Friday, May 06, 2011
Elegant! Operation Neptune Spear defines the subject succinctly, and bespeaks the sophistication of the originator: 'Neptune' was the Roman god of water and sea. I approve. Whomever thought that one up deserves hiR pay grade at least: The very mention of a (nowadays extinct) god like Neptune tends to 'add class' to an essentially sordid operation and would tend to (unconsciously) mollify some religious opponents.
(I haven't read the previous link yet, and I'm sure it will be frequently updated as more information comes in.) (Wheee! Beginning beer #6 at 1634. I should do this more often!)
Time for a 'Rink Dump:'
Al Queda reacts.
Miami Hospital fucks up.
Beth Israel fucks up even worse.
UNIQLOCK. Been watching this sexy link more often lately.
Time for The News.
Elegant! Operation Neptune Spear defines the subject succinctly, and bespeaks the sophistication of the originator: 'Neptune' was the Roman god of water and sea. I approve. Whomever thought that one up deserves hiR pay grade at least: The very mention of a (nowadays extinct) god like Neptune tends to 'add class' to an essentially sordid operation and would tend to (unconsciously) mollify some religious opponents.
(I haven't read the previous link yet, and I'm sure it will be frequently updated as more information comes in.) (Wheee! Beginning beer #6 at 1634. I should do this more often!)
Time for a 'Rink Dump:'
Al Queda reacts.
Miami Hospital fucks up.
Beth Israel fucks up even worse.
UNIQLOCK. Been watching this sexy link more often lately.
Time for The News.