Friday, February 29, 2008


As Usual...

In other personal news this week, I may have been kicked off the Comcast (Chili) game site. All attempts to 'sign in' have, since wednesday, been rebuffed with the message (?). I have therefore begun a new game of C-III. I am amazed by this game. I must have played it at least a hundred times, but I have never encountered the same 'world.' Each new world is a new world to be conquered. This game is truly the gift which keeps on giving.

(What a hoot! I just walked into the kitchen for another beer and saw Tim Russert asking Barrack Obama (on MSNBC) about being endorsed by the Black Muslim Farrakhan who called the Jewish religion 'a gutter religion.' Obviously it was a rerun of the recent Democratic Debate. I thought, 'Sheeeit, I call Jewish religion 'a toilet religion! Farrakan is being kind!' This is the sort of thing which reminds me of my proudest accomplishment: the rejection of my childhood religion. Farrakan - idiot that he is - has not been able to accomplish that task. He still clings to an old and odius monotheism.)

I watched parts of the recent debate, especially the part where both candidates expressed their ardent support of Israel. I thought, 'Hmm. The Jewish Establishment has both those two 'in pocket.' Then I thought about McCain and his recent endorsement by the Jewish senator from Israel, Lieberman. It seemed to me that, from the Jewish point of view, here was an election made in heaven. As usual.
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