Friday, April 18, 2014
What Makes us Happy?
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2102. Sip. Another nose blow to clear more Jewish mucus. Sip. (faint tap) Tonight's 'radiation style' seems to be constant low (tap) level radiation. I'm thinking about what to write next. Sip. CNN has an interesting thinkee on India, and Bill Moyers has an interesting thingee on 'The one percent' of Americans who own 99 percent of America's wealth. Hmm! Let's hope that America takes no 'sharp turns' in the near future!? Yes? No? HAAA! I have a new subject! 'Wealth and Happiness.'
I am 'fairly happy.' I would be much happier, of course, if I didn't have to endure the antics of that Bat Shit Looney Jew who has been stalking me since at least 1975: I would be able to sleep well, and the resulting 'day time' would be much pleasanter. I would probably not have to take daily 'afternoon naps.' My 'health and happiness' would be a notch or two on the upside. No question. But even given the existing circumstances, I consider myself 'fairly happy.' (tap)
But my 'happiness,' such as it is, is a 'learned phenomenon.' I have learned how to be happy in spite of unhappy circumstances. Many people do that. Things could always be worse! Be happy that they are not!
But what about 'The One Percent:' How happy are the One Percent?
My guess is that the average Onepercenter is not that much happier than I am! The reason is basically genetic: 'Astonishing Wealth' is an entirely new phenomenon so far as 'the multitude' is concerned. True, Ancient Kings and Emperors of old had the same 'astonishing wealth' as 'Today's One Percent.' But their genes were flabbergasted: 'So fucking what? Where's my 3PM orgasm?'
Human Beings can be only so happy, billions upon billions of dollars notwithstanding. That's the way we roll, genetically speaking. Sip.
Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 2102. Sip. Another nose blow to clear more Jewish mucus. Sip. (faint tap) Tonight's 'radiation style' seems to be constant low (tap) level radiation. I'm thinking about what to write next. Sip. CNN has an interesting thinkee on India, and Bill Moyers has an interesting thingee on 'The one percent' of Americans who own 99 percent of America's wealth. Hmm! Let's hope that America takes no 'sharp turns' in the near future!? Yes? No? HAAA! I have a new subject! 'Wealth and Happiness.'
I am 'fairly happy.' I would be much happier, of course, if I didn't have to endure the antics of that Bat Shit Looney Jew who has been stalking me since at least 1975: I would be able to sleep well, and the resulting 'day time' would be much pleasanter. I would probably not have to take daily 'afternoon naps.' My 'health and happiness' would be a notch or two on the upside. No question. But even given the existing circumstances, I consider myself 'fairly happy.' (tap)
But my 'happiness,' such as it is, is a 'learned phenomenon.' I have learned how to be happy in spite of unhappy circumstances. Many people do that. Things could always be worse! Be happy that they are not!
But what about 'The One Percent:' How happy are the One Percent?
My guess is that the average Onepercenter is not that much happier than I am! The reason is basically genetic: 'Astonishing Wealth' is an entirely new phenomenon so far as 'the multitude' is concerned. True, Ancient Kings and Emperors of old had the same 'astonishing wealth' as 'Today's One Percent.' But their genes were flabbergasted: 'So fucking what? Where's my 3PM orgasm?'
Human Beings can be only so happy, billions upon billions of dollars notwithstanding. That's the way we roll, genetically speaking. Sip.