Friday, December 18, 2009


Do it While You Can

Oh... my... god! I just saw O'bama announce some sort of agreement in Copenhagen! I love it! Maybe it isn't 'binding' but it is a significant consentual contract. We are becoming one world, one tribe, one dominant species. Our responsibility increases in a linear fashion, therefore.

Congratulations, Mr. President! You rock! Now you need to proceed in the direction you already know to be the correct direction. Lead! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Forget a second term! Throw it away! It ain't gonna happen except... unless... maybe... you do the right thing. What you need to do is follow your convictions and let the chips of the next election fall where they may. Fuck a second term! What is important is your first term. Do it while you can.

(But just between you and me, folks, I couldn't care less about Global Warming because at my advanced age of almost 75 years I won't be around much longer and I don't plan to 'come back.' Therefore Global Warming is your problem, not my problem. While all you young dumbasses out there are busy fighting the effects of Global Warming I will be totally enjoying my non-existence! Suck on that.)
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