Friday, February 15, 2008
Brothers in the Lie
What a difference a week makes! I called ACSD Investigations again just now and spoke to a secretary (Dianna) who gave me the following information:
1. The current status of case CT081041 is 'information only' and is not scheduled for investigation. This conflicts with what I had been told previously by 'investigations.'
2. The case was 'reviewed by a 'Sgt Line.' A 'Lt. Courtney' was also mentioned as being involved in this process. He may be in 'Patrol,' whereas Sgt Line is in 'Investigations.' Dianna was not able to provide me with further information.
3. Good Cop visited me again yesterday evening per his promise of last week. He seemed genuinely interested in my situation; however, people in the Criminal Justice System are all very deceptive. It seems to be a character trait inculcated in them by the nature of their work: The Truth is dangerous. It can and will be used against you. Speak not the truth.
Do you enjoy the esoteric sport of talking to habitual liars? Do you thirst for candidates against whom to test your intuitions? Then I recommend the folks in the 'criminal justice system.' Those folks are guaranteed to provide you with as many lies as you can endure if only you will talk to them. They are truly 'Professional Liars' and they are good at what they do. Furthermore they love it. They love the power of it. Cops love the guns they carry and the power it confers on them, not to mention the 'hero aura' which surrounds them. Judges love the sheer power they have to 'play god.' Lawyers (Liars) love the power (and riches) which come from playing within an esoteric system known only to them and not to their clients (victims). And the thread which unites them all is that they lie. They lie constantly. The lie well. They are good at what they do, and when they interact with each other they are comfortable, knowing that they are all playing an aspect of the same game.They are brothers in the lie.
By the way, Dianna is new. Becky was the name of my previous phone contacts.
What a difference a week makes! I called ACSD Investigations again just now and spoke to a secretary (Dianna) who gave me the following information:
1. The current status of case CT081041 is 'information only' and is not scheduled for investigation. This conflicts with what I had been told previously by 'investigations.'
2. The case was 'reviewed by a 'Sgt Line.' A 'Lt. Courtney' was also mentioned as being involved in this process. He may be in 'Patrol,' whereas Sgt Line is in 'Investigations.' Dianna was not able to provide me with further information.
3. Good Cop visited me again yesterday evening per his promise of last week. He seemed genuinely interested in my situation; however, people in the Criminal Justice System are all very deceptive. It seems to be a character trait inculcated in them by the nature of their work: The Truth is dangerous. It can and will be used against you. Speak not the truth.
Do you enjoy the esoteric sport of talking to habitual liars? Do you thirst for candidates against whom to test your intuitions? Then I recommend the folks in the 'criminal justice system.' Those folks are guaranteed to provide you with as many lies as you can endure if only you will talk to them. They are truly 'Professional Liars' and they are good at what they do. Furthermore they love it. They love the power of it. Cops love the guns they carry and the power it confers on them, not to mention the 'hero aura' which surrounds them. Judges love the sheer power they have to 'play god.' Lawyers (Liars) love the power (and riches) which come from playing within an esoteric system known only to them and not to their clients (victims). And the thread which unites them all is that they lie. They lie constantly. The lie well. They are good at what they do, and when they interact with each other they are comfortable, knowing that they are all playing an aspect of the same game.They are brothers in the lie.
By the way, Dianna is new. Becky was the name of my previous phone contacts.