Saturday, May 23, 2009


Moksha Page 115

2053L and I am about to sign off. I shall do so with a quote from Aldous Huxley, a major investigator of 'religious experience.' Read this celebration of Eternal Beauty!
Dearest Ellen,
Thank you for your fascinating account of the Mescalin experience. Humphery (Osmond?) was here and talked a little about the event, but, I felt, with a certain reticence, as though something had happened, so far as he was concerned, which he didn't want to discuss too freely.
Did you get what I have got so strongly on the recent occasions when I have taken the stuff - an overpowering sense of gratitude, a desire to give thanks to the Order of Things for the privilege of this particular experience, and also for the privilege - for that one feels it to be, in spite of everything - of living in a human body on this particular planet? And then there is the intense feeling of compassion for those who, for whatever reason, make it impossible for themselves to get anywhere near the reality revealed by the drug - the reality which is always there for those in the right state of mind to perceive it...
Compassion for the people who are too rigidly good or too rigidly intellectual, who live in the home-made world of their own ethical and social system, their own favorite notions of what's what; and compassion at the other end of the scale for those who blind themselves by excessive egotism, by alcohol and parties and TV. Some of the compassion and some of the gratitude remain, even after the experience is over. One can never be quite the same again...
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