Saturday, September 29, 2007


My Eternal Prescription

Interestingly, as I become more and more inebriated I leave the political realm behind, psychologically speaking. Politics fades into irrelevance (tap) and I am where I want to be: herenow. Here I am. Now.
You should envy me.
Not that you should panic. Where you are is ok, only not exactly ideal.
Do you recognize that you are not really there? Not really then? Even though you think you are?
Do you recognize that you are really missing something?
There and then are ok, but here and now is so much better.
You want to be here, now. Believe me.
But that won't work. You can't do it. So you live there and then as Nature mandates your eternal internal state such as it is. Pity you.
You can escape, but it needs courage. You need to drop 100 micrograms of LSD-25. You can thereby escape from the There and Then into the Here and Now.
Bon Voyage!

Friday, September 28, 2007


Check Your Dick: it is Jewish.

Which brings is to the concept of tribalism. As a 'half-Irishman' I had no idea of 'tribalism.' Indeed, I was totally unable to identify fellow Irishmen within my circle of acquaintances, nor was I interested in that. People were people so far as I was concerned, and I did not give a fat fuck who was or was not Irish. In later life I would come to learn that there was a certain tribe of people who 'stuck together:' The Jews.
As I became more and more aware that I and my family were under attack by Jews, I gradually acquired an understanding of the concept of tribalism. I later came to understand why us Irish folks were not very 'tribal' whereas Jewish folks were very 'tribal.' The reason, of course, is based in history: Jews (the Christ-killers) were persecuted and scattered. But those Jews (tap) remained connected by infant sexual mutilation. ISM was the ultimate glue which cemented them. Their pathetically stupid little god was not as much a factor as ISM. The Jews would have abandoned their stupid little religion had it not been for the rise of Christianity. Christians persecuted Jews, thereby giving Jews a moral weight they would not otherwise have had. Furtheremore Christians adopted the stupid old Jewish books! This singularity cemented that pathetic little tribe even further.
The eventual result is that Jews dominate the world (boom).
Let me be very clear about this: Jews dominate the world because Jews are the most intensely tribal people on Earth. Check your dick: it is Jewish.
Check your dentist.
Check your pediatritian.
Check your lawer.
Jews are as intensely tribal as the tribes in Iraq, whereas the rest of us have moved beyond tribalism toward Democracy.
Jews spout 'Democracy' while remaining tribal.
Jews will never change so long as they can dominate the rest of us to their advantage (tap).
You idiots!

The Dominant American Tribe


Very good: (tap) At 2124L I have finished up my notes, which leaves the rest of the evening (tap) open.
On the subject most recently expressed in (2) below, I was amused by this story which resulted in a 600 thousand dollar bonanza to local contractors. The fact that Jewish (stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp) 'sensibilities' were awakened to the point that government money was diverted from the war in Iraq (or possibly from public education) incited me to laugh out loud (tap). What ludicrosity! Here is yet another example of how well the 'Ultimate Jewish Curse' (Antisemitism) serves the interests of that dominant American (tap) tribe. If you doubt me, then check the nearest penis (tap). My guess is that you will find the vast majority of Irish-American (tap) dicks circumcised for 'health reasons:' bogus health reasons manufactured by a Jew-dominated medical establishment. Prove me wrong if you can. Indeed: my personal experience with a Kaiser Permanente (tap) Urologist reinforces (tap) that conclusion: she offered to circumcise me for health reasons!
I laughed at her, of course. I found her suggestion extremely funny at the time. Here I was in my late '60s dep(thump)endent on masturbatio(tap)n for my (infrequent) orgasms and this pathetic Jewish Bitch wanted to circumcise me?! I laughed and laughed. I think it irritated her.
At least I hope so. Her response was to prescribe a dangerous drug to be smeared on the head of my dick, under my foreskin (tap). I recognized that drug as having caused extreme skin problems (subcutaneous bleeding) on my forearms (tap) and so I refused to apply it. I later learned (on The Web) that the drug was not approved for penis problems. Furthermore, it was an anti-itch drug, not an anti-infection drug (tap), and my dick was totally itch-free. The Jewish Bitch also ordered an antibiotic series (CIPRO). But my dick remained the same as always.
I am absolutely certain that here was a case of Gerashian influence: Gerash paid the Jewish bitch (who was very very good-looking) to recommend both the 'procedure' and - failing that - the 'drug' (tap). A 'nurse' later asked me whether I was applying the topical drug to my dick and I replied in the negative. It seemed to me at the time to be an unusual follow-up.

Zionist Me


I was very amused this week by Ahmedinejad's appearance at Colombia University. Lots of political 'sound and fury signifying nothing' preceeded his invitation to speak there, so I was motivated to tune in to his comments. It was immediately apparent from his 'introduction' that he had been bushwhacked, so to say, and had been lured into the occasion under false pretenses.
I saw the entire episode as a scary case of mutual incomprehension in a dangerous world full of complete fucking idiots who believe that their particular brand of 'messiah' is right around the corner. (What fun! As a 'news freak' I can barely wait for Armageddon! Come on Jesus!)

I was also amused by the Democrat Debate this week, where every damned one of them kissed the ass of AIPAC. We are used to this sort of thing from the Republicans who claim to represent the Evangelical Right, but we wondered how correct the political pundits who claimed that, 'AIPAC owns the American political establishment' really were. Now we know: they were right! (For those among you who do not know, AIPAC is supported by Zionist (tap) Jews and Christians who have entered into a temporary alliance (tap) for the purpose of supporting Israel in the face of international law. The Christian side hopes that the new Israel will hasten Jesus' return. The Jewish side simply takes advantage of the Christian side, but claims that if the Messiah turns out to be Jesus after all they will instantly convert to Christianity. It is not quite as simple as that, of course, as each side knows the motivations of the other side. Suffice it to say that in the minds of the various Zionists there will soon be the juicy situation whereby whomever is correct in this matter will be able to view close up the agony of their former allies burning in Hell forever alongside the Muslims and the rest of us. (Full disclosure: I am also a Zionist. My motivation is anti-Jewish: the more Jews we can cajole into leaving America for 'The Promised Land' the fewer Jews we will have to contend with over here.))

A World of my Own

I found the following 'current events' interesting, this week:
Ahmedinejad Bushwhacked at Colombia University.
Democrats take 'the fetal position' with regard to war with Iran.
'Current events' that I did not find interesting included the most recent installment of OJ's adventures, among others.
Then there is the matter of current events in my life, notably my increased intimacy with being irradiated. I've concluded that 'rat itch' is the result (tap) of electromagnetic (tap) radiation, as is itching of the face, scalp, and hands, the latter three being most probably the result of radiation from above. 'Rat itch' happens below the knees, and therefore likely originates from below, as does SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum), TRF, MTRL, and SCRL. Itching hands appear only in the LR (living room), but I have noticed face and scalp itching in the BR (usually while in bed, but sometimes at the computer) (tap). Interestingly, face and scalp itching is accompanied by a skin feeling of being exposed to very bright sunlight (faint thump). An interesting feature of hand itching is that welts (tap) often appear on my right thumb near the joint where thumb exits hand. These welts appear only on the back of the hand. Often, both palms itch. I conclude that the reason the right hand (tap) is so affected is that it is often 'up' (tap) holding one of the 'remotes' whereas the left hand is usually about a foot and a half lower. Leaving the room fixes the problem.
Another interesting - totally unrelated - current personal event has to do with the newspaper: (faint boom): one of the funny pages is always missing, and it is always the same page. I never get to read the funnies on that page (tap) because that page is always missing. This has been going on for about six months to a year (boom). The phenomenon coincides with Kootch's decision to subscribe to a 'deal' (eheh) where the newspaper is delivered Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning. We are not newspaper readers in the digital age, and our only interest in the newspaper was the TV Guide. Every weekend, therefore, one of us would buy a Sunday (tap) paper for its TV Guide. I would read the funnies religiously, and skim the editorials and the ads (boom). But Friday and Saturday?! What was she thinking? Except for the TV Guide I see that newspaper as a waste. I am not a part of that community. I exist in a world of my own.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Insect Preferences


We have a cricket. Noisy sucker. I presume that it entered the apartment at about the same time the bee entered. The bee apparently explored the place for several hours then decided that this was no place for him (or her). I found it this afternoon attempting to break through solid glass. Typical. Bees are so dumb. So I got a glass and trapped the bee between the glass of the patio door and the glass container. Kootch then gave me a sheet of paper. I slipped the paper between the glass and the glass of the patio door. The bee, apparently seeing her world disappearing behind the paper, panicked and became hyperactive. I trapped the bee in the glass. I then opened the patio door, walked outside, and removed the paper. The bee flew away.

I love bees. I will never forget the time that I 'petted' a bee: I was wasted on Acid (tap) sometime around 1979. It was late afternoon. I was sitting on the cement front patio of 7152 S Franklin Street, alone. The flowers were in full bloom. Beautiful! I saw a bee, busy collecting pollen. Overcome with love, I reached out my right index finger and petted her gently on her back. She ignored me. My fear of bees ended there forever. (You can still see the flowers at that address.)
Which brings us to the cricket. This is one noisy cricket! It shuts up when I get too close. It also shuts up when I turn off the tv sets. Smart cricket! I am minded to hunt the critter down and evict the sucker. That would be my duty, and I have made several superficial attempts to do so. My reasoning is that that cricket cricks in vain: there is no cricket pussy in this apartment. But at the same time I love that loud little cricket for its company: Kootch sleeps, and my only other companion is a Jewish faggot lurking upstairs who taps the floor from time to time.
I prefer the cricket.
Guess I'll keep it around for now.

Curiosity Kills Gynecology Student


Which brings us to a most amazing photograph. (Be advised that this photograph is NSFW unless your boss has an especially demented sense of humor.) The photograph is gross. But it seemed to me that there was humor there (tap), a redeeming social value which made this particular blogpost worthwhile. I have therefore undertaken to annotate this photograph. The annotation follows. Be advised before(boom)hand that what follows is abject conjecture, not fact. It is my interpretation of a most amazing photograph, in somewhat 'Onionesque terms.' Whether or not the photograph is 'doctored' is immaterial: my annotation applies only to the object we see before our very eyes, whatever it is. I herewith create the following (tap) 'history:'
CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO, 2007 - A Carlsbad man was killed yesterday while investigating a woman's vagina. "Abraham Fishel, 34, a gynecology student at New Mexico State University, suffocated during a gynecology exam and was pronounced dead at the scene," police said. Fishel apparently began his investigation during the absense of his instructor, Devorah Hyman, who had recently left the room for an emergency potty visit. When the instructor returned she found Fishel hanging from the woman's vagina, apparently dead. Hyman would have begun CPR but for the unfortunate position of the victim in this case. Instead Hyman immediately called 911, then began trying to pull the victim out, to no avail. The victim "appeared to be stuck," Hyman said. Police and Emergency Services arrived too late to save the man, who hung there for at least another 30 minutes while rescuers tried unsuccessfully to free him.

It was later determined that Fishel, an amateur 'spelunker', had donned a miner's helmet and activated the light inside. Fishel had also connected the helmet's chin strap before entering the vagina. "That was his fatal mistake," fellow spelunkers said: "If he had left that strap unconnected he would still be alive today."
The light was still bright when the helmet was removed from the woman's vagina, indicating that "Fishel was cognizant of the need for visual assistance during deep investigations," police said.

Tonight's Link Dump


Before (tap) entirely leaving the subject of torture by EMR I need to cite this site which fraudulently suggests that your body produces massive amounts of electricity. Not true. Your body does produce small amounts of 'electricity' in the nervous system - microwatts or milliwatts at most, but not watts. Indeed, most nervous system energy is chemical, not electrical. What this site does is misrepresent metabolic power output (watts, work, heat, etc) in electrical terms.
HW comments on W. Very funny. This is a must-have for coffee mug collectors.
God's popularity is on the decline nowadays. The result is that He now has legal (tap) problems:
State senator sues God.
More tellingly, Jews sue God for breach of contract. 'bout fucking time! Where have those idiots been all these years?!
A possible motive for this recent sueage: HAM. I would also recommend baked pork ribs. (Forget the barbecue. Smear them with garlic salt and pepper. When nearly done pour on some soy sauce and cook 5 more minutes. Serve as is, with white rice. flavor rice with the juice. sprinkle with chopped green onions.)
In a possibly related development, Hell has been recently expanded.
Concerning lifestyle variations in different parts of the world, this site is leading-edge.
An interesting museum. I see this as a stepping stone to Atheism for the faint-of-heart.



Well folks, based on that previous performance, I've arranged to space plenty of 3.2 beer between doses of booze or stronger beer. The idea is to retain a certain amount of lucidity while at the same time loosening inhibition in the interests of expression. Usually it works well. Last week was a bit heavy on 'expression' and a bit light on 'lucidity.' Live and learn.
The apartment downstairs has been leased or rented (tap) for some time now. The occupants appear to be two men and one teenage boy (two and a half men?). Judging by various indicators, both men (and boy) (tap) were, until recently, homeless and lived in vans. Here may be a case where the magnanimous Jewish faggot Walter L Gerash has used his money to rescue some unfortunate souls. One wonders what debt they thereby incurred. Hmmm...
This story is a good lead-in to my next update, which is the EMR (Electro-Magnetic Radiation) update. Based on the previously described 'new paradigm' I have formulated some new ideas about the daily (and especially nightly) EMR torture I endure:
1. The fundamental frequency is above 5 GHZ. (tap)
2. Modulation (tap) accounts, at least in part, for various symptoms.
3. Dish antennas are used, and are easily positioned and aimed.
4. Most radiation originates in the apartment below.
5. Some radiation may originate in the apartment above.
6. 'They' can focus the radiation into a circular area of about 40 inches (bonk).
7. 'They' can also irradiate my entire body lengthwise, possibly using multiple dishes.
8. 'They' have the capability to penetrate several inches of flesh, but most radiation reaches not much more than skin deep (.25 inch). I presume that deeper penetration requires a change in the fundamental frequency (tap).
Other updates:
1. I am now rereading 'god is not Great.' What a book!
2. The 'little weenies' did not make it into the next iteration of spaghetti. I subsituted Italian Sausage instead. The weenies lie frozen in the fridge.
3. I gave Kootch a twenty to compensate her for the booze run. She plans to spend it on 'Saba.'
4. After reading the diaper reference (below) (tap) I decided to try another 'didee' experience. It was (tap) fun as usual, but the experience reminded me of why I have let my diaper supply languish for almost two years: that batch is just too damned small! I'd give them to Kootch but she would be horrified. Kootch is about as potty-trained as you can get. Typical Japanese.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Inside Joke (continued)


Here is the previously described photo. It's much easier to upload this stuff when I'm sober, by the way. For some reason the image could not be 'selected' and I had to type in the file name. That procedure worked. Apparently no hacking was involved (tap), only my own ineptitude.
I deliberately obscured the last two letters of 'National' in order to emphasize my point. This dish is not recommended.
Too soon to booze it up again. See you next week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Almost Midnight

What fun!
I think we need to investigate my failure to present that Jewish weenie product photographicwise. Jewish censorship is unacceptable. (Check the nearest penis.)
But it is almost midnight. So before I leave you, you might imagine a bunch of little dicks which have been either circumcised or skinned back, then photographed. That is the photographic situation. The scene represents a million little penises which have been circumcised. Jewish financial interests have stooped to celebrating the fact that America has been desensitized (tap) such that we all enjoy the same sexual (tap) numbness.
My mission is obvious: do not buy the Hebrew National collection of kosher salami, expressed in little penile objectivications. Numbness is antithetical to Nature's intent. Nature feels!
Indeed, Nature senses! Desensitizing Nature is a process which will lead to Universal Death.

Before I close tonight I should mention that I was ready to (tap) throw away the...

Oops. I am suddenly thinking about my underwear. It bothers me that I can't recall the color of my underpants. As I sit here I am minimally aware of my underpants. Furthermore I am wondering about (tap) huh?! I know that I am wearing cotton panties. I know furthermore that they are way too large. I love to wear cotton undies in bed: cotton absorbs moisture. Barfalonius maximus: I will now check my underpants and report back to you:
Barf. I am wearing light green panties, size 14. Waaay too big.
You laugh but I am serious. I presume you are interested in my underpants. Bully you!
You know that... I am buzzing my brains out as I feel (boom) the various sensations of panty orgasm.
Furthermore I love diapers.

An Inside Jewish Joke

(Jews celebrate your deenervated dick with little weenies, which they sell for ten dollars. They enjoy among themselves the fact that you are as deadened sexually as they are.)
After Kootch ate her first Jewish weenie she said to me, 'You paid too much.'
I cooked half of them in the oven. Kootch ate half of that and I ate (thump) the rest. Neither of us was impressed. They tasted like salami (tap).
They were little. They were like little penises wrapped in flour batter. They were obviously designed to represent little circumcised penises, the historical state of America's national dick.
I wanted to throw the rest of them away, but Kootch suggested that we could incorporate them into the next iteration of spaghetti alongside whatever. Accordingly I have not dumped them.
One thing is very clear: this product is an inside Jewish joke.
I found the taste objectionable based on the visual scenerio of eating (Jewish) dick.
Dick does not appeal to me. I would lick and suck my own dick of I could, but that is a personal preference not available to me. Other dicks revulse me. But I can masturbate. And I do it!
I wish I could suck my own dick,

Teeny Weenies


Here is a fun photo:

Barf. The photo will not upload to blogger. I suspect Judeofaggothackery. Therefore I am reduced to describing that interesting photo. See for yourselves what I mean. If you would like a visual demonstration, then you need to buy and eat that product, which I will describe below.

The photo is that of a box of frozen 'weenies.' Teeny Weenies. Those Teeny Weenies are very small charicatures of normal everyday hot dogs. Those teeny weenies are indeed teeny. Furthermore, those teeny weenies are Jewish (tap) in that they are purported to to be free of unkosher (boom) products. Those little weenies are purported to be 'kosher.' (tap)
In fact, those teeny little weenies are symbolic of the Jewish domination of America. Those teeny little weenies are the (stomping above me) everyday reminders to Jews that they dominate America.
I refer, of course, to the obvious (tap) suggestion of penile mutilation.
Here is my thesis: Jews have 'converted' America by circumcision. Jews need to understand that glorious accomplishment. Jews need to act politically in order to maintain (tap) their initiative regarding penile matters which matters are fundamental to Jewish survival.
The name of the product is, Hebrew National.
The sub-title is, Beef franks in a blanket.
What you get is 40 little circumcised penises.
What you pay is ten dollars.
You will love it if you are Jewish.



Tonight's blog is an accident. There was less than an inch of booze in the plastic booze bottle and I decided to imbibe it as a way of fortifying myself emotionally against reading my previous Friday night blog posts. So I broke out a diet pepsi, poured myself a double shot (thump) of whiskey, threw a few ice cubes into a glass, mixed it all up and drank it on an empty stomach. Glorious! Problem: there was more whiskey in the plastic booze bottle. That was unacceptable.
So later I repeated the above scenerio: booze, diet pepsi, ice cubes, guzzle. Totally glorious!
I might have survived 'til Friday but for the irritating fact that there was yet an eighth of an inch of booze still surviving in the plastic booze bottle. I had not counted on that. I had estimated that I could weather two double shots at most. But there was one shot remaining in the booze bottle.
I could not bring myself to allow that lonely shot to languish 'til Friday, so I drank it.
Enter Kootch. I gave her a twenty and requested that she run down to the local booze shop and procure some beer, 'Keep the change,' as usual. I pointed out to her that I was perfectly capable of doing the job myself. Kootch agreed to do it (tap), apparently skeptical of my self-evaluation.
I wanted a 12-pac of Natural Light. I preferred a 12 pac of Natural Ice.
Kootch returned with an entire fucking case of Natural Ice! Cost her almost twenty bucks! She bitched.
I will reimburse her later of course.
So now I am sipping Natural Ice. Beware!

Friday, September 07, 2007



Herewith some of the subjects that interested me recently as I watched The News:
Michael Scheuer
Osama bin Laden
Science and Religion meet at a common junction
Dirty Little Secret
Beginning with the last idea, I have been a fan of the partitian of Iraq right from the beginning of the Bush disaster. Iraq is a fantasy, not a nation. That fantasy existed through the years due to political repression. 'Iraq' could not have survived otherwise. Everybody concerned sees that Western Fantasy except The West (and The French). Iraq survived because the Bath Party under Saddam Hussein suppressed ancient tribal and religious differences by force. Democracy will never work in Iraq any better than it is working now. The time has come to partition Iraq along tribal/religious lines. America must not continue to support a Fantasy Democracy, but must cut the necessary political deals with the various factions involved. It's called 'pragmatism.'
(Pragmatism is a concept not much understood since the late 20th century. We need to get back to that concept. (No, I am not available to run for president. Forget it. I have enough problems already.))
Concerning Scheuer, I am convinced that Bush deliberately blew our chance to kill Bin Laden at Tora-Bora because he thought that such a scenerio would tend to diminish public opinion concerning his oedipal designs against Saddam. Bush thought that Bin Laden was already hooked and could be reeled in at will. Wrong. Bin Laden may actually outlive Bush. The Fish might outlive The Fisher!
I love the idea that Science and Religion can meet at a 'common junction,' because it seems to me that although Science is far superior to Religion in the pragmatic sense, Religion has its place in the emotional sense (being gassed here). We are fortunately (boom) equiped with both logical and emotional neuronal connections and both aspects of our collective nature need expression. We would not otherwise be 'Human.' We are a mix which needs a sophisticated understanding.

You Idiots!

May I leave this pathetic subject for tonight? Yes? Thank you.

But on the subject of Jews and queers I see that senator Craig was actually defended by the Jewish senator from Pennsylvania, Arlan Spector. Interesting! (tap)
I was curious about senator Spector's motive: Craig was already dead politically. So what was Spector's point? I concluded that The Jews had owned Craig for so many years based on Craig's faggotry - of which The Jews had ample video proof - and of which Craig was well aware - (tap) that The Jews felt obliged to put up at least a symbolic defence, the purpose of which was to convince Craig that his 'allies' had not abandoned him prematurely. The idea was to suppress Craig's retrospection, bookwise. Prove me wrong if you can.
Are there really eleven Jewish senators?! Really?! I find that bizarre (tap) in a country where Jews number about 4 percent of the population max. It would mean that Jews (tap) are over-represented. Waaay over-represented.
But Jewish over-representation in America is not limited to politics. Jews are also over-represented in Law (boom) and Medicine (check the nearest dick). Add to this 'over-representation' the threat of the unique Jewish curse (boom) of 'antisemitism' plus the Jewish seduction of 'Christian Evangelicals' and you arrive at an understanding of how that unique tribe has managed - against all odds - to rise to the top (boom boom) of American culture, which in turn dominates the world (thump).
Let me phrase it the starkest terms: Since The Holocaust American Jews have been successful in their quest to dominate the world. We (you and me) are now their subjects in some sense, and you (but not me! not yet! (thump)) have become 'honorary Jews' below the belt.

A Hopeless Case


Christopher Hitchens on Larry Craig. very funny. Hitchens gives us an entirely new perspective on public toilets. Brilliant. Tearoom?!
Also very funny is this story about Jews and the sabbath:
'After dinner, Wife and I had said our goodbyes and walked out to our car. A woman comes hurrying up to us, dragging two little children behind her, panic on her face.
"Excuse me, are you Jewish?"'
I loved this story because it illustrates the utter stupidity of ancient Jewish religion and the people who still believe it.

Dawkins reviews god is not Great. Excellent.

I just finished watching The Mclaughlin Group. Fun. I'll forget it and will watch it again on tivo. I was taken by the idea of 'modern rehab.' Interesting. I conjectured the scenerio of 'panty-fetish rehab.' What would that be like? Hmm. How would they go about destroying my love of panties?
Other rehab possibilities presented themselves to my beady little brain too; for example, Jewish rehab (tap). What would that be like? Would it involve foreskin restoration? Daily shaving? Monthly haircuts? Masturbation classes?
What about Jewish Faggot rehab? Such a scenerio would seem, on the face of it, to be too complex. Jew, maybe. Faggot, maybe. Jewish Faggot, probably not. Too complex.
Concerning 'religion rehab' (thump) there is precedent in the concept of 'deprogramming.' Jewish rehab would fall into that category. So would defaggotation. But notice that complexity (boom) increases exponentially with every new category: Complexity equals time (among other considerations). Therefore, 'Jewish Faggot Lawyer' deprogramming class would take so many years that it could not be done in a single lifetime. It follows that the case of Walter Gerash is hopeless.

An Ugly Game


Some updates: I mailed the books back to Amazon after redoing the return procedure, this time remembering to plug the printer USB cable into the computer first. So you folks at the Christian Book Store can now relax, and my apologies to the local libraries.

Concerning the apparent grounding differences between the pipes in the bathroom and the pipes in the Kitchen, I remeasured the emitted radiation at the pipes from a position under the sink. I then measured the electrical resistance between the two pipes. Both results indicate that they are indeed electrically identical (.5 ohm difference). I will test that (tap) too, in another way, results to follow. Interestingly, the 'ground' on the pipes (tap) varies from the 'ground' on the A/C plugs by as much as 70+ ohms, and the diffference between 'pipe ground' and 'cable ground' (boom, boom, boom) appears to be infinite. I conclude that the electrical differences between pipe ground and A/C outlet grounds are due to corrosion over time (tap). Concerning the 'infinite' difference between pipe ground and cable ground I can only conclude that what I learned so many years ago at Keesler AFB Radar School - that 'ground is ground the world around' - was an oversimplification. (Or?)

My ZC-185 investigations continued down (tap) in the laundry room where I confirmed that those pipes, too, radiated (tap) at about the same level.

I took that device to King Soopers on a shopping trip and found the entire store to be electromagnetically quiet (tap). That amazed me, given that I can walk around our apartment and find numerous 'hot spots.' This obviously needs further investigation.

The shift in thinking away from Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) to 'Other' represents a paradigm shift, and the result (tap) is that I now interpret my symptoms in terms of frequencies higher than 5 MHZ, making it a whole new ball game (tap).

It occurs to me at this point (tap) that readers might find the investigations described above indicative of a real interest (tap) in the subject, similar to a deluded soul hunting for ghosts. Not so. I did the tests reluctantly and haphazardly, and indeed incompletely, because they represented an investment of my precious time in the bizarre hobby of an insane old Jewish pervert. (Heh. No taps!) The truth of the matter is that I have a life to live. I am not willing to devote much of that time to playing an ugly game with an ugly old Jewish faggot.

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