Friday, September 30, 2011


The Ultimate Question.

Whew. Working on beer #10 I think. Sip. Metaphysics?! Fuck. What is 'Metaphysics?! Fuck!
I knew it would eventually come down to this. Fuck. So now I have to explain 'metaphysics?' Really? Sheeit.
Ok. Are you all ready for this? Metafuckingphysics? Really? Ok. I will explain, but you must follow me precisely. Exactly.
Let's begin with Twelve Particles, Four Forces: 'Metaphysics' is a 'bridge' which explains 'orgasm' in terms of 'fundamental physics.' It's a very long chain of definitions and explanations, eventually culminating in a complete understanding of 'Orgasm' from the theoretical scientific point of view. (Back from the fridge with beer #11. Sip!) What Metaphysics 'does' is to 'simplify an infinitely complex chain of information' such that the eventual result 'makes sense' to a complex brain which is itself based on that same information. Magic! Metaphysics is magic! Aristotle loved it. So did Aquinas. But as Scientific processes evolved in the age of Newton, 'Metaphysics' itself became suspect. Science dropped the idea, leaving Religion stuck with it. Nowadays we don't bother to follow the details because we know full well that there will be no end to our investigations: Brain can never understand fundamental processes; never, ever, because it is based on those very same procesesses. Who created The Creator?

Yin, Yang, Nothing... Enjoy!

That is why it is very important for parents to teach their intellectually defenseless children the modern scientific views concerning life and death. Children must be taught that they are living their one and only life, and that they will eventually die. All else follows from that. That knowlege will serve them well as they decide for themselves what is and is not ultimately important. They will then formulate for themselves an appropriate 'metaphysic.' They will experience their lives based on that 'metaphysic' and they will modify that metaphysic accordingly, understanding all the while that death is just part of life. Life and death are one process. Enjoy!
Above all, Enjoy.

The Brain Creates The Mind.

I'm almost out of ideas already at 1908. Back from the fridge with beer #8 at 1914. Hmm. Now what? Shall we pick on Dr. Oz? Yes! Lets! I love Dr. Oz, of course (I TiVo his show), but although the good doctor apparently knows a lot about the human heart, he seems to know very little about the human brain. He seems to be unaware of the fact that 'mind' is what 'brain' does. He seems not to know that 'mind' dies with 'brain.' Doctor Dumbass!
I thought about this as I watched his recent show about 'Near Death Experiences.'
What is 'Near Death Experience?' Dr. Oz believes that 'NDE' proves the existence of 'Soul.' Uh-uh. NDE only suggests that sometimes the dying brain is still functioning on basic levels, including the memory levels, and that when that 'brain death process' is suddenly reversed, the brain begins to recover normal consciousness, including memory. The brain remembers 'memories' in lieu of sensory input. The brain then 'does its normal thing' of 'making sense' of those disparate 'inputs.' That's what the brain does. The brain formulates, as usual, a 'reality' based on all available information. Result: NDE in some people who 'recovered brain nourishment' at the appropriate point in the 'dying process.' 'Soul' has nothing to do with it. There is no such thing as 'soul.'
Indeed, various NDE experiences may have been the origin of the ancient ideas of 'soul.'


I Like it!

back from the fridge with beer #6 (Oops, I missed the ABC Evening News. Oh, well...) Sip. I'm thinking too much again, with the result that my buzz is deterioring rapidly. Sip! Sip! I seem to be locked into some sort of You-Tube/Andre Rieu video series. I like it! Don't Cry For Me Argentina. Oh yes! That was a 'must!' (Wink, wink.)
Now what? Hmm. Sip. Sip. If I only had some whiskey available I could fix the problem with one double shot. (Note to self: buy more whiskey.) Sip, sip. (Being gassed here, nose running, 3 double coughs, 6 total.)
Kootch hit the sack about an hour ago. We interacted as usual the entire afternoon, and I was - as usual - struck by her obvious pleasure (tap) that for me, tonight was 'booze night.' Japanese women can be so utterly sweet when they want to be. (Buzzing nicely now after finishing beer #7. Back from the fridge with beer #7 at 1830. Sip. Apparently Kootch loves me even more than usual on 'Booze Night.' I'll take it!)

Testing God.

Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1650. Sip. Now what? Well, it seems to me that this might be a good time to consult god regarding these matters of ultimate beginnings and endings. Hmm. How shall I go about it? Lessee what bubbles up... I pulled out The Brown Telephone, dialed 666 and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello? (sip) (Music please, maestro)
me: Busy? (sip)
gd: I'll give you two minutes.
me: Oops. Something's come up. I'll pipe you some music. Please standby... (I pipe the above music video into the BT and retrieve beer #5 from the fridge. Sip.)
gd: ...
me: Sorry about the delay. Really busy at the moment. Sip.
gd. You're drunk again.
me: Buzzing nicely. Sip.
gd: Drunk.
me: I have a quick test. Ready?
gd: Test?
me: I'm investigating the various possible beginnings of The Universe.
gd. Universe?
me: Question #1: The Earth is: a) round, b) flat.
gd: Flat of course. Is this some kind of a joke?
me: Test over, thank you. How did you like the video?
gd: Disgusting. (hangs up)

Flowers of Science and Technology.

Kootch and I just watched M while she ate supper and I downed most of beer #1. Only 14 beers left... back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1537. Sip. Buzzing sluggishly on one beer and 3/4 avocado. Time to reread last week and do a correction... Ok, done. Gotta be careful with that 'H word.' I'm not at all into 'hate' nowadays. Never liked feeling that emotion. When you live in a world full of idiots who are little more than biological machines, 'hate' becomes obsolete. Have you ever noticed that many 'hate-filled' people are also very 'religious?'
Link dump time again:
APOD - Flying over Planet Earth. I'll bet Jesus never did anything like this...
APOD - Violent Sunspot. Looks to be about the size of Earth. Slurp!
'Accelerating Universe' could be just an illusion. Alright! I've always been a fan of 'The Oscillating Universe,' also called, 'The Cyclic Model.' I like a Universe which beats like a giant heart! (Buzzing nicely on beer #3 at 1625.)

Flowers of Ancient Religion.

TGIF again! Working on Diet Pepsi #4 at 1334. Sip. Might as well get a little work done before begin the 'beer phase:'
If Tom Friedman can say it, you can too. And so can I:
How the Jewish Lobby Works. Whowoulda thought?!
What you need to know about Listeria... I found it interesting. I'm wondering: what causes more deaths per year in America? Listeria or Circumcision? Would the CDC know the answer?
Speaking of which, Injuries linked to circumcision clamps. Ouch! American Media ignores this kind of embarrassing 'penis stuff.' Even The Doctors and Doctor Oz won't touch it.
Oh, and while we're on the subject, Jew Watch.
Finally, God is Imaginary. Proof #33.  QED. Happy Rosh Hashhana.
I decided to 'segregate' this week's link tump into two categories, Religion and Science. Next is Science.

Friday, September 23, 2011



First sip of beer #9 at 2136. Sip. Problem is, I'm way behind the 'inebriation curve' at this late hour. Sip. I should probably finish this beer (heavy face rad is causing nasal dripping) and wrap it up for tonight. Hmm... (Whoa! channels 7 and 9 have some very interesting stuff going on now! Ever heard of, 'Khanacademy?' Alright! I saw this on TV news recently and thought it might be a good idea to 'look it up.' I will investigate and report back to you next week.

Geeky Question, Savy Answer.

What a depressing subject. Enough! for tonight. We need music: Mozart piano Concerto 12, first movement.
Beautiful stuff. Speaking of which we need some Pussy.
And continuing with the theme of 'beauty' I suggest this APOD Aurora photo.
Mother Nature in full splendor! Imagine being able to see this on an Acid Trip!
And in the 'God is Imaginary' category, read this if you dare: Ask Why Religion Causes So Many Problems. Proof 24.
Back from the fridge with beer #8. Sip. I seem to have been doing too much thinking and too little drinking tonight. Sip. Sip. Gotta catch up.
In the 'Circ' category, Local Jury to Decide Circumcision Case. If only I had known that 'Juries' are much better than 'Judges' when I had my first encounter with the 'criminal Justice System!' But I learned from my mistakes, and thereafter insisted on a 'trial by Jury.' No 'charges' have since been 'followed up' against me. 'Case dismissed.' And the prosecutor knew that I was going to defend myself! I supposed it helped that local media was 'on to my plight' at the time. The Jews knew better than to insist on prosecution.
Which leaves us with 'Tonight's Good Question. Hmm. What would be a 'good question?' Gotta think about it... Aha! The 'stalkers' obviously want me to ask a 'technical' question: How do you think we do it? Good question! (boom)
And I have my 'theories,' but I won't answer that question for obvious reasons. My guess is that - given my descriptions of the problem, geeky readers have also formed their opinions.

Fuck You, Bill!

It was all 'theater.' I had been 'prepared' for all that 'theater' by my 'friend' Bill Fleming, a Gerash agent. Just a day or two prior to the encounter with the 'police officer' we had played a little game where Bill pretended to be an 'artillery spotter' using binocculars who was 'directing' (tap) 'artillery fire' from my BB gun at little rocks near the edge of our back yard. It seemed to be an innocent game at the time, but it was actually 'theater.' Months later, as Bill was driving us to Wyoming to buy some fireworks I mentioned the incident to Bill. He was apparently unprepared for my story and said, 'I'll buy you a new BB gun.' (The 'officer,' who was working part-time as a 'guard' for the construction company had confiscated my BB gun.) What a bizarre response! Bill immediately became 'suspect' and my brain began to formulate a theory. The theory worked. Bill's letter to me from Goodland addressing me as, 'Mein Fuehrer' (another unforgetable incident) fit somewhere in that theory. Jews?! (Bill never bought me that BB gun, by the way.) And Bill later divorced his wife and married another girl and moved to Denver. But it was already 'over' between Bill and me. Many years later he would call me from some city in the East. I told him never to call me again. Interestingly, for several years Bill was a 'tour guide' for tourists who took vacations in Germany. I was never tempted. And there were many other 'incidents' implicating Bill in some ongoing 'plot' against me, too numerous to mention here. 


Working on beer #5 at 1809. Kootch has hit the sack. Now what? Aha! The Theory of my Life, continued from Friday, September 2, 2011: A Difficult Subject.
When did Gerash 'discover' me? Certainly he was stalking me for years before I even became aware of his existence. We arrived in Denver in June 1966, but I only became aware of Gerash in late 1975, and it was an unforgetable (tap) introduction: At the Denver Chess Club one night a player pointed him out to me saying, 'That guy over there is Denver's most famous lawyer.' I looked over at Gerash. He was an older guy playing a game with another nondescript player. 'Sofuckingwhat?' I thought. 'Why tell me?' And the 'informant' was not somebody I would confide in. I hardly knew him. Very strange. Unforgetable, in fact. I decided to investigate. When I saw Gerash sitting at the table alone I walked over and offered to play some 5-minute chess. Gerash accepted the challenge. I defeated him in three quick games. Then, bored, I sought out some better competition: 'He might be a famous lawyer but he is a piss-poor chess player.'
I mentioned those victories over 'Denver's most famous lawyer' to Kootch the next day. Little did I know that our conversations were being overheard (probably recorded) by Gerash 'agents.' (Stomp above me as I unconsciously whistle Beethoven's Ode to Joy.)
I hated lawyers. Why? I had been 'framed' by an ACSD cop, accused of shooting out windows in new apartment buildings being built close to us soon after we moved into our new home. I had hired a lawyer to defend me. At trial time my lawyer informed me that the prosecution had offered 'us' a 'deferred prosecution.' He did not explain what a 'deferred prosecution' was. I assumed it was what it claimed to be. I saw no reason to 'prolong the agony' and insisted on an immediate 'trial to the judge.' Little did I know at the time that my lawyer was a Jew. Furthermore, the judge was a Jew, and the prosecutor was a Jew. I was 'Foreskin Man' surrounded by Jews suffering from penis envy!
My 'lawyer' made absolutely no attempt to defend me. No 'evidence' (besides the cop's testimony) was presented. It was my word against his. The 'judge' convicted me and imposed a large fine which Kootch and I could ill afford on top of the 'lawyer' fee. It was my first encounter with the Arapahoe County 'Criminal Justice System' and it was a disaster.
Did Gerash think that I would 'suck up' to him based on my 'criminal history?' If so He was wrong. I hated cops, lawyers, and judges (tap). 

Tonight's Link Dump.

Whew. That was too 'brain-intensive' for booze night. Beginning beer #4 at 1715. Sip. Link dump time:
Faster than Light? Apparently so, but let's check it again...
The Late, Great, Republican Party. This illustrates the 'generational' aspect refered to in the previous post: 'Rewiring the human brain' is a lifelong task. I have accomplished that task, but it has taken many years. The 'logical brain' is relatively easy to change; the 'emotional brain' is the problem.
CNN Belief Blog is a 'must read' for folks interested in this subject.
Dolphins Talk Like Humans on Helium. Interesting! This means that Dolphins are Earth's 'back-up species' if we Humans ever 'self-extinguish' or succumb to a rogue comet or asteroid. (But oops, they breathe air too!)

The Culture Wars on a Global Scale: Knowlege = Change.

Beginning beer #2 at 1602. Time to re-read last week... Ok. I made a few minor corrections. Nothing important. First an update: Kootch and I added furnace filters to those two exhaust fans this week. That should keep both the fans and the screen reasonably clean. The filters further restrict the airflow, thus making the 'exhaust system' even safer in winter.
Been playing lots of C-III this week, as usual, but in my most ludid moments (enough sleep) I occasionally think about what to write about in my next blog posts. This week it was about the extremely fast (and accelerating) - (Blitzer is interviewing 'Yahoo' on CNN as I return from the fridge at 1631 with beer #3. There was a stomp above me probably related to the font change.) - pace of modern knowlege. At my advanced age of 76 I have acquired a certain 'perspective' on the subject and also on the subject of 'modern culture.' It's fun to think about at my age. It occured to me that whereas culture changes in 'generational segments,' and slowly at that, scientific and technological changes have now reached a pace which far outstrips previous generational changes. 'The Arab Spring' has demonstrated that modern communication technologies produce fast culture changes: if ancient cultures are given modern communicational techniques, they can change really fast. The saying, 'knowlege is power' has morphed into, 'knowlege is change.'
Shouldn't we be fighting a 'knowlege war' against those ancient cultures? The current 'knowlege war' against infant sexual mutilation in America is certainly working quite well.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I Love Zen! Now!

Yas! (I stole this 'corruption' of 'yes' from the book, 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'. But I don't recall reading anything at all about 'Zen' in that book.)
Sip. But it was a long time ago. I love Zen. You will too. Zen is such fun!
I think you will find, after proper investigation, that Zen is far superior to Monotheism. Prove me wrong if you can. Try it!
Hint: Monotheism seeks to 'awaken you' by threatening you with eternal punishment after you die. Zen seeks to awaken you by another method: Now!
Oh, threats of Hell and hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain: This life flies!
One thing is certain, and the rest is lies:
The flower that once has blown forever dies.

The Others.

Now I know. My blog is indeed being read by 'others.' How many 'others?' I don't (tap) know. I only know that those readers represent 'a body of witnesses.' That's all I need. (And I love you all! Thank you! - I'm wiping away tears...)
(But I am delusional, of course. Let's leave it at that. Please.)
Hmm. Working on beer #11. Gravy time. How shall I 'wrap this up?' Aha!
God is Imaginary. This is a most important human realization. Science works, but god sucks. I recommend the video, 'Proving that The Bible is Repulsive.'

600 Coughs Per Hour. Max.

Yes. I did get that right. Slurp! Yum!
I should mention hereabouts that my reason for installing the fans in the first place was totally defensive: I was being 'gassed' every night. (tap) I even counted my coughs, as I began a very long 'documentation' of what was then going on. I remember counting my nightly coughs, which eventually reached a peak nightly 'cough rate' of about 600 coughs per hour. The gas attacks continued (after the fan installation) but I was able to store breathing air under the covers during those attacks. That was when they decided to convert (tap) to the microwave attack. The gas attacks declined from a peak of '100 percent' to a peak of 10 percent. The fans worked!!! That was when they 'converted' from gas to microwave radiation. I first noticed that new attack as, itching-pricking feelings in my back as I lay in bed on my back. I would later come to discern quite a lot about being zapped by microwave radiation. And I am still learning!
I counterattacked with my fingertips. I knew that my attacker was a Jewish queer. I attacked his religion and his sexuality. I had no idea my writings were being read by others. I made fun of his stupid religion. (Such fun when I'm buzzing!)
And I could go on and on, but the rest is gravy. I'm halfway through beer #10. Sip. Cheers. Slurp.

The Downside of Efficiency.

So, after cleaning the fans, and the screen, and replacing everything in the previous positions, today I turned on the furnace and repeated the 'flame test with my bedroom fans turned off and the intake window stopped down to the max, and Kootch's door closed.' The 'flame test' looked totally normal. Job done. But wait!
Repeatedly today, as I walked through the hallway between my bedroom and the living room I would smell a suspicious gas-like odor as I passed the furnace. I checked Kootch's room - no odor - and note that my 'smellability' has been significantly destroyed by microwave radiation...
I conclude that our cleanup efforts have resulted in a much more efficient air evacuation system, and that the result (tap) is that what I am smelling is air which has been 'sucked down' from the apartment above, which must be connected to our furnace exhaust by a common exit 'chimney.'
Did I get that right?   

Healthiness Trumps Cleanliness.

But given the circumstances, my primary concern back in those days was not so much 'cleanliness,' as 'healthiness.' My first experience with the 'exit fans' produced (tap) an ominous smell: gas. I quickly determined that the exit fans (which were probably running at full speed) produced a low pressure in our apartment such that some of the furnace exhaust entered our apartment instead of flowing normally up the exhaust pipe. (tap) I was correct. I confirmed that by actually watching how the flame changed when the exit fans were turned on.
I can tell you this, folks: it was a narrow escape.
I 'modified the system' by keeping the exit fans always on low, and also by opening Kootch's bedroom window so that air would always enter her room. I also purchased a CO2 detector and installed it in her bedroom. She eventually 'kicked it out' and it ended up in the hallway, where it eventually died and was not (tap) replaced. This is all documented in my blogs.


Sip. Damn this is fun! Where was I? Letter. Aha.
The actual situation was this: I have two 'floor fans' installed in the my bedroom window. The fans, stacked one above the other, are protected by filters (furnace filters) which prevent noxious particulate from entering my bedroom. There is a similar 'stack' at the other end of our apartment which blows air out, but there is no filter protecting those fans. The end result is that those fans (which are always set to the lowest speed) eventually become dirty with accumulated particulate. The window screens also become clogged, causing the airflow to slow down considerably. But even so, the net air flow was always out that window as indicated by the fact that airflow was always into our apartment (tap) as indicated by frequent testing of airflow under the door using the 'wet finger method.' True, the screens on that 'exit window' eventually became disgustingly dirty - that much is true - but I am one lazy muthafucka! I kept 'putting off' cleaning those fans. 'The Bitch' eventually noticed. Congratufucklinglations!

A Stupid Letter.

Brrrrr! September 16 and the weather is a bit on the chilly side at night. Great sleeping weather! I love it! Indeed, I have recently taken to my 'winter covers' in order to stay warm at night. I have even occasionally 'stopped down' the bedroom intake fans by 50 percent, and occasionally shut off (loud tap above) those intake fans. I have excellent control of my external temperature. But my internal temperature is another matter: microwave radiation from the apartments above and below 'heats me up' quite often at various times during the night. I compensate by turning on the fans and pulling the covers down to my waist. It's all part of 'the game' to me: They attack; I defend. That's the way it is. I am a great defender. (Buzzing beautifully at this point (1641)! Back from the fridge with another 24 oz-er at 1646. Kootch is watching Japanese tv. I entered her room, and softly said, 'Hello.' She didn't hear me. I said, 'You need a hearing aid.' She 'shooed me out.' Kootch is definitely 'in denial' about her deafness (being gassed here - two coughs).
Sip. Nose dripping indicates face rad (nose blow).
What am I 'leading up to?' (Whoa! 'They' can change the font even when I remain in the same 'window! Hmm!)
I am 'leading up to' The Bitch, of course. Yep. Next iteration of, The Bitch. We got a letter from (tap) the 'Management Company several weeks ago to the effect that 'they' had noticed that one of our screens was, er, 'broken.' Would we please fix it. They were apparently (Kootch just interacted with me regarding tomorrow's dinner (tap) and apparently is about to hit the sack. We did the 'Goodnight' thing.) Where was I? Aha, 'complaint.' They were apparently concerned that the 'broken screen' cast a dim light on the pristine reputation of our glorious community. We ignored the stupid letter. 

Phoney Ethics.

TGIF! Kootch and I just finished M while she ate and I drank beer #1. Buzzing slightly as I work on beer # 2 and 3 (they (tap) didn't have any 12-packs of Natural Light in the beer bin, so I just grabbed four 24 oz cans of it instead.) Sip. Yum. Time to reread last week... (Nasal swelling as I read indicates Face Rad. Sniff.) Yep. Just as I remember. Still sipping on the current 24 oz-er at 1512. Rink dump (tap) time:
James Carville with some solid advice for Obama. I agree. Panic!
Bioethicist Challenges Bachmann on Vaccine Claim.
Not much of a dump, huh. Oh well, been playing lots of C-III as usual, and began game 55 in the current series a couple of days ago. But wait... there's more! Yas...
The 'Bioethicist' sounded familiar... Kaplan... sounded 'Jewish' (if you will pardon the expression). Is he really? I looked him up using my usual Google->Wikipedia procedure. His Wiki (thump) page was very 'bland:' Maybe... maybe not... But as I read through his Wiki page I saw at least two references to 'Nazis.' Sucker was definitely (tap) Jewish! I Googled around for his 'ethical perspective' on 'infant sexual mutilation (circum(faint boom)cision). Nothing. Apparently the great 'Ethicist' had no ethical qualms regarding that 3000 year old Abrahamic 'procedure.' (I need another 32 oz-er... back from the fridge at 1600.) So much for fucking 'ethics!'
I should make it clear at this point that many Jews (tap) have grave ethical issues regarding MGM (Male Sexual Mutilation). See, for example, Ed Wallerstein's book which first came to my attention in the early '90s. But none of them pretend to be 'Ethicists.'
But wait! There's more: Circumcision: Cultural-Legal Analysis. I have yet to read the entire essay, but it is obviously something quite well done.

Saturday, September 10, 2011



Ten?! This must be 'a first!' Sipping on beer 12. Four beers left in the fridge. Sip. I'm outa ideas for blog posts... sip. Hmm...
More women turning to sex surrogates. Hmm! I would have absolutely loved to have a job like that!
7 Surprising Reasons for Erectile Disfunction. If only I had known this! I remember having - on many occasions - numbness in my 'nether regions' after riding my bike for more than 30 minutes. I thought it was a temporary problem. Not so. My sexual decline followed exactly my bike-riding career! Bikes are dangerous to your sexuality if you are over a certain age, boys. Read and heed.
6 Benefits of Sex. I totally agree! Here is another reason to reject circumcision. (And bike-riding.)
Time to wrap this up. Good night and good luck.

Friday, September 09, 2011


God is Watching You and Taking Notes...

Working on beer #11 at 2314! Good thing I don't have any 'medical' Marijuana! Sip. What's next... Circ! For you readers who don't know, 'circ' makes reference to 'circumcision,' an American health tragedy. I am not circumcised, and as a result I have been able to whip up 'quickie orgasms' since the age of 10 or 11. I've had many thousands of (masturbatory) orgasms, and many less coital orgasms. I learned about sex in bed at night, alone. The best way! Mother Nature's way! I was literally a 'master' by the time I had my first orgasm with a female! She later told me that she did not believe it was my first time. I suppose that was a compliment. Many internet sites are devoted to eliminating the pernicious procedure of circumcision, but this one is my favorite: The Intactivism Pages.
Lastly, we have, 'Imaginary:' God is Imaginary. 50 simple proofs. Go there if you dare... Sip. But be aware: God is watching you and taking notes...


Hokay... what's next... Pussy! Standby while I explore my 'pussy notes'... OK, here is Tonight's Pussy. Beautiful.
APOD! Yes! Being an ex-amatuer astronomer I love APOD! Hickson 44. This photograph of a group of distant galaxies will naturally give the reader a valuable perspective of hir place in a vast universe. This glorious photograph appears to show two galaxies approaching our own galaxy, and Three galaxies retreating. (But that is only my interpretation based on 'red shift.')
(Drink! For you know not whence you came, nor why:
Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.)
Poetic reference: The Rubayiat of Omar Khayam. I love the 5th Edition!

Possible future blog formats...

Whew! Time for beer #7. Yeah! Sip. Now what?! (Sue me, Bitch!)
My god. Six beers to go?! I'm out of themes for tonight. Ok. Fine. I'll resort to my 'notes,' which is a list of possible formats for future blog posts. The list reads:
Question, first. 'Question' is an imaginary question submitted by an imaginary reader. I don't allow actual (boom) questions by actual readers for obvious reasons. Nor do I allow 'comments,' because I live in a world full of complete fucking idiots. Instead, I read what I have previously written and attempt to come up with an obvious reader question. (Face rad is causing nose dripping from right nostril -->LR.)
Question: Why don't you mention the name of 'The Bitch?'
Answer: I am concerned for her privacy. Do you believe that?

The Setup.

I mentioned (tap) my experience some years ago with 'the bitch' in my other blog, Non Serviam. She (her management company) kept sending us letters to the effect that some (unknown) tenant was complaining of loud pounding sounds from our apartment. It was a lie. We are very quiet tenants, very aware of our surrounding 'neighbors.' We never make loud noises. We never stomp on the floor. We never aim microwave weapons at our neighbors. We never force noxious gasses into the apartments of our neighbors. We respect the privacy of our neighbors. In other words, we don't give a fat fuck about our neighbors. Really. Not at all. We couldn't care less.
(True, I once took to dropping a bowling ball on the floor as a response to our (then) downstairs neighbor who played loud music despite our requests to 'turn down the volume.' That much is true. (And our car was then towed out of its parking spot one night, costing us hundreds of dollars in fees.) And, true, I would sometimes violently kick the door of the apartment upstairs in answer to stomps from above. But I have mellowed over the years, having learned how to tolerate various stalker noises from above and below. I now 'understand the game.')
('Face Rad' as I ended that, causing nasal swelling, mucus.) -->LR.)
I agreed to meet with the woman in our apartment to discuss the 'complaints.' It was a 'setup.' A 'county psychologist' happened to show up at about the same time. The 'psychologist' had been recruited by an ACSD cop (Kelso) to whom I had complained previously. I agreed to meet with them both simultaneously. Bad idea!!!
My denial and 'counter-complaints' of being gassed and harrassed by the neighbors above and below went ignored by The Bitch. The 'psychologist' was an obvious fool, or worse. I finally understood what was going on and ejected them both, but not before giving the blog address of Non Serviam to them both.

Sniff Day Comes and Goes

Sniff Day arrived yesterday. I got up early. I dressed appropriately (as I do when I go to the super market). Together we waited for 'Bedbug Busters' to arrive. We waited... and waited... and waited... Nobody showed up (tap). Kootch decided to do some shopping for new shoes. I secured a verbal 'power of attorney,' and she left. She returned an hour or so later with some new shoes. We waited and waited. Bedbugbusters was a 'no-show.' Ho-hum. Suspicions confirmed: it was a scam. What was 'the point of the scam?' I can only guess, of course, but I'm pretty sure that We were supposed to (boom) panic in some or other fashion and therefore somehow 'play into the hands' of Mister Dumpster Diver (another branch of TE). But that is only a guess.
This bizarre scenerio confirms (to me) that the 'management company' is in cahoots with the stalker, Gerash, which is to say, with TE.
(Damn this is fun!)

Waiting for Sniff Day

Poor Kootch! So Japanese! So sensitive to the 'approval of the other!' So 'worried about reputation!' Poor thing. And she's married (fifty four years now) to a slob (tap) like me who never cleans his room, makes his bed, and worse! I read the letter and laughed. 'They can't do that,' I said. I read the 'agreement' with the so-called 'management company.' No way could they do that. We (tap) owned the place. It was our home, our 'castle.' Furthermore, I had a .357 magnum which backed up the fact that 'they couldn't do that.' Kootch was much relieved. We agreed to get rid of some of the 'stuff' cluttering up the living room. I called a 'trash disposal' (tap) company in the phone book. A guy answered with, 'This is Joe.' I asked whether they could pick up some trash. Joe replied, 'Not until Friday' (a day after 'sniff day'). I recalled that our phone (thump) line was 'controlled' by the stalkers and was therefore totally unreliable. I decided to wait until 'sniff day.'
Indeed, I was ecstatic! I had The Bitch by her nipples! (figuratively speaking, of course, 'the bitch' being the head of the so-called 'management company.')

The Smell Test.

Whew. All that obligatory stuff is out of the way, the Evening News is done, and I am about to finish beer #4. Only 12 beers remaining... Back from the fridge with beer #5 at (about) 1835. Kootch hit the sack about an hour ago. The stalkers above are as quiet as mice in heat (faint boom). Buzzing nicely! Sip. I am now at my most dangerous. Yas... The various possibilities are competing for attention in my inebriated brain... Standby... Ok. After a bit of consideration (faint thump) I will address 'The Smell Test.' Some of you uhh, 'insiders,' already know about this. I need some music. Hmm. Karajan. The Blue Danube.
'The Smell Test' was supposed to happen yesterday. A letter to that effect arrived in the mail about two weeks ago. The 'management company' running things for our (boom) 'condo association' informed us in that letter that two of our buildings were in the midst of a 'bedbug infestation.' Our building was one of the two. Horrors!
Obviously concerned for our collective well-being (tap), The Company planned to hire a 'bedbug sniffer dog' to sniff all apartments in the two affected buildings. (Damned white of 'em!) But the problem was that it was not presented as 'an offer to assist.' Not at all. It was presented as a Threat; a threat to forceably enter (invade) any apartment which refused to cooperate in the Great Bedbug Search! Sheeit!
Kootch was horrified (tap). She waited until Sunday to give me the letter. By that time (tap) I had recovered from Saturday's hangover.

Tonight's Link Dump

1720 and the buzz seems to have stabilized, thank god. Whew. Link dump time:
Nation's First Marijuana Street Fair. Sounds like fun!
Pot Smokers Skinner Than Non Tokers. Hmm. I wonder why...
Are Jobs Obsolete? Interesting. Not only China, but technology itself steals jobs.
Humankind's Most Ambitious Science Projects. Awesome.
In The Shadow of Saturn. Awesome APOD photo.
Laws of Physics Defied to Make Coneheads. Strange stuff...
The Expanding Universe... How it all began...
Symphony of Science: The Quantum World. Twelve Particles, Four Forces...

A Demonstration of Power

Kootch and I just did M while she ate supper and I drank beer #1. First sip of beer #2 at 1620. Sip. Time to reread (tap) last week... Yep, just as I remember. Appropriate apologies, of course, to anyone who was offended by 'the N word.'
There were four beers left over from last week, so I must have consumed a total of 13. (The resulting hangover was excellent punishment, of course. Who needs god? And speaking of whom, what a job being god must be! Who would want it?! And it's a permanent fucking job! Forever! No wonder he's always so pissed off. Us humans, on the other hand, will eventually die. There will be an end to it all. We will eventually escape! But god is doomed to live forever. Poor god. I almost feel sorry for the old bastard...
Off to the fridge for beer #3... (Font change while I was in another 'window.' Apparently 'they' can do that sort of thing while I am 'absent.' I corrected the font. 'They' like to change to the very small font, for some reason... and, of course, 'they' like being mentioned in the blog. I suppose 'they' see it as a demonstration of power.)

Friday, September 02, 2011


Our Racial/Tribal Society.

Finally tonight, I am an Obama admirer. I love Obama. Indeed, I consider Obama to be a 'White American' (instead of 'an African American'). I see Obama's white mother and her white family whenever I see Obama on TV. They obviously raised him beautifully. I do not see Obama's 'blackness' at all, even though he is obviously 'half and half' genetically. To me Obama is a 'white man' with all that implies (education, sophistication, enlightened Western knowlege, etc.).
Furthermore I see Obama as a role model for Blacks and Hispanics and others in the presense of a predominently 'American White Race.'
But most people don't think like me. They think in racial terms: Black. Yuck. Those people don't see his 'whiteness' (which is cultural, not colorful).
And there have been problems 'expectationwise:' Obama 'has not performed to expectations. Obama is too gentle, too cerebral, too White.' He knows that.
How would America react if Obama suddenly 'morphed into Donald Trump?'
Disaster! 'The Niggers have finally taken over America!'
So, Obama walks the tightrope, balancing and re-balancing as necessary in an extremely racial/tribal society which is still suffering (tap) from the Judeo-Bush administration.


I Am a Spike! Enjoy Me!

Beginning beer #10 at 2050. I've finished with tonight's 'theme' concerning the personality (faint boom) of the Jewish god WHTZSNM. That leaves us with (tap) 'gravy.' The rest of tonight is gravy! Sip. Don't you just love god? I do. What would I be without a Jewish god? Do you know? No? Static. I would be one of those zillions upon zillions upon zillions upon zillions. 


Omniolfactionality and other attributes of God.

me: The general subject is, Your Attributtes.
gd: And I have many.
me: Omnipresence?
gd: Yes. I am everywhere.
me: Omniscience?
gd: Yes. I know everything.
me: Omniolfactionality?
gd: Yes. Of course. I smell everything. Can we please get to the point? I am very busy.
me: Would You be willing to answer one last question? Then I will let You go. Promise.
gd: One last question. Make it quick or I will hang up.
me: Here is the scenerio: You are in Omnipresence Mode.
gd: Always...
me: You are just at the surface of a small body of water, looking up. Familiar?
gd: Very familiar. Happens all the time. Many, many millions of times per day, in fact. Can you hurry this up?
me: Suddenly the view from above turns brown as a turd splashes into Your eye. What mode follows from that?
gd: (Hangs up)


A Difficult Subject.

You can't make this up, folks (boom). There is also, in adition to the JDL, the JDO (Jewish Defense Organization). Who knew? Fruitcakes and Nutcakes (tap)are everywhere. Has Walter Gerash been absorbing JDL funds? All these years? We'll never know, of course. (tap)
Which (if the theory is correct) brings us to why Gerash was 'selected' to 'oversee' my life in Denver. My guess would be 'compatibility' (Huge thunder just as I wrore that! I need to call the Jewish god WHTZSNM!) based on anal/olfactory considerations. (Loud thunder! Raining. I need another beer. Back from the fridge with beer #8 at 1925. Nose running. Sip.)
I dialed 666 on The Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Missed again, Idiot.
gd: Butt it was close. Correct?
me: Yep. Butt 'close' equals inadequate.
gd: Do you have anything worth discussing or shall I hang up?
me: Oh yes! Yes! Don't hang up! Please!
gd: Well, then...?
me: The subject is... difficult...
gd: To ME nothing is difficult.
me: To me the subject is difficult...
gd: Your problem. Get on with it or I will hang up. Very busy now.


Enter the JDL?

But in retrospect it was indeed noticable. (tap) Beginning beer #5 at 1734. Buzz has stabilized, darn it. Sip.
My first job in (tap) Littleton was with Honeywell IPG (Industrial Products Group). I was an 'instrument technician.' I calibrated, trouble-shot, and repaired industrial instruments made by Honeywell. Kootch went to work at K-MART just across the street. She did quite well, rising to various positions of increasing importance, eventually becoming Office Manager at that store. I was not so fortunate because Honeywell assigned me to Shell Chemical Co. which made pesticides and other noxious chemicals which were used in Vietnam to kill vegetation. I developed a rash on my forearms. I confronted management and threatened to quit. They pulled us all off the job at Shell, ending the relationship. I became a regular maintenance person servicing a large area extending from northern OK and TX to all of Montana.
Meanwhile, Bill, who worked as a baggage handler for Frontier Airlines, was re-assigned from Salina to Goodland. I am convinced that The Experiment 'authorized and engineered this move (font change by TE) so that Kootch and I would visit 'our friends' from time to time in Goodland. They could then inspect our apartment at leisure over several days. TE also reassigned my brother to the Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, presumably for the same purpose. But C.S. was too close. (And by the way, TE had moved my brother to Salina before I arrived there. The reason for that is unknown. He would later be assigned to The Pentagon. My conjecture is that TE wanted to determine the extent of JPE (Jewish Penis Envy) being experienced by my brother. How would it affect our relationship? As you can see, the facts fit the theory nicely. And if my conjectures are indeed correct, TE was a relatively high priority Jewish Tribal Activity perhaps near the level of The Jewish Defense League. Was (is) TE actually a branch of the JDL? Did the JDL actually stoop to attacking an innocent 12 year old for life?!

The Experiment.

Buzzing nicely as I begin beer #3. Sip.
When did Gerash first become involved in 'the experiment'? (faint boom) I can only speculate, of course, but my guess is that he 'knew about me' (thump) as soon as we exited the USAF and moved to Littleton, Colorado in early August 1966. We had 'entered his domain.' He became involved immediately, even managing to maneuver us to our first (loud thump above) apartment at 165 W Belleview St. #306 (I think) overlooking the pool. (But maybe not.) In any case he immediately secured the key to our apartment. Indeed, 'securing the key' to wherever we were living was probably (tap) begun while we still lived in Salina, Kansas. 'They' would make periodic 'visits' to our apartment in order to gather information which might be useful to the experiment.
Another key requirement of the experiment was a 'good friend' (informant) who could advise the experiment of (tap) any appropriate developments.
William (Bill) Flemming was certainly one of those informants. He moved in next door with wife and kids soon after we moved to 805 Hancock St. He 'became my friend.' I showed him 'the heavens' in my 2.4 inch Unitron refractor. We drank beer together occasionally, but I had other friends (tap) also. Kootch had friends too, mostly Japanese girls who were wives of airmen stationed with us at Salina.
The Experiment was barely noticable in Salina.  

A Unique Situation.

First sip at 1500. Sip. Time to reread last week... Yep. Just as I remember. How did it come to this? (tap)
For the answer, we need to revisit 'The Theory of My Life,' the most recent entry of which is july 22 (Be Here Now). I speculated in my DROG that the 'suspect' was Walter Gerash, a well-known Denver lawyer. I figured that (tap) he would read that information and 'back off.' Quite the contrary: the stalking intensified dramatically. Gerash apparently 'couldn't take a hint.' I now think that Gerash had no choice; the DROG was already too widely read in the Jewish Community, and included Jews in the local media. Gerash was 'hooked' and everybody knew it butt me. The 'Jewish Community' must have been, um, horrified of course, but I was, after all, the hated 'foreskin man' in that bizarre Jewish 'experiment' in which one 11 year old brother was circumcised and the 12 year old (me) was not. Too many people knew too much. It became a Tribal Dilemma, 'unexplainable to the masses.' (thump above me) The 'study' continued amid intensified interest. Meanwhile Gerash (the fish on the hook) was determined to prove to one and all that he was one really big bad fish. My family and I suffered as a result. And, of course, the experiment continues to this day. Butt it has 'evolved' into something which is not easily described, an apparently unique socio-cultural phenomenon. (tap)  

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