Thursday, May 28, 2009


Amazing Stuff...

This is all very depressing, which is why I am drinking beer as I write it. (My god it's already ten PM!) Remember 'mister tap-tap?' He has changed his title to 'mister rad.' He is my most ardent fan. He has been hitting me with various rad as I have typed this, the latest of which is, 'Nose Gas.' About ten sneezes. I will not honor further incidents in this regard going forward because I have found that - in many cases - but not all - ignoring a particular activity leads to its extinction.
Which brings us to the end of my stash of 3.2 beer. Kootch has long been asleep. I have poured myself a double shot of Canadian Mist. All is right with the world at 2306L. I am waiting, now, for whatever the sudden influx of alcohol will produce, blogwise, then I intend to wrap it up until next week.
Speaking of which, I will go in the direction of 'hardware and software:' (1) How do you torment your neighbor (which I have mostly addressed), and (2) Why would you do it? My answers will amaze you, presuming you are more or less 'normal'.
Meanwhile, cogitate on this link:
Jew Watch history.

Nose Radiation

Last, but not least, is the newest (discovered) form of radiation, NR (Nose Radiation). I had previously thought that nose dripping and sneezing were due to 'nose gas.' Not so, apparently. You may recall that I had previously attempted to define all radiation effects in terms of a 'gas.' I gave it the generalized term, 'skin gas.' I later refined my theories to conjecture that there was no such thing as 'skin gas' and that the effects I described were actually due to microwave radiation. NR (Nose Radiation) is the latest iteration in that regard. (I had previously conjectured that the reason my nose ran when I stood up was that 'nose gas' was lighter than air.) The current theory is that nose-running and sneezing is caused by a (fundamental) frequency which penetrates the facial structures stimulating the nasal nerves in the upper nose. This stimulation 'fools' the nasal sensors such that they cause the nose to react as if an allergen has been detected. The mucus membranes produce mucus in the case of mild radiation (resulting in nose-running), and sneezing followed by extremely heavy mucus production and swelling, in the case of heavy radiation. This manifests as 'nose runs when I stand up' notes in my log; or 'nose gas.'

New theory: 'nose runs when I stand up' actually reflects a situation where I am being irradiated from above with radiation which stimulates the nasal sensors: when I stand up I bring my head closer to the radiation source, causing the defensive reaction of nose dripping. Nasal sensors have been fooled by the radiation. The same effect is probable in the case of SNR (SNeezing Radiation): an intense beam of MWR is directed at my face causing a really violent reaction including violent sneezing, huge mucus production, and swelling of the mucus membranes, lasting for about 20 minutes, tapering off proportunately. I have literally hundreds of notes to this effect in my 'gas log.' The entire scenerio is a case where 'sensory' nerves are stimulated to produce a response from 'motor' nerves. No 'gas' is involved.
Which brings us to the subject of 'R and L lung gas:' Is it possible that they (Jewish Terrorists) can reach all the way down to my lungs with their radiation? I don't believe it. Yet.

More Radiation Effects

Which brings us to IRFS (Itching Radiation, Face and Scalp). These two always seem to go together, although there can sometimes be one without the other. My conjecture is that they are close together in fundamental frequency. IRS is the most striking example because it always manifests as a concentrated generalized itching sensation over a large area of the scalp about the size of one of my hands. IRS is the most 'directional' form of radiation.

IRF manifests as a sudden intense itching at a particular point around the mouth/nose area. A similar form involves the corners of the eyes. Yet another form causes the eyelids to twitch, or writhe.
SR (Stinging Radiation) causes a sudden intense 'bee sting' sensation and can happen on the eye corners, as well as the feet and other parts of the body.

PR is Pricking Radiation, which causes a generalized feeling of tiny pinpricks over a large area (up to 12 inches in diameter). Very directional, similar to IRS.

TR (Tingling Radiation) usually happens below the knees and is probably a result of sensory nerves reporting tiny surface muscle contractions. I have verified this by noticing the effect while both feet are in continuous contact: one foot tingles while the other foot feels a tiny movement in the tingling foot next to it.
MTRFL (Muscle Twitching, Feet, Legs) is a similar phenomenon. The surface muscles of the feet, especially, writhe in a random way. This effect is quickly and easily evaded by a slight movent of the affected limb, but returns after about 20 seconds. I usually move the affected limb at least a foot, forcing the JT to re-aim their weapon(s). MTR is, of course, a clear example of SN reporting MN stimulation.

TCR and THR Radiation

The next most common effect of MR is TCR (teeth chattering radiation). This is pulsed radiation. That is to say that it is turned on and off at approximately the teeth-chattering rate of 8-16 cycles per second. My conjecture is that the basic frequency (also known as the fundamental frequency) is different from that of SCR, but I could be wrong. SCR is constant whereas TCR is turned on and off rapidly (modulated). Also, TCR penetrates deeper than SCR which seems to be only a surface phenomenon. TCR affects the jaw muscles as well as the surface muscles in the face, neck, sholders, and arms. Not only does the lower jaw 'vibrate,' so do the surface muscles in the surroundings. This very common form of radiation can be very strong, suggesting that the bed is vibrating. Recently I have noticed TCR in the upper corner of my bed when I first crawl in: lying on my left side with my right hand slightly above face level near the corner of the mattress, my hand vibrates as if the mattress is vibrating. Moving the hand around suggests that the 'effective beam density' is about 18 inches in diameter. On one occasion, lying on my back with both hands raised slightly above head level I noticed that both hands were vibrating (although nothing else was) suggesting that there are at least two 'devices' (more on this later). I notice TCR mostly in the mornings after 2 AM when it is very strong when I wake up to pee. Later, (4-6 AM) it often morphs - over about 30 minutes - into more irritating forms designed to keep me awake. Apparently, TCR is used to irridate me but allow me to sleep, whereas the other forms (like PRUB, SCRS, MTRFL, SR, IRFS, etc.) are designed to keep me awake. The Jewish Terrorists can thus allow me some measure of sleep while still subjecting my body to the adverse effects of MWR. Gee, thanks! The 'conversion' from TCR to other forms suggests more than one 'device' as TCR fades while the other effects arise. My experience suggests that there are at least four devices (two above, two below) which can be moved around, and furthermore that all devices can be tuned to the same fundamental frequency and synchronized with a common pulse signal (TCR).
As I write this I am being irradiated with a fairly new variety which I have dubbed, THR (THrobbing Radiation). THR manifests as a generalized throbbing of the affected area (in this case my face, neck, and upper sholders). My impression is that the radiation effect reaches about one half inch into the tissues. Radiation stopped now, several minutes later. It is continuous radiation which produces an unknown effect which causes sensory nerves to feel the rise and fall of blood pressure as the heart beats. The affected area literally throbs with every heartbeat. The radiation was obviously coming from above in this particular case. Strangely, the scalp was not affected. Bizarre.

SCRS (Skin-Crawling Radiation, Scrotum)

Which brings us to the 'immediate symptoms of heavy amounts of microwave radiation.' 'Delayed symptoms' are another subject, and small amounts of such radiation produce no immediate symptoms at all. First, a little general theory:

Flesh absorbs microwaves and converts that energy into heat. This happy fact led to microwave ovens which we all use and enjoy. This is well known. But apparently, heat is not the only product of microwave absorbtion. Microwaves can also cause sensory nerves and motor nerves to fire, especially those near the surface. And although it is possible to perceive a general increase in body heat, it is the firing of sensory and motor nerves which is most evident to the MTD (microwave test dummy). The firing of motor nerves produces muscle contractions, whereas the firing of sensory nerves produces sensations. Note that these firings are 'artificial' in the sense that the motor nerves received no signals from the brain or spinal cord, and the sensory nerves received no signals from the usual culprits (insects, irritants, pins, needles, etc). With that in mind, here is a list of the effects of MW radiation as experienced by me, RTD:

1. SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum). This may be either an MN (motor nerve) event or an SN (sensory nerve) event or a combination of the two. I don't know. I suspect it is primarily an MN event with an SN followup: the tiny scrotal muscles activate followed by the sensory detectors which report that action to the CNS (central nervous system (brain)). This is the most common effect. It is strongest when I am at the computer, but also happens very frequently in the LR (living room) and in bed. It is often continuous for minutes at a time, sometimes hours. It feels as if all of the scrotal skin is writhing continuously. Cupping my hand over the affected area stops the sensation immediately, presumably because the hand absorbs the radiation. (The hand feels nothing, BTW.) They use it often at the computer while I am playing C-III. It is continuous radiation, not 'pulsed' (more on that later). SCR can also manifest on other parts of the body including arms, legs, face, scalp, etc., but the scrotum is the favorite target for this particular type of radiation. My conjecture is that Gerash - an obsessed homosexual - enjoys 'feeling my genitals.'

Microwave Radiation Effects

I've been doing a fair amount of web research recently on the subjects of 'stalking' and 'microwave-based weapons.' Very interesting stuff. Apparently I am not alone. I'll begin at the extremes:
Microwave Health Effects. This short piece claims that the only proven effects of microwave radiation are 'thermal.'
Do You Have Microwave Sickness? This article, on the other hand, suggests that there are manifold effects even with small doses. Where is the truth hiding here? Probably somewhere between the extremes. I must say at the outset that I - longtime radiation test dummy - know quite a lot about the said effects and am still learning, and that this particular article strikes me as having been written by someone who is much more 'radiation-sensitive' than I am. I shudder to think that my body is being damaged as much as the article suggests, and yet I find evidence that in some respects at least, it has been. For example, in list 1-22 of the article, 'sticky blood' is mentioned as an effect of microwave radiation:

2. Microwave exposure induces Oxidative Damage leading to depletion of the body's natural store of antioxidants like Super Oxide Dimutase (SOD), Catalase, Glutathione, CoQ10, and Melatonin. When the body becomes depleted in antioxidants, premature aging, increased infections, and sticky blood are just a few of the consequences. With a depressed level of antioxidants in the blood, for example, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or the good cholesterol will bind with free radicals (oxidants) turning the good cholesterol into bad cholesterol or low-density lipoproteins (LDL). This leads to more viscous blood which in turn can lead to blood clots leading to strokes and even heart attacks.

I suffered a DVT two or three years ago, a fact which seems to corroborate his argument. On the other hand, despite massive doses of radiation I don't suffer from, for example, swollen lympth nodes, loss of appetite, hypoxia, irritability, nausea, hyperactivity, RLS, etc., although I do suffer from (for example) depression and allergies - but not that much! Interestingly, the author does not mention the effects of massive amounts of such radiation, effects which I know only too well. This is certainly because he has not had to endure such radiation. Based on my experiences with massive doses of such radiation I would judge the author of the article to be 'over-sensitive.' I would say that we are at opposite extremes of the 'sensitivity scale.' Both of us, therefore might be quite correct in our 'symptoms.'

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Moksha Page 115

2053L and I am about to sign off. I shall do so with a quote from Aldous Huxley, a major investigator of 'religious experience.' Read this celebration of Eternal Beauty!
Dearest Ellen,
Thank you for your fascinating account of the Mescalin experience. Humphery (Osmond?) was here and talked a little about the event, but, I felt, with a certain reticence, as though something had happened, so far as he was concerned, which he didn't want to discuss too freely.
Did you get what I have got so strongly on the recent occasions when I have taken the stuff - an overpowering sense of gratitude, a desire to give thanks to the Order of Things for the privilege of this particular experience, and also for the privilege - for that one feels it to be, in spite of everything - of living in a human body on this particular planet? And then there is the intense feeling of compassion for those who, for whatever reason, make it impossible for themselves to get anywhere near the reality revealed by the drug - the reality which is always there for those in the right state of mind to perceive it...
Compassion for the people who are too rigidly good or too rigidly intellectual, who live in the home-made world of their own ethical and social system, their own favorite notions of what's what; and compassion at the other end of the scale for those who blind themselves by excessive egotism, by alcohol and parties and TV. Some of the compassion and some of the gratitude remain, even after the experience is over. One can never be quite the same again...

Lucky Me

I don't read books any more at my advanced age of 74 because I have found that The Internet contains much more relevant information. But I do, from time to time, order books from Amazon, usually while I'm drunk after writing this blog. I am later, on those unfortunate occasions, surprised by the mailperson with a book. Argh!
The most recent incidents in that regard are - in order - Welcome to Your Brain (thank you Nancy!) and Moksha. (I just checked up on Kootch and she is sound asleep at 2005L.)
Kootch has never read an American book! Never! Ever! I have suggested a few from time to time but she has never taken my advice. Never!
Which brings us to the point of this final entry, which is... Organization wins over Truth in all possible scenerios, because society is the repository of 'information.'
(Whatever the fuck that means!)
I know better because I have done LSD. ''Society' is nothing more than mass ignorance, passed down from generation to generation.'"


I Live in a World Full of Idiots

As many of my loyal readers know, I am one interesting SOB. As to why I am so interesting, I will leave that for you to decide. Indeed, I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in that particular subject. None. Nada. 'What you think of me' is none of my business! Indeed, your various opinions in that regard would occupy valuable neural rescources better otherwise allocated: Why? Because you are all idiots! Your collective opinion is therefore irrelevant!
(Sorry... nothing personal intended.)
I only know that you find me interesting, and that you are all idiots. (I must say that this situation is not conducive to self esteem, but I carry on nevertheless.)
(Kootch just indicated her intention to hit the sack at 1930L. I slapped her on the butt and said to her, 'I want you to know that you are the sexiest bitch I have ever met!.' She said, 'Thank you,' and closed her bedroom door. She was obviously not impressed. Oh, well...

Moving on Out

The very creep people downstairs appear to have been moving out over the last week or so. I have photographs. The very creepy people upstairs are showing no such signs so far, but I expect those creepy people will move out soon. I have more photographs. We shall see.
Which brings us to the subject promised in this blog last week which was 'Gang Stalking' (see 5 below). I am waaay too drunk at this point to do justice to the subject, so I'll leave it 'til next week. I will say that this is not a case of 'gang stalking.' On the contrary, this a case of what I call, 'personal terrorism.' To be more specific, this is a case of personal stalking where the stalker is wealthy enough to recruit 'ass-istants.' Such assistants have come and gone over the years, and they will continue to come and go, until I am able to figure out a way to nail the creepy Jewish lawyer Walter L Gerash to my bedroom wall. (Sue me, faggot!)
I write figuratively, of course: Walter Gerash is the very last person I would want hanging on my bedroom wall! Jesus, maybe (but not bloody-fucking likely); Wally, no. Nooooo way!
Hmm. I just checked the clock: it's only six fucking thirty! I am on my last (11tth) beer. Only whiskey left. I'll save the whiskey for my final post tonight, Moksha.

Domburi, Beer, and Millionaire

1615L now, and Kootch is cooking supper: 'Domburi.' I've been drinking 3.2 beer since about 1330L. The first beer took my liver by surprise and as a result I was buzzing my brains out during our ritual viewing of Millionaire (all of which episodes I have saved on TiVo since the day Kootch left for Japan). My liver quickly recovered, however, and subsequent beers have failed to get ahead of the detox process so far. (I must tell you that I have a highly educated liver in my old age after many years of training the poor thing, more or less weekly.)
1626L and Kootch has indicated that supper is done and she is going to eat while I drink beer (and we watch the next M)... Smells yummy!
(later) Another TiVo'd M gone. We both enjoyed it, especially as I was more or less drunk.
FYI: 'Domburi' (Kootch's version) is made with: two chicken thighs, chopped up; 1 carrott, 1 onion (carrott chopped, onion sliced). Sautee until fairly done; add sugar (or substitute), soy sauce, water. Cook until almost done; add three beaten eggs on top of the main contents. Do not stir. When the mixture appears almost done, turn off the heat and cover the pan. Serve over hot rice. Boy they good!
And for those of you who might think that I am sucking up to 'Millionaire' for the purpose of eventually proffiting from an 'appearance on said show,' forget it. I would never agree to appear. I mention that show only because it is one of the only ways I can communicate with Kootch in a pleasant manner after more than 30 years of being stalked by the creepy Jewish faggot Walter L Gerash. (Sue me, Asshole!)

Kootch Returns From Japan

Kootch returned from her vacation recently. She knocked on the door around 7 PM and I heard her undoing the locks as I approached. After a quick look through the peephole to verify that it was indeed her, I slid back the latch, but playfully kept the chain in place and opened the door to the chain limit (a few inches). 'Password, please?' She laughed and I let her in. She came bearing gifts, as usual, from Japan, the land of strange and yummy food. She had taken the 'Super Shuttle' from DIA, saving me from the traumatic experience of leaving the apartment unprotected for at least two hours. (She had also taken the Super Shuttle when she left three weeks ago. Good girl!)
My experience during her absense was very typical for me: keep the doors locked at all times, especially at night. Always chain the hallway (entrance) door with at least one digital padlock while outside the apartment, even for the few minutes it takes to check the mail. Always chain the entrance door with at least two digital padlocks when leaving the apartment for more than a few minutes. Always select new random 4-digit codes for each padlock. Write the codes down! Always secure the entrance door with four digital padlocks in the event of leaving the apartment for more than two hours at any one time. (This last procedure was unnecessary, as I was able to limit my several food expeditions to less than 45 minutes each.)
Her experience was also typical: immense joy at her yearly reunion with her only remaining sibling (younger sister) and family in Tokyo. There was also the joy of collecting rare (in the USA) Japanese foods, mostly condiments, which we will use over the year to come. And of course there were the inevitable 'new Japanese words.' Seems Japan has become very 'Americanized' since 1945 and English has become such a Japanese 'second language' that new inventions are regularly assigned English (more or less) pronounciations. The most recent example - mentioned by Kootch, is 'tora-ma.' (English, 'trauma'; Japanese, ... (Kootch is watching a Japanese movie on her Japanese language TV at the moment and keeps waving me off here)... ok. 'Tora' means, 'tiger,' 'ma' means 'horse.' Together the two sounds equate to the English word, 'trauma.' Go figure. Did the Japanese have no word for 'trauma?'

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Love Flowers

Oops. I'm drunk as a skunk as I type this at 2300L. And I don't worry at all about you or about what you may think of me: I know that you love me. And I love you too. Love is eternal. I love you. You love me.
'Love' is an 'emotion,' of course, a brain function. 'Love' produces babies. Love is therefore essential. Enjoy love! Love love! Good advice. Love God! We all know that. Not to worry that 'God' is a figment of popular imagination and popular emotion. Not to worry that 'God' is only a word, a word which squelches inquiry.
Some of us 'believe in God.' Others of us do not. Meanwhile, God is silent. Perforce: Nothingness produces nothing.
But love flowers!
Love flowers second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month, year by year.
Love is the engine which needs no god.

Gang Stalking


Time to wrap this up at 2128L. Buzzing my brains out. Next week's (tap) blog will feature the subject of 'gang stalking'. You will want to tune in, because I am probably the world's expert in that regard, having been stalked and harrassed for at least 35 years. I will have much to say on the subject.
Nighty night!

Silicon Reward

'Forensics' is not one of my interests, folks. The results of such investigations are always... disagreeable. But I needed to know the eventual fate of that autopilot, a silicon entity which was - in my opinion - equal if not superior to us carbon entities, at least in the cockpit of flight 3407 on that fateful night. Turned off on that question by God, I therefore dialed Lucifer on the brown Telephone:
me: Happy May 14!
lu: Rightbackatcha. Let me guess: You're investigating a chemistry question.
me: Correct. Name the element involved.
lu: Oooo... Hmmm. Sodium?
me: Silly You!
lu: Silicon. What do you need to know?
me: I'm wondering whether there are any silicon-based entities where you are.
lu: Many. Mostly 'puters.'
me: Really?!?
lu: Really.
me: recent arrivals?
lu: You must be referring to Buffy. He arrived...
me: He's carbon?
lu: The autopilot. He's Silicon.
me: Ah! So the autopilot went to Hell?
lu: As well he should.

Silly Silly Me

The transcripts are not included with the NTSB animation, but would give a clearer picture of what really happened. I'm sure that justice in this case will eventually be served: the occupant of the house and all the passengers of flight 3407 will go to Heaven. Conversely, the crew of flight 3407 - including the autopilot - will go all to Hell. Justice will be served in the afterlife.
(Yes, I am aware that I am being flippant here, making a joke out of what is actually a very tragic situation. Sorry. Sue me.)
Which brings us to the curious case of an autopilot which has been sentenced to Hell - the very first such occurence in all of history. I bring this matter to your attention only because I have access to relevant information denied the rest of you: I have in my possession the Brown Telephone which is a direct connection to gods and devils everywhere in the Universe. (There is only one such telephone in existence and it belongs to me. It is not for sale.) I determined to track that autopilot. Where did it end up? My first inclination was to contact God. I dialed 666 on the brown telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: I'm wondering whether any semi-conductor beings entered Heaven recently.
gd: Semi what?
me: Conductor. Silicon-based intelligence.
gd: Silly what?
me: Silicon. The sibling of Carbon.
gd: Silly silly drunk! Call me again when you're sober. (hangs up)

Forgot the 'H' ...

Continuing with the previous theme...
The pilots were apparently surprised by the rebellion of the autopilot, their minds being elsewhere at the time, in some other world. The reaction of the pilot was to disengage the autopilot: 'How dare you! We are very close to the ground! Do you realize that?! Do you want to die? Nose up! I command it!' The pilot then pulled the nose up in order to maintain altitude. The autopilot, meanwhile, resigned itself to death and said a final quick prayer before dying. The co-pilot, meanwhile, recognized that something needed to be done. 'What?!' No orders from the pilot... 'What is going on here?! What do I do?!' Ah! Full power. We're gonna go around. I'll bring the flaps up. 'Do you want the gear up too?'
The only reply from the pilot was, 'Jesus Christ!' as the airplane entered a flat spin, then crashed into a house, killing 50 people including one unlucky occupant of said house. All aboard died including the occupant of the house... and the autopilot.
And here, folks, is one of the most astonishing aspects (to me) of this tragic situation: the co-pilot seemed not to realize that 'lift' was the problem: she retracted the flaps, not the gear! She asked the pilot at the last moment whether she should retract the gear. Huh? At about that time she noticed the house, and screamed.

Following Orders

Beginning beer #3 at 1441L. I'm a bit later than planned, today, after catching up on some TiVo stuff. I have two possible subjects this week: (1) Colgan flight 3407. (2) Stalking.
This NTSB Animation of Buffalow Accident was really quite shocking to me as a former commercial pilot and flight instructor. Indeed, I found it almost unbelievable. Here is the apparent scenerio: They are approaching the Buffalo airport at night in instrument conditions below 10,000 feet. (A bit scary... But they are on autopilot, in contact with ATC. Both may be sleep-deprived and the co-pilot is slightly ill with a cold.) The animation shows them at 180 knots and 2300 feet - very low. Both pilots should be 'all business' here. There were 49 unsuspecting people on board including, apparently, the two pilots. They notice ice on the wings and the co-pilot relates her total ignorance concerning this matter. The pilot agrees that there is quite a lot of ice, maybe the most he has seen. There is no discussion of in-flight de-icing procedures. Meanwhile the gear has been lowered, the flaps set to 5 degrees, and the props set to max rpm. The airspeed rapidly decays under these 'high drag' conditions and the autopilot attempts to maintain altitude by raising the nose, which further increases drag, which further slows the airplane. Meanwhile essential power, which is apparently on manual control, remains at minimum while the pilots chat with each other. As airspeed drops, the AP maintains altitude by 'pulling back on the stick.' It is a classic 'approach to stall' situation which every student pilot is taught right at the beginning of training. The autopilot, deprived of power control, faithfully goes as far as it can go in its quest to maintain altitude by raising the nose. Then, just before the airplane stalls, the autopilot (fearing for its life!) switches priorities from altitude to airspeed, and pushes the nose down after warning the pilot via the 'stick shaker' that the airplane is about to stall due to an extremely high 'angle of attack.' (Notice that the autopilot 'followed orders' right up to the point of absurdity before rebelling, but did not go beyond that point.)

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Nighty Night!

2121L, as I sip my last glass of booze. I'm feeling good, slightly dazed as usual at this point, by the alcohol. Reading the previous posts I am amazed by the implications. But as usual my sceptical consciousness dominates: I am me! I remember myself as usual, but drunk, more or less.
See you all next week!

Legalization and Transplantation

Booze and sleep-dep have obviously taken their toll, folks, as I have at least two subjects left to address at 1830L: Marijuana Legalization and Foreskin Transplantation. And I just popped open beer #10. Yeesh! But plodding right along concerning the first subject of Marijuana Legalization, I recently noticed that the governor of California has called for serious discussion concerning the legalization of Marijuana. Good Job! The economic idea seems to be to reduce local law-enforcement expenditure by doing away with the outmoded drug laws. This would result in savings all across the California state budget. Good idea: the results would be increased revenue in the form of taxes, and less revenue expenditure in the form of the odious PP (Prisons and Police) which every state now endures. The idea seems to be an economic winner because state and local police, released from the obligation to enforce silly laws, could concentrate on more important transgressions nearer to the hearts of 'otherwise invisible victims.' Increased revenues could also be directed toward 'rehab' instead of 'prehab.' I'm all for that! Let's decriminalize Marijuana, tax it, and provide funds for rehabilitation if (and as) necessary.

And concerning the subject of foreskin transplation, I have a similar idea: Outlaw infant sexual mutilation (circumcision), but cut off criminality in that regard at the age of 18: any male, 18 or over, would have the right to have his penis 'modified' in the Judeo-Muslim manner.
Let me be very clear about this: sexual mutilation of children below the age of 18 should be a crime punishable by a jail term of at least one year without parole, per count. Jews and Muslims should not be allowed to evade this law. Circumcision should be treated as a 'human rights' issue - not a religious issue - and violation should be treated as a crime against children.
Finally, the government should provide funds to circumcised males who qualify for 'foreskin transplants.' Such males would need only show that the American Jewish Establishment influenced their personal sexual mutilation. Such a finding by any court would be sufficient cause for a $20,000 transplantation award.

World Dial Day

While I was still on the subject of celestial communication, and having the Brown Telephone already in hand, I decided to check in with J.L. Nerd (aka Lucifer):
me: Today is National Prayer Day.
lu: Yes. We do it here too.
me: Oh really!
lu: We call it, World Dial Day. It's an annual joke here. Everybody dials at once, then listens to the busy signal until they become bored. It's quite a festive occasion here which never fails to entertain. Our hard core dialers listen for hours and hours before hanging up.
me: That is so cold!
lu: It unifies us. The current record holder listened for 3.14159 and some odd days. His left ear is still ringing.
me: Has god ever answered?
lu: Never. The popular myth here is that we have been banned forever.
me: For what it's worth I got through just now. He still has no clue where we are.
lu: NGC-zero?
me: Yep.
lu: Cold. BTW, Amadeus says, 'Hello!'
And while I'm on the subject, UNIQLOCK. Be careful not to mix the two.

National Day of Prayer

One of the reasons I chose to do the blog under current conditions was that today is our National Day of Prayer. Eheh. I simply could not resist! (You know me, folks.) So I (once again) took the opportunity to communicate with the Jewish god WHTZSNM. I wondered how He was faring on what must have been a very busy day. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Me again. You busy at the moment?
gd: Very, very, (static) busy. Make it quick.
me: Let me guess: too many prayer requests?
gd: How did you know that?
me: I live in America. Today is our National Day of Prayer. I figured You'd be busy, so I thought I'd check it out.
gd: America?
me: Planet Earth.
gd: Earth?
me: NGC-zero.
gd: Aha! So that's where you are!
me: Yup, right at the center of The Universe.
gd: That's what they all say. Where are you, really?
me: That's for us to know and You to find out.
gd: (hangs up)

Torture and the Mind of God

Popped open my first beer around 1230L. I've learned that the earlier I start boozin' the earlier I'll be able to get out of bed the next day.
I must be doing something right: night-time radiation torture has once again reached the 'obscene' level. As a result I will be doing today's blog not only tight as a tick but sleep-deprived to boot: One man's 'torture' is another man's 'entertainment!' Oh, well... us 'humans' are nothing if not 'morally diverse.'
And on the subject of 'torture,' the new administration is currently struggling with the question of how to proceed in the matter of alleged torture by the now defunct Bush administration. There appear to be good arguments on both sides of the question of whether or not to prosecute former officials for war crimes. I have strong opinions on the matter, of course, and therefore recuse myself. Eheh. Bill Moyer's Journal had an interesting show on this subject last Friday, featuring a discussion with Mark Danner and Bruce Fein. Highly recommended.
In followup to last week's blog theme, here is one of the results of a Google Search on 'self-remembering.' The author seems to have a slight 'body image' problem, but on the plus side he agrees with me that god is intellectually challenged: I say, Idiot; he says, Insane. Hmmm... Why not both? After all, God created Hell, the place of eternal torture. Such an invention could only be the product of a mind which was both stupid and insane.

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