Friday, July 15, 2011


All Things Are Allowed.

'The Experiment' eventually became 'The Stalking.' I don't know when that happened but I suspect 'the metamorphasis' happened soon after we left the USAF and took up residence in Denver, Colorado. That is only a suspicion. I don't really know. But what is very clear to me is that 'The Theory of my Life' accounts for every memorable 'bizarre' event in my life so far. And our lives in Denver changed, of course. We became civilians! (tap) More importantly, Walter Gerash entered our lives. (tap) Surrepticiously, of course.
We didn't have a clue. The truth of the matter (tap) is that my (now, our) relationship with 'the Jews' was not a 'study' after all. Neither was it 'an experiment.' (tap) It was, all along, 'A Stalking.' A 'Tribal Stalking.' Let me be very clear about this: I claim that 'the Jewish Tribe' began to stalk me and my family back in the post-war years when Jews were history's 'ultimate victims.' The Jews 'reasoned' that 'all things were allowed' in view of that 'Holocaust.' They felt no guilt at all as they began to stalk an innocent child who was only 12 years old.
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