Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Walter Gerash: Microwave Man.

They did have NL by the case, but I was curious about the taste of BL, so I bought that 12 pac instead. Now you know.
Speaking of 'super-heros' it seems to me that Walter Gerash wants to be thought of (at least by Walter Gerash) as such a 'super-hero.' It seems to me that he enjoys being mentioned in my blog in a very negative fashion. That is only my impression, of course, but I am fairly certain that such is the case. Apparently, Walter Gerash has 'a following' out there somewhere, and that particular group admires his persecution of little ole me.
Now therefore, as 'thank you' to Walter Gerash for initiating me into the very lucky ranks of LSD Veterans, I hereby 're-name' Walter Gerash, Microwave Man! True, Gerash probably had no idea of what a favor he was presenting when he made LSD available to me. That is certainly true. Indeed, it was probably the most spectacular blunder in the history of Stalking! (Being zapped with L Lung Gas.)
Microwave Man needs to be a determined individual. That determination needs to border on obsession. Literally. It is almost like 'playing chess' using other people (tap) as chess pieces. It takes much time and patience and money - all the money you need to literally 'buy' the people you need. Walter Gerash is obsessed with me. He literally cannot stop thinking about me. So he spends his money on me:
He (or his employees) watch me 24/7. They also listen to me 24/7. They also harrass me during most (faint boom) of that time with microwave cannons. (Microwaves are really excellent ways to harrass your close neighbors (boom) in the same building.)
As a Jewish Superhero, Gerash feels fulfilled. No longer is he only a liar (lawyer), he is a Jew who persecutes uncircumcised Goyim in a most elegant and secretive manner. Not even Colorado's most famous Police Force (the ACSD) would dare to lay a hand on him!

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