Friday, July 15, 2011


The Postman 'Rings Twice.'

His 'sin' of course, was that The Jews had left him sexually unmolested. 'He needs to pay for that.'
Whew! That took six fucking beers! Enough! (boom) I will continue with this depressing subject in the weeks to come, but don't hold your breath. Time for tonight's notes:
The Postman Always Rings Twice.
Leiby Kletsky versus CBS NEWS.
Tonight's Music.
Tonight's Pussy.
1847 and Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone. And concerning 'the postman' I have long suspected that (tap) Gerash et. al. (to be henceforth known as 'The Jewish Stalkers' (TJS for short) had 'access' to our mail and kept a close eye on all mail addressed to us, even 'commandeering' occasional such mail. I was able to 'virtually confirm' this conjecture recently. The occasion presented itself last month: My credit card bill had not arrived on time. I worried. Were TJS attempting to 'steal my ID?' I waited at least a week, then called my credit card company. I said, 'My monthly bill is very late.' I'm worried.' (thump) 'Did you mail it?' (Or something like that (tap)). The 'operator' replied that 'when there is no credit balance we do not mail a statement.'
'Oh.' said I. Oops! Apparently I rarely go through a month without charging something to my credit card!
(I just returned from the fridge with a frozen (tap) NL. Kootch had done the shopping today and had returned with a 12-pack which was 'not up to spec' temp-wise. I've been putting 'the next beer' in the freezer. Apparently I waited too long. And apparently (tap) TJS took advantage of my absense to change the font size.)
And so, when the credit card bill failed to arrive on time recently I became concerned. Were 'they' trying to attack me emotionally? (There is a very long history of this.) I suspected so. I waited a decent period of time. Still no bill. I then decided to confront The Postman. 
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