Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Deadly Radiation vs Jewish Fun.
Coincidentally, the evening news had an interesting piece this evening about some people who created a method of directing radiation at other people using a truck as the mobile component. They could zap you on the street! In this case, the 'radiation' was Ionizing Radiation, a much deadlier form of radiation. Microwave radiation is not Ionizing. It is not 'deadly' except in extremely intense doses which could heat the target very quickly. Microwave radiation produces instant effects which are felt by the muscles and nerves. Ionizing radiation, on the other hand, is not 'felt' by the victims, but is far more deadly, as it inflicts permanent damage on the chemical structure of the body, far below the 'sensory level.' You can't 'feel' ionizing radiation the way you can feel electromagnetic radiation.
So the Jews love it! (Apparently.)
Whereas Ionizing Radiation can kill you within days, weeks, or months, Electromagnetic Radiation won't kill you! Fun! You can literally zap your 'Nazi' Neighbors for years before they eventually figure out what is going on!
Talk about 'Jewish Revenge...'
And the really attractive aspect of it all is that there aren't any laws against it! About the closest a really sharp law enforcement agency can come to prosecuting such a case is, 'assault!' And how could they prove it?! The fact is, they won't even touch it.
Coincidentally, the evening news had an interesting piece this evening about some people who created a method of directing radiation at other people using a truck as the mobile component. They could zap you on the street! In this case, the 'radiation' was Ionizing Radiation, a much deadlier form of radiation. Microwave radiation is not Ionizing. It is not 'deadly' except in extremely intense doses which could heat the target very quickly. Microwave radiation produces instant effects which are felt by the muscles and nerves. Ionizing radiation, on the other hand, is not 'felt' by the victims, but is far more deadly, as it inflicts permanent damage on the chemical structure of the body, far below the 'sensory level.' You can't 'feel' ionizing radiation the way you can feel electromagnetic radiation.
So the Jews love it! (Apparently.)
Whereas Ionizing Radiation can kill you within days, weeks, or months, Electromagnetic Radiation won't kill you! Fun! You can literally zap your 'Nazi' Neighbors for years before they eventually figure out what is going on!
Talk about 'Jewish Revenge...'
And the really attractive aspect of it all is that there aren't any laws against it! About the closest a really sharp law enforcement agency can come to prosecuting such a case is, 'assault!' And how could they prove it?! The fact is, they won't even touch it.