Friday, September 16, 2011
Phoney Ethics.
TGIF! Kootch and I just finished M while she ate and I drank beer #1. Buzzing slightly as I work on beer # 2 and 3 (they (tap) didn't have any 12-packs of Natural Light in the beer bin, so I just grabbed four 24 oz cans of it instead.) Sip. Yum. Time to reread last week... (Nasal swelling as I read indicates Face Rad. Sniff.) Yep. Just as I remember. Still sipping on the current 24 oz-er at 1512. Rink dump (tap) time:
James Carville with some solid advice for Obama. I agree. Panic!
Bioethicist Challenges Bachmann on Vaccine Claim.
Not much of a dump, huh. Oh well, been playing lots of C-III as usual, and began game 55 in the current series a couple of days ago. But wait... there's more! Yas...
The 'Bioethicist' sounded familiar... Kaplan... sounded 'Jewish' (if you will pardon the expression). Is he really? I looked him up using my usual Google->Wikipedia procedure. His Wiki (thump) page was very 'bland:' Maybe... maybe not... But as I read through his Wiki page I saw at least two references to 'Nazis.' Sucker was definitely (tap) Jewish! I Googled around for his 'ethical perspective' on 'infant sexual mutilation (circum(faint boom)cision). Nothing. Apparently the great 'Ethicist' had no ethical qualms regarding that 3000 year old Abrahamic 'procedure.' (I need another 32 oz-er... back from the fridge at 1600.) So much for fucking 'ethics!'
I should make it clear at this point that many Jews (tap) have grave ethical issues regarding MGM (Male Sexual Mutilation). See, for example, Ed Wallerstein's book which first came to my attention in the early '90s. But none of them pretend to be 'Ethicists.'
But wait! There's more: Circumcision: Cultural-Legal Analysis. I have yet to read the entire essay, but it is obviously something quite well done.
TGIF! Kootch and I just finished M while she ate and I drank beer #1. Buzzing slightly as I work on beer # 2 and 3 (they (tap) didn't have any 12-packs of Natural Light in the beer bin, so I just grabbed four 24 oz cans of it instead.) Sip. Yum. Time to reread last week... (Nasal swelling as I read indicates Face Rad. Sniff.) Yep. Just as I remember. Still sipping on the current 24 oz-er at 1512. Rink dump (tap) time:
James Carville with some solid advice for Obama. I agree. Panic!
Bioethicist Challenges Bachmann on Vaccine Claim.
Not much of a dump, huh. Oh well, been playing lots of C-III as usual, and began game 55 in the current series a couple of days ago. But wait... there's more! Yas...
The 'Bioethicist' sounded familiar... Kaplan... sounded 'Jewish' (if you will pardon the expression). Is he really? I looked him up using my usual Google->Wikipedia procedure. His Wiki (thump) page was very 'bland:' Maybe... maybe not... But as I read through his Wiki page I saw at least two references to 'Nazis.' Sucker was definitely (tap) Jewish! I Googled around for his 'ethical perspective' on 'infant sexual mutilation (circum(faint boom)cision). Nothing. Apparently the great 'Ethicist' had no ethical qualms regarding that 3000 year old Abrahamic 'procedure.' (I need another 32 oz-er... back from the fridge at 1600.) So much for fucking 'ethics!'
I should make it clear at this point that many Jews (tap) have grave ethical issues regarding MGM (Male Sexual Mutilation). See, for example, Ed Wallerstein's book which first came to my attention in the early '90s. But none of them pretend to be 'Ethicists.'
But wait! There's more: Circumcision: Cultural-Legal Analysis. I have yet to read the entire essay, but it is obviously something quite well done.