Thursday, May 28, 2009


Microwave Radiation Effects

I've been doing a fair amount of web research recently on the subjects of 'stalking' and 'microwave-based weapons.' Very interesting stuff. Apparently I am not alone. I'll begin at the extremes:
Microwave Health Effects. This short piece claims that the only proven effects of microwave radiation are 'thermal.'
Do You Have Microwave Sickness? This article, on the other hand, suggests that there are manifold effects even with small doses. Where is the truth hiding here? Probably somewhere between the extremes. I must say at the outset that I - longtime radiation test dummy - know quite a lot about the said effects and am still learning, and that this particular article strikes me as having been written by someone who is much more 'radiation-sensitive' than I am. I shudder to think that my body is being damaged as much as the article suggests, and yet I find evidence that in some respects at least, it has been. For example, in list 1-22 of the article, 'sticky blood' is mentioned as an effect of microwave radiation:

2. Microwave exposure induces Oxidative Damage leading to depletion of the body's natural store of antioxidants like Super Oxide Dimutase (SOD), Catalase, Glutathione, CoQ10, and Melatonin. When the body becomes depleted in antioxidants, premature aging, increased infections, and sticky blood are just a few of the consequences. With a depressed level of antioxidants in the blood, for example, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or the good cholesterol will bind with free radicals (oxidants) turning the good cholesterol into bad cholesterol or low-density lipoproteins (LDL). This leads to more viscous blood which in turn can lead to blood clots leading to strokes and even heart attacks.

I suffered a DVT two or three years ago, a fact which seems to corroborate his argument. On the other hand, despite massive doses of radiation I don't suffer from, for example, swollen lympth nodes, loss of appetite, hypoxia, irritability, nausea, hyperactivity, RLS, etc., although I do suffer from (for example) depression and allergies - but not that much! Interestingly, the author does not mention the effects of massive amounts of such radiation, effects which I know only too well. This is certainly because he has not had to endure such radiation. Based on my experiences with massive doses of such radiation I would judge the author of the article to be 'over-sensitive.' I would say that we are at opposite extremes of the 'sensitivity scale.' Both of us, therefore might be quite correct in our 'symptoms.'
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