Thursday, May 28, 2009
SCRS (Skin-Crawling Radiation, Scrotum)
Which brings us to the 'immediate symptoms of heavy amounts of microwave radiation.' 'Delayed symptoms' are another subject, and small amounts of such radiation produce no immediate symptoms at all. First, a little general theory:
Flesh absorbs microwaves and converts that energy into heat. This happy fact led to microwave ovens which we all use and enjoy. This is well known. But apparently, heat is not the only product of microwave absorbtion. Microwaves can also cause sensory nerves and motor nerves to fire, especially those near the surface. And although it is possible to perceive a general increase in body heat, it is the firing of sensory and motor nerves which is most evident to the MTD (microwave test dummy). The firing of motor nerves produces muscle contractions, whereas the firing of sensory nerves produces sensations. Note that these firings are 'artificial' in the sense that the motor nerves received no signals from the brain or spinal cord, and the sensory nerves received no signals from the usual culprits (insects, irritants, pins, needles, etc). With that in mind, here is a list of the effects of MW radiation as experienced by me, RTD:
1. SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum). This may be either an MN (motor nerve) event or an SN (sensory nerve) event or a combination of the two. I don't know. I suspect it is primarily an MN event with an SN followup: the tiny scrotal muscles activate followed by the sensory detectors which report that action to the CNS (central nervous system (brain)). This is the most common effect. It is strongest when I am at the computer, but also happens very frequently in the LR (living room) and in bed. It is often continuous for minutes at a time, sometimes hours. It feels as if all of the scrotal skin is writhing continuously. Cupping my hand over the affected area stops the sensation immediately, presumably because the hand absorbs the radiation. (The hand feels nothing, BTW.) They use it often at the computer while I am playing C-III. It is continuous radiation, not 'pulsed' (more on that later). SCR can also manifest on other parts of the body including arms, legs, face, scalp, etc., but the scrotum is the favorite target for this particular type of radiation. My conjecture is that Gerash - an obsessed homosexual - enjoys 'feeling my genitals.'
Which brings us to the 'immediate symptoms of heavy amounts of microwave radiation.' 'Delayed symptoms' are another subject, and small amounts of such radiation produce no immediate symptoms at all. First, a little general theory:
Flesh absorbs microwaves and converts that energy into heat. This happy fact led to microwave ovens which we all use and enjoy. This is well known. But apparently, heat is not the only product of microwave absorbtion. Microwaves can also cause sensory nerves and motor nerves to fire, especially those near the surface. And although it is possible to perceive a general increase in body heat, it is the firing of sensory and motor nerves which is most evident to the MTD (microwave test dummy). The firing of motor nerves produces muscle contractions, whereas the firing of sensory nerves produces sensations. Note that these firings are 'artificial' in the sense that the motor nerves received no signals from the brain or spinal cord, and the sensory nerves received no signals from the usual culprits (insects, irritants, pins, needles, etc). With that in mind, here is a list of the effects of MW radiation as experienced by me, RTD:
1. SCRS (skin-crawling radiation, scrotum). This may be either an MN (motor nerve) event or an SN (sensory nerve) event or a combination of the two. I don't know. I suspect it is primarily an MN event with an SN followup: the tiny scrotal muscles activate followed by the sensory detectors which report that action to the CNS (central nervous system (brain)). This is the most common effect. It is strongest when I am at the computer, but also happens very frequently in the LR (living room) and in bed. It is often continuous for minutes at a time, sometimes hours. It feels as if all of the scrotal skin is writhing continuously. Cupping my hand over the affected area stops the sensation immediately, presumably because the hand absorbs the radiation. (The hand feels nothing, BTW.) They use it often at the computer while I am playing C-III. It is continuous radiation, not 'pulsed' (more on that later). SCR can also manifest on other parts of the body including arms, legs, face, scalp, etc., but the scrotum is the favorite target for this particular type of radiation. My conjecture is that Gerash - an obsessed homosexual - enjoys 'feeling my genitals.'