Saturday, July 16, 2011


I'm Not Lisa. My name is Julie. Lisa Left You Years Ago...

Last beer gone. Barf. I am still relatively sober. No whiskey. It 'disappeared' last week. Now what!?
I just returned to the BR after watching the NBC Evening News in the LR. Excellent stuff. Only 'Music" and 'Pussy' remain to be 'examined' tonight. The 'Music' (thump) is easy, but also 'inexplicable:' So I'll begin with 'The Music:'
'I'm Not Lisa.'
I first heard this glorious song back in the mid '70s. I was driving alone through our northern neighbor state, Wyoming. I was working for Honeywell Information Systems at the time. I was either on my way to Billings, Montana or on my way back to denver. I don't remember which...
I was listening to my car radio. And then I heard the initial notes of a glorious song! It began with the piano. I had never heard more beautiful piano music! Never! The notes from the piano literally dripped with beauty. I could not believe my ears! The song was apparently being sung by a woman who was making it her mission to rescue her new man from the jaws of depression. My eyes literally dripped tears as I listened to that song. Even today I cannot hear that verson of the song without crying softly, wetting my face with those tears.
I hope you like it: I'm Not Lisa...
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