Friday, November 02, 2012


Dangerous Situation?

Kootch has 'hit the sack.' Back with beer #6 at 1738, buzzing outrageously. Sip. Burp. Now what? The rest is gravy! Let's enjoy it!
Hurricane Sandy was apparently well-named! But will that event impinge in a significant way regarding the upcoming presidential election? I think so. I think that is very clear that Mother Nature does not like Mitt Romney. Not at all. Clearly, this unfortunate event allowed The Prez to seize the moment at a very tense time in American Politics. Romney was left with only dumbass commercials on TV, and a lame attempt to mimic the 700 Club's 'Operation Blessing.' Did I get that right? Yes I did. ('Mild' Face Rad is causing mucus flow (tap) from both nostrils as I write this... flows merged just at the 'nasal canal' this time, much like last week. Will this become a weekly (tap) scenerio?
No. If it happens again next week (boom) (if there is a next week) I will (tap) ignore it. And, interestingly, we seem to have a 'boomer' who stays well away from me and my .357 and 'my' microwave radiation, versus the local 'tapper' above me who - dumbass that he is - risks a possibly dangerous situation.

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