Friday, April 11, 2014


'Fear Knows no Love; Love Knows no Fear.' (Osho)

First sip of beer #1 at 1620. I was just now rereading the earlier days of this blog, and the last thing I read was... oops, can't find it. Probably just as well. Now sipping on beer #2 (of 16). Sip. Buzzing already! Time to reread last week... ok. A slight modification to post #4 was required. Sip. All better. And those 'twitching frog legs' were caused by salt sprinkled on them! Who woulda thought!? Muscles are 'electro-chemical devices' after all. Sip. And we are Nature's Machines...
I was recently reading some older posts just before 'rebooting the internet' (tap). In one of them I wrote something about 'hating the Jews.' Musta been back in 2007-2009. I don't remember. It was an 'imprecise characterization,' of course, especially nowadays. A more accurate characterization would have been, 'I am afraid of The Jews. I avoid them whenever possible.'
But for me it isn't possible! Even in bed, alone, The 'Jews' lurk above me and below me. They aim their microwave cannons at me. I feel the effects of microwave radiation almost continuously: nasal swelling, dripping, sneezing, and eyes watering... Then it stops for a while. Then it starts again... I can tell you this, folks: it's a good thing I like sneezing!
At night, the radiation often changes to 'pulse mode.' My muscles 'vibrate' at a fixed frequency. It often wakes me up from a sound sleep. Sometimes they change from pulsed mode to continuous mode. The result is general muscle tension accompanied by deep, faint pain. Another 'mode' involves coutinuous radiation which affects the body surfaces: sudden sharp pain like bee-stings; itching; skin-crawling sensations. I presume that they use various frequencies to produce various sensations. It is all quite uncomfortable (faint thump), and quite interesting at the same time.
Who would do that?!
Would you?
Not me.  

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