Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Endless Circle.

2220 and I am sipping on beer #11. Dare I do another book? Yes! I dare! Lessee... I just now delved into my book collection in the closet and selected Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing, one of my favorites. Certainly I can find a quotable quote for tonight's last blog post... lessee...
'The world is there because of you - you create it, you are a creator. Every single being creates a world around himself; it depends on his mind. The mind may be illusory, but it is creative - it creates dreams. And it is up to you to create a Hell or a Heaven.
If you leave this world you will not be able to leave it! Wherever you go you will create the same world again, because the world is constantly coming out of you just as leaves are constantly coming out of a tree. Sip.'
'The mind creates the world and then the world creates the mind (by way of The Brain).'
Existence an endless circle of cause and effect. You can never escape from it, you can only try to be creative with it.

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