Friday, September 28, 2007
Check Your Dick: it is Jewish.
Which brings is to the concept of tribalism. As a 'half-Irishman' I had no idea of 'tribalism.' Indeed, I was totally unable to identify fellow Irishmen within my circle of acquaintances, nor was I interested in that. People were people so far as I was concerned, and I did not give a fat fuck who was or was not Irish. In later life I would come to learn that there was a certain tribe of people who 'stuck together:' The Jews.
As I became more and more aware that I and my family were under attack by Jews, I gradually acquired an understanding of the concept of tribalism. I later came to understand why us Irish folks were not very 'tribal' whereas Jewish folks were very 'tribal.' The reason, of course, is based in history: Jews (the Christ-killers) were persecuted and scattered. But those Jews (tap) remained connected by infant sexual mutilation. ISM was the ultimate glue which cemented them. Their pathetically stupid little god was not as much a factor as ISM. The Jews would have abandoned their stupid little religion had it not been for the rise of Christianity. Christians persecuted Jews, thereby giving Jews a moral weight they would not otherwise have had. Furtheremore Christians adopted the stupid old Jewish books! This singularity cemented that pathetic little tribe even further.
The eventual result is that Jews dominate the world (boom).
Let me be very clear about this: Jews dominate the world because Jews are the most intensely tribal people on Earth. Check your dick: it is Jewish.
Check your dentist.
Check your pediatritian.
Check your lawer.
Jews are as intensely tribal as the tribes in Iraq, whereas the rest of us have moved beyond tribalism toward Democracy.
Jews spout 'Democracy' while remaining tribal.
Jews will never change so long as they can dominate the rest of us to their advantage (tap).
You idiots!
Which brings is to the concept of tribalism. As a 'half-Irishman' I had no idea of 'tribalism.' Indeed, I was totally unable to identify fellow Irishmen within my circle of acquaintances, nor was I interested in that. People were people so far as I was concerned, and I did not give a fat fuck who was or was not Irish. In later life I would come to learn that there was a certain tribe of people who 'stuck together:' The Jews.
As I became more and more aware that I and my family were under attack by Jews, I gradually acquired an understanding of the concept of tribalism. I later came to understand why us Irish folks were not very 'tribal' whereas Jewish folks were very 'tribal.' The reason, of course, is based in history: Jews (the Christ-killers) were persecuted and scattered. But those Jews (tap) remained connected by infant sexual mutilation. ISM was the ultimate glue which cemented them. Their pathetically stupid little god was not as much a factor as ISM. The Jews would have abandoned their stupid little religion had it not been for the rise of Christianity. Christians persecuted Jews, thereby giving Jews a moral weight they would not otherwise have had. Furtheremore Christians adopted the stupid old Jewish books! This singularity cemented that pathetic little tribe even further.
The eventual result is that Jews dominate the world (boom).
Let me be very clear about this: Jews dominate the world because Jews are the most intensely tribal people on Earth. Check your dick: it is Jewish.
Check your dentist.
Check your pediatritian.
Check your lawer.
Jews are as intensely tribal as the tribes in Iraq, whereas the rest of us have moved beyond tribalism toward Democracy.
Jews spout 'Democracy' while remaining tribal.
Jews will never change so long as they can dominate the rest of us to their advantage (tap).
You idiots!