Saturday, July 09, 2011


The Chosen People vs The Master Race

Ok. Enough 'philosophy.' I need to wrap this up. I need music and pussy. Lessee... Blue Danube! You will love this unless you are Jewish. Now for some pussy. Hmm. Standby... Oh! I just remembered something I was thinking about yesterday: The Chosen People. Jews are... 'The Chosen People!' Everybody knows that! But what does it really mean?
What it 'really means' is this: Ancient Jews invented the Jewish god (whom I call WHTZSNM) thousands of years ago. The god returned that compliment by naming that Jewish tribe, 'His Chosen People.' Tit for tat! Muthafuck!
Many Jews 'took it seriously.' Others did not. Those Jews who took the legend seriously actually thought that they were a special (tap) people favored by 'The Creator of the world.' They acted that way. They were soon rebuffed by other tribes and eventually displaced from 'the promised land.' The Jewish tribe was forced to disperse. Barf.
Hundreds and hundreds of years passed, but that egocentric tribal notion of 'special' was not forgotten by the other tribes. 'Chosen People? Sheeeeit!'
Eventually a slightly modifided term surfaced in the nations: The Master Race. Whoa! The Chosen People versus The Master Race?! Alright! Game on!
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