since WWII, circumcision of American newborns had skyrocketed, and that the vast majority of American newborns were being sexually mutilated in the 'Jewish manner' for 'health reasons.'
Being an uncircumcised American male who had lived 'Au natural' for over 50 years, I was shocked. After reading the Wallerstein book I formulated the idea that American Jews somehow 'engineered' this unfortunate (for America) turn of events. I reasoned that the underlying Jewish motive was 'Jewish Penis Envy.' I was right.
I offer as proof, 'Penis Envy: How Size Influences Self Esteem' by Stanley Siegel (a probably circumcised Jew).
I reasoned that if 'size' can influence 'self-esteem' in the 'penis department, then, 'intactness and performance' would also have an influence in that regard. I reasoned furthermore, that the natural, unmutilated penis was far superior to the crippled Jewish-Muslim version.
Even the ancient Jewish writers agree that 'circumcision weakens that organ.'


Hiding in Plain Sight.

Buzzing nicely on beer #4 at 2025. Sip. Current Big News is the Fort Hood Massacre where some soldier 'lost it' (tap) and killed innocent people, then himself. Tragic, of course, but an interesting topic for discussion and (for me) introspect(thump)ion. (Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2038. Sip). (And judging by the preceeding 'tap' and 'thump,' the stalker Gerash wants to 'get in on' the subject. Shall we equip him with an imaginary Public Defender? Why not? Yes we shall. Sip.
I will never 'lose it,' and I don't even worry about it. I am Awake. I have transcended 'the machine.' I am Conscious. I understand that I live 'in a world full of idiots.' I see my fellow human beings as 'Electrochemical, Biological, Machines.' I am not one of them. I have 'created my soul.' (Sip. Now, if I only had some Marijuana!)
But I pretend to be one of them. It's very easy. All I have to do extra is to take more naps and blow my nose a lot. But I would really love to have some Marijuana (burp). I would like to do some research on how alcohol and CBD and THC 'go together' in terms of 'consciousness.'
But I dislike standing in lines at my advanced age. End of beer #5 at 2103. Back from the fridge with beer #6. Sip.
I think it was Gurdjieff who came up with the idea of 'creating your soul.' He claimed that unless you 'created your soul' you would 'die like a dog.'
Well, maybe. Maybe not.

Capitalism Gone Ape Shit.

Sipping on beer #1 (of 17) at 1900. Sip. Waiting for anti-hacking software to do its daily thing. Sip. I'm watching it via the Windows Task Manager 'CPU and Page File Usage History.' Really, really, exciting. Sip. Looks like the security software has done it's daily thingee... and now I am absorbing a microwave attack face on... the usual sneezing, tearing, and nose dripping. Off to the fridge... Sip. I cleared the tears and massive mucus flows with two or three nose-blows, and am back with beer #2 at 1919. Sip. Maybe a slight buzz... Sip. Oh, and speaking of microwave radiation attacks, I will record the Saturday evening broadcast of, Outrageous Acts of Science, 'The People's Vote'. The 'teaser' showed skinned frog legs (sans frog body) twitching on a plate as if being bombarded by microwave radiation. I'll let you know if it was indeed microwave rad or something else. Sip. (The Science Channel - 272.) Sip.
End of beer #2 at 1932. Back with beer #3 at 1934. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. Time to reread last week... Yes! I like it. Drugs are much more interesting than IMCs (Improvised Microwave Cannons); at least from the imbiber's point of view. Oh, and speaking of 'really bad drugs,' isn't it interesting how the 'Heroin Dealer' has been legalized in the form of 'physician?' Big Pharma has managed to take over the illegal 'Addictive Drug Business' with legal Heroin derivatives like Oxycontin and Hydrocodone. However, those legal forms of Heroin are expensive (business is business) and many 'legally addicted' addicts resort to illegal Heroin which is much cheaper but lethally stronger, resulting in thousands of overdose deaths per year. But what a way to go!
Oh. And don't forget those Booming Drug Rehab Businesses.
'It's The Money, Honey.'

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