Friday, July 15, 2011
We Don't Need it...
The murder of 8 year old Lieby Kletzsky was all over the news recently. CNN, NBC, ABC... but not CBS. Strange! CBS is one of the very best evening news broadcasts and I TiVo it every weekday. But CBS seems to have ignored it yesterday. I'm sure they 'got it' today but I can't verify that because I have not watched my TiVo news for today. What happened? I can only speculate, of course (tap). So standby while I watch tonight's CBS NEWS... Whoa! No mention at all on CBS NEWS of Leiby Kletsky, an 8-year old Jewish male child who was kidnapped and murdered by another insane Jew. Such 'Jewish behavior' is embarrassing to Jews who think that Jews are 'victims' never 'perpetrators' and can do no evil! I am shocked, shocked(!) that CBS - which I secretly call, 'the Jewish channel' did not report that story two days in a row! Did they not want to offend their viewers?!
That is not 'journalism,' folks. That is 'tribalism.' We don't need it.
The murder of 8 year old Lieby Kletzsky was all over the news recently. CNN, NBC, ABC... but not CBS. Strange! CBS is one of the very best evening news broadcasts and I TiVo it every weekday. But CBS seems to have ignored it yesterday. I'm sure they 'got it' today but I can't verify that because I have not watched my TiVo news for today. What happened? I can only speculate, of course (tap). So standby while I watch tonight's CBS NEWS... Whoa! No mention at all on CBS NEWS of Leiby Kletsky, an 8-year old Jewish male child who was kidnapped and murdered by another insane Jew. Such 'Jewish behavior' is embarrassing to Jews who think that Jews are 'victims' never 'perpetrators' and can do no evil! I am shocked, shocked(!) that CBS - which I secretly call, 'the Jewish channel' did not report that story two days in a row! Did they not want to offend their viewers?!
That is not 'journalism,' folks. That is 'tribalism.' We don't need it.