Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Drumsticks and thighs, well done and still working sorta.

Working on beer #3 at 2259. Sip. Never 'name' your airplane N30MB.
The Jewish terrorists downstairs continue their attacks from below using microwave cannons, and my legs continue to deteriorate rapidly. Interesting to watch, but often painful. I'm probably incapable of visiting my HMO PCP, but there isn't much she could do anyway. Sip. I could call the cops like last time but us Americans have the right to privacy, and without a court order the cops can do nothing. Sip. The best thing about this bizarre situation is that Kootch's 'leg massages' are gloriously sensual.
Sipping on DPCM now at 2331. Sip. Yum. Who woulda thought that somebody could destroy your legs with microwave cannons?! Not me.
Both legs are now pretty much alike: fat; hard; rough; redish; bumpy; weak. Blood flows through those legs grudgingly; reluctantly.
End of DPCM. Back with beer #4. Sip.
Kootch woke up recently and has begun her daily routine. Sip.
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