Friday, June 07, 2013


I Love You Joycelyn Elders!

Just after I published that last post I lost my cable connection. Obviously, Judeo-faggot forces took my 'offer' as an opportunity to 'get in on the action.' Those same 'forces' often 'belittle the font' as I write this blog. Hmm.
Where were we? Ahh! Joycelyn Elders!
After rereading my blog last week I thought about President Clinton's black female Surgeon General who advocated teaching children how to masturbate. (Horrors!) I could not think of her name. I was in bed at the time. I was pretty sure that if I waited for my CNS to 'recreate the lost neuronal connections' - a process that sometimes takes overnight - I would remember her name the next day. Sure enough: Joycelyn Elders. Naughty lady!
Her very advanced views on Drug Legalization and Human Sexuality proved to be too much for The Jews (The Juice) who really run America, and she was fired by President Clinton, who was apparently unaware of the real Jewish political power in America. And I think that even Joycelyn Elders was unaware of how her very logical views offended Jewish Financial Interests, not to mention Jewish Tribal interests. And she was a pediatritian to boot! Horrors!
America, we have a problem: Jews.

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