Friday, July 29, 2011
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Halfway through beer #1 at 1512 as I finished rereading last week. Experiencing TCR as I write this. Very unusual. They usually do TCR only when I am in bed or sitting on the couch in the LR.
Better do the link dump. Looney Toonies first:
Foreskin Man no.3 (NSFJ) Foreskin Man meets Vulva Woman!
Smegma Man gets Circumcised. (VSFJ) The Circumcate answer to Foreskin Man. Lame...
Anti-Semitic Cat Photo. Looks like Hitler. Named 'Kitler.'
S.F. Judge removes circumcision ban from ballot. Cities can't ban the 'procedure.' Only states.
Murdoch is a Knight?! Catholics pissed. He ain't even Catholic!
Fox News Confused, Baffled by the Moon. Nothing new for those Fox News 'students.'
Now for some more serious stuff:
Don't Ask the Poorest to Pay off our Debt. I agree. Tax the rich. They can afford it.
Famine in Somalia: How to Help. (NSFRF) Photo #5 is unforgetable. These people are the ultimate losers in the Zero Sum Game.
Behaving Badly? Blame Your Brain. Apparently, many people don't know this...
And finally we turn to 'money matters.' The 'best government money can buy' is currently working on the deficit problem. The TEA Party seems to have temporarily destroyed the Republican Party's ability to negotiate a reasonable solution to the 'debt crisis.' Power corrupts! I don't worry my pretty little brain about such matters, of course. I simply watch TV and giggle. Today I was thinking about this source of ultimate wealth which is currently out of reach to us Earthlings. (I must confess that I've posted this link before.) Astronomers have named this object, 'Lucy' after the Beatles' song, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (apparently a reference to LSD which The Beatles enjoyed from time to time). You can probably find the song somewhere in the link above, but I also like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Halfway through beer #1 at 1512 as I finished rereading last week. Experiencing TCR as I write this. Very unusual. They usually do TCR only when I am in bed or sitting on the couch in the LR.
Better do the link dump. Looney Toonies first:
Foreskin Man no.3 (NSFJ) Foreskin Man meets Vulva Woman!
Smegma Man gets Circumcised. (VSFJ) The Circumcate answer to Foreskin Man. Lame...
Anti-Semitic Cat Photo. Looks like Hitler. Named 'Kitler.'
S.F. Judge removes circumcision ban from ballot. Cities can't ban the 'procedure.' Only states.
Murdoch is a Knight?! Catholics pissed. He ain't even Catholic!
Fox News Confused, Baffled by the Moon. Nothing new for those Fox News 'students.'
Now for some more serious stuff:
Don't Ask the Poorest to Pay off our Debt. I agree. Tax the rich. They can afford it.
Famine in Somalia: How to Help. (NSFRF) Photo #5 is unforgetable. These people are the ultimate losers in the Zero Sum Game.
Behaving Badly? Blame Your Brain. Apparently, many people don't know this...
And finally we turn to 'money matters.' The 'best government money can buy' is currently working on the deficit problem. The TEA Party seems to have temporarily destroyed the Republican Party's ability to negotiate a reasonable solution to the 'debt crisis.' Power corrupts! I don't worry my pretty little brain about such matters, of course. I simply watch TV and giggle. Today I was thinking about this source of ultimate wealth which is currently out of reach to us Earthlings. (I must confess that I've posted this link before.) Astronomers have named this object, 'Lucy' after the Beatles' song, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (apparently a reference to LSD which The Beatles enjoyed from time to time). You can probably find the song somewhere in the link above, but I also like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.