Friday, November 23, 2012
My Lazy-Senior Lifestyle.
Hmm. Did Dostoyevsky do Magic Mushrooms?
Back from the fridge with beer #9 at 2102, buzzing moderately. Now what? Tonight's last 'quote' is from Carlos Casteneda's Journey to Ixtland. The chapter from which the quote is taken is titled, 'Erasing Personal History.'
'You must renew your personal history by telling your parents, your relatives, and your friends, everything you do. On the other hand, if you have no personal history, no explanations are needed; nobody is angry of disillusioned by your acts. And above all, nobody pins you down with their thoughts.'
'I looked at him and my eyes must have betrayed my confusion. He slapped his thighs and laughed with great delight.
'It is best to erase all personal history,' he said, slowly, as if giving me time to write it down in my clumsly way, 'because that would make us free from the encumbering thoughts of other people.'
Sip. Needless to say, I have not followed that advice in any rigorous manner. I continued to write my DROG. I even 'upgraded' to a BLOG. I write my blog once a week simply because it seems to me that as a very senior member of our species it is my personal duty to report valuable species-relevant information. Sip.
Plus, it's fun to get drunk on Friday night!
Hmm. Did Dostoyevsky do Magic Mushrooms?
Back from the fridge with beer #9 at 2102, buzzing moderately. Now what? Tonight's last 'quote' is from Carlos Casteneda's Journey to Ixtland. The chapter from which the quote is taken is titled, 'Erasing Personal History.'
'You must renew your personal history by telling your parents, your relatives, and your friends, everything you do. On the other hand, if you have no personal history, no explanations are needed; nobody is angry of disillusioned by your acts. And above all, nobody pins you down with their thoughts.'
'I looked at him and my eyes must have betrayed my confusion. He slapped his thighs and laughed with great delight.
'It is best to erase all personal history,' he said, slowly, as if giving me time to write it down in my clumsly way, 'because that would make us free from the encumbering thoughts of other people.'
Sip. Needless to say, I have not followed that advice in any rigorous manner. I continued to write my DROG. I even 'upgraded' to a BLOG. I write my blog once a week simply because it seems to me that as a very senior member of our species it is my personal duty to report valuable species-relevant information. Sip.
Plus, it's fun to get drunk on Friday night!