Friday, September 07, 2007


You Idiots!

May I leave this pathetic subject for tonight? Yes? Thank you.

But on the subject of Jews and queers I see that senator Craig was actually defended by the Jewish senator from Pennsylvania, Arlan Spector. Interesting! (tap)
I was curious about senator Spector's motive: Craig was already dead politically. So what was Spector's point? I concluded that The Jews had owned Craig for so many years based on Craig's faggotry - of which The Jews had ample video proof - and of which Craig was well aware - (tap) that The Jews felt obliged to put up at least a symbolic defence, the purpose of which was to convince Craig that his 'allies' had not abandoned him prematurely. The idea was to suppress Craig's retrospection, bookwise. Prove me wrong if you can.
Are there really eleven Jewish senators?! Really?! I find that bizarre (tap) in a country where Jews number about 4 percent of the population max. It would mean that Jews (tap) are over-represented. Waaay over-represented.
But Jewish over-representation in America is not limited to politics. Jews are also over-represented in Law (boom) and Medicine (check the nearest dick). Add to this 'over-representation' the threat of the unique Jewish curse (boom) of 'antisemitism' plus the Jewish seduction of 'Christian Evangelicals' and you arrive at an understanding of how that unique tribe has managed - against all odds - to rise to the top (boom boom) of American culture, which in turn dominates the world (thump).
Let me phrase it the starkest terms: Since The Holocaust American Jews have been successful in their quest to dominate the world. We (you and me) are now their subjects in some sense, and you (but not me! not yet! (thump)) have become 'honorary Jews' below the belt.
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