Friday, December 11, 2009


The Chinese Curse

Been doing some experiments (tap) recently regarding possible defenses against weaponized microwave ovens. The reason is that my eyesight is changing focus rapidly. I presume this is due to microwave heating which tends to 'solidify' the lens making focus more difficult. (The lens has no blood supply, hence no ability to cool itself.) Night time body heating due to microwave absorbtion is very obvious nowadays.
Tests with the ZC-185 at max sensitivity indicate that aluminum foil can reflect microwave radiation; so I'm investigating the concept using various 'experiments.' Sheet steel (a cookie sheet) definitely reflects such radiation, judging from a recent such experiment.
I live an interesting life. 'Bored is better' according to the Chinese Curse. I wouldn't know. I may never know. My Acid experiences suggest that the Chinese are wrong.
(Mozart 18 continued.) And this is Mozart 18 2nd movement? And this is the Mozart 18 3rd movement?
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