Saturday, May 23, 2009


Moving on Out

The very creep people downstairs appear to have been moving out over the last week or so. I have photographs. The very creepy people upstairs are showing no such signs so far, but I expect those creepy people will move out soon. I have more photographs. We shall see.
Which brings us to the subject promised in this blog last week which was 'Gang Stalking' (see 5 below). I am waaay too drunk at this point to do justice to the subject, so I'll leave it 'til next week. I will say that this is not a case of 'gang stalking.' On the contrary, this a case of what I call, 'personal terrorism.' To be more specific, this is a case of personal stalking where the stalker is wealthy enough to recruit 'ass-istants.' Such assistants have come and gone over the years, and they will continue to come and go, until I am able to figure out a way to nail the creepy Jewish lawyer Walter L Gerash to my bedroom wall. (Sue me, faggot!)
I write figuratively, of course: Walter Gerash is the very last person I would want hanging on my bedroom wall! Jesus, maybe (but not bloody-fucking likely); Wally, no. Nooooo way!
Hmm. I just checked the clock: it's only six fucking thirty! I am on my last (11tth) beer. Only whiskey left. I'll save the whiskey for my final post tonight, Moksha.
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