Friday, April 18, 2014


Would Jesus Have Tried Marijuana?

First sip of beer #1 at 1930. Sip. Since I got out of bed this morning I have been debating the question: To blog or not to blog. Sip. As you can see, I finally decided in the affirmitive. Sip. And after rereading last week's posts just now I've decided to keep it fairly holy. Sip. Happy Easter! Today is not Easter, of course; Sunday is Easter. Today is (Good) Friday. Today is the day that Jesus 'died for our sins.' Seems a bit unjust, doesn't it. But we like it. We'll take it! Wasn't our idea... Right?
Back from the fridge with beer #2 and #3 (24 ounce can). Sip. (Dan Harris is on CNN, and is 10% Happier! Goodonya Dan!) Maybe God was feeling guilty... Naw. No way. Sip. Interesting that Jesus had a Human Mother... no Godly Females having been available... Horney Holy Ghost! Sip. What would we have done if the holy Ghost had been a Holy Homosexual Ghost!? Jesus apparently got no pussy during his 33 year sojourn on Planet Earth. But wait! Was Mary Magdaline his secret lover? Some think so. (I'm one of them.) Sip. These huge cans are uncomfortably heavy. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Nose blow to clear Jewish mucus. (faint thump) Sip.
Well folks, that style of writing is called, 'streaming consciousness' I think. Works really well with alcohol. Sip. Indeed, alcohol disinhibits the staid brain, which is why I like it while blogging. Sip. Not that I'm all that staid...
Another nose blow to clear more 'Jewish mucus' at 2021. Sip.
Tomorrow is Holy saturday. In my case, 'Holy Hungover Saturday.' Sunday is Easter (loud tap by TBSLWT at 2030) Sunday. Sunday is also '420 Day' which is a much more recent cultural phenomenon. I read somewhere that the number '420' refers to 4:20 PM, the traditional time at which college students 'lit up' after classes were over. (Kyung Lah on CNN reporting on the Korean ship tragedy. By the way, Kootch tells me that that particular ship had been purchased from the Japanese, and that after purchasing the ship, the Korean owners added another deck, possibly destabilizing the vessel. Reports of a 'sharp turn' may turn out to be causal in that regard.) Local News is reporting that Civic Center Park will be flush with Pot Smokers on both Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

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