Friday, July 22, 2011


'Acid is Wasted on the Young.'

Time to wrap this up. But I want to suggest a definition of the expression, 'Be Here Now.'
My take is that we often exist in either 'The Past' or 'The Future.' That is to say that we tend to miss 'the present' during those times. Our 'present' becomes hijacked. We remember. We speculate. We fail to experience 'the moment:' 'Now.'
Acid forced me to 'live in the moment' because that was the only time available to my impaired cortex. My acidified brain couldn't handle 'the past' or 'the future;' Only The Moment. And 'the moment' was so spectacular! So beautiful! I was 'literally a god!' All those around me were also gods! Kootch was a goddess! Our girls were also 'tripping' with me and as a result we did not interact much. I layed on the LR couch and listened to Beethoven while they played together with Mark in the family room, closely supervised by Kootch.
My impression is that their 'trips' produced no real 'insight' in the sense they produced in me. The kids enjoyed the acid experience, but learned nothing fundamental from it.
I, on the other hand, was aware of the neurological processes involved in perception, not to mention the historical philosophical ideas involved. I was able to formulate personal 'theories' as a result. And I eventually concluded that 'Acid is Wasted on the Young.' 
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