Thursday, May 28, 2009


Nose Radiation

Last, but not least, is the newest (discovered) form of radiation, NR (Nose Radiation). I had previously thought that nose dripping and sneezing were due to 'nose gas.' Not so, apparently. You may recall that I had previously attempted to define all radiation effects in terms of a 'gas.' I gave it the generalized term, 'skin gas.' I later refined my theories to conjecture that there was no such thing as 'skin gas' and that the effects I described were actually due to microwave radiation. NR (Nose Radiation) is the latest iteration in that regard. (I had previously conjectured that the reason my nose ran when I stood up was that 'nose gas' was lighter than air.) The current theory is that nose-running and sneezing is caused by a (fundamental) frequency which penetrates the facial structures stimulating the nasal nerves in the upper nose. This stimulation 'fools' the nasal sensors such that they cause the nose to react as if an allergen has been detected. The mucus membranes produce mucus in the case of mild radiation (resulting in nose-running), and sneezing followed by extremely heavy mucus production and swelling, in the case of heavy radiation. This manifests as 'nose runs when I stand up' notes in my log; or 'nose gas.'

New theory: 'nose runs when I stand up' actually reflects a situation where I am being irradiated from above with radiation which stimulates the nasal sensors: when I stand up I bring my head closer to the radiation source, causing the defensive reaction of nose dripping. Nasal sensors have been fooled by the radiation. The same effect is probable in the case of SNR (SNeezing Radiation): an intense beam of MWR is directed at my face causing a really violent reaction including violent sneezing, huge mucus production, and swelling of the mucus membranes, lasting for about 20 minutes, tapering off proportunately. I have literally hundreds of notes to this effect in my 'gas log.' The entire scenerio is a case where 'sensory' nerves are stimulated to produce a response from 'motor' nerves. No 'gas' is involved.
Which brings us to the subject of 'R and L lung gas:' Is it possible that they (Jewish Terrorists) can reach all the way down to my lungs with their radiation? I don't believe it. Yet.
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