Friday, April 04, 2014


Capitalism Gone Ape Shit.

Sipping on beer #1 (of 17) at 1900. Sip. Waiting for anti-hacking software to do its daily thing. Sip. I'm watching it via the Windows Task Manager 'CPU and Page File Usage History.' Really, really, exciting. Sip. Looks like the security software has done it's daily thingee... and now I am absorbing a microwave attack face on... the usual sneezing, tearing, and nose dripping. Off to the fridge... Sip. I cleared the tears and massive mucus flows with two or three nose-blows, and am back with beer #2 at 1919. Sip. Maybe a slight buzz... Sip. Oh, and speaking of microwave radiation attacks, I will record the Saturday evening broadcast of, Outrageous Acts of Science, 'The People's Vote'. The 'teaser' showed skinned frog legs (sans frog body) twitching on a plate as if being bombarded by microwave radiation. I'll let you know if it was indeed microwave rad or something else. Sip. (The Science Channel - 272.) Sip.
End of beer #2 at 1932. Back with beer #3 at 1934. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Sip. Time to reread last week... Yes! I like it. Drugs are much more interesting than IMCs (Improvised Microwave Cannons); at least from the imbiber's point of view. Oh, and speaking of 'really bad drugs,' isn't it interesting how the 'Heroin Dealer' has been legalized in the form of 'physician?' Big Pharma has managed to take over the illegal 'Addictive Drug Business' with legal Heroin derivatives like Oxycontin and Hydrocodone. However, those legal forms of Heroin are expensive (business is business) and many 'legally addicted' addicts resort to illegal Heroin which is much cheaper but lethally stronger, resulting in thousands of overdose deaths per year. But what a way to go!
Oh. And don't forget those Booming Drug Rehab Businesses.
'It's The Money, Honey.'

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