Friday, July 22, 2011


Tonight's Rink Dump.

First sip at 1350. Since I've already done the 're-read' I'll get right to the technical stuff, tonight's link dump.
First things, first, as they say. Last week's 'economics lesson' was not exactly 'macro-economics 101,' of course. More like 001. I did indeed take a college course in Macro-economics and found it very interesting. The following two links concerning our current national economics problem are from CNN:
No Way to Run a Country, by David Gergen.
Who Owns America? Hint: It's not China.
Both links are relatively short and very interesting.
How did Mozart Die? Now We Know the Score.
(Back from the 'fridge with beer #2. Buzzing appropriately. 'Face Rad' is causing nasal mucus flows.)
Moving in a general way from 'high' to 'low' I found this APOD time-lapse video quite worthwhile. Its a series of wide-angle shots of the recent lunar eclipse. At first, the full moon dominates. But as the earth blocks out more and more sunlight the moon fades, allowing the sky to darken to the point where we can see our galaxy 'rotate' as the earth rotates. Well worth watching.
Russell's Teapot. Bertrand Russell in a humerous mood, I presume. Naughty!
Jewish Foes of Circumcision Sit Out Attempts to Ban it. Not all Jews are emotionally crippled by Phantom Foreskin Syndrome!
Short CNN Video of Bill Maher being interviewed by Piers Morgan.
Rupert Murdoch: Bible Mogul (?) Whowouldathought! I think 'Geez' is to be pronounced, 'Jeez.' Many links in this one...
The Defense of Circumcision (with box-cutters) Act. The list of 'devotees' is interesting...
Foreskin Man #2. Note: NSFJ.
And finally, JUDAEOPEDIA. Eric Cantor.
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