Friday, July 08, 2011


Phantom Foreskin Pain? The Cure Has Been Found!

Buzzing nicely on beer #1 at 1635. I'm a bit late due to a two hour nap which I really needed following a restless, radiation-intense night. You folks who might be interested in zapping your neighbors with similar equipment should investigate the following links:
Microwave cannon pics. This series of photos was apparently taken by the young man depicted therein. It seems to be a common microwave oven which has been 'taken out of the box,' then fitted with a wave guide which 'opens up' (to match impedence with air?) and directs an intense beam of microwave energy in a single direction. Fry your neighbor's eyeballs with this sexy little weapon, folks! That'll teach his dumb ass! The '88 flag' in the photos suggests that the darling young man is a Nazi (tap). ('88' = 'HH' = 'Hiel Hitler') But this could be a case of 'mis (tap) direction' by a 'savy Jew.' You never know... The beauty of this weapon is that, used properly, it will take the 'mark' many years to figure out what is really going on, and by then it will be too late to save (tap) his corneas. And even then he will be unable to get local 'law enforcement' (heh) to do anything about it because of the fourth amendment! Soooo sweet! Are you a Jew who has been suffering from 'phantom foreskin pain' your entire life? Is your upstairs (or downstairs) neighbor an uncircumcised Irishman? Zap the bastard! This is guaranteed to totally eliminate all traces of PFP. Really.
Multiple Microwave Cannons is basically a discussion between M.C. afficionados concerning microwave theory. Interestngly, both links are circa 2004, but I suspect that Gerash has been using microwave weapons against me since at least the mid-'90s.
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